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In numerous comments It was written that Mohamed took a 6 year old girl as one of his Wives.They also wrote it is written in the Koran.Is this TRUE?

2006-12-28 12:45:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Yep. No one denies it.

The Quran allows any man, to this day, to take a wife so young she does not have a mensus.

Going against the Quran is forbidden, so no Islamic nation would pass laws forbidding marriage arranged by choice between men of any and and girls of any age. Fathers, however, must provide consent. That is a Quran requirement. Mothers have no say, but fathers (the male Guardian) do.

It's in the book, go read it.

Married at 6 consumated at 9.

By one written accounting I read she came in from off her swing in the yard to be taken to the marriage bed with Muhammad.

I don't know where all these other ages are coming from. Read the source books.

The hadith collections of Bukhari (d. 870) and Muslim b. al-Hajjaj (d. 875) are in general regarded as the most authentic by Sunni Muslims. Both quote Aisha herself claiming she was six or seven at the time of her marriage and nine when the marriage was consummated.

But, in ANY event he was over 40 and she was a girl and he married her and he's a holy man and if your Muslim you must PRAISE him by law.

YOu make your own mind up as to how you feel about it all.

2006-12-28 12:58:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I never heard she was six, I believe she was nine or ten. Yes, by modern standards, that is wrong, but in the time and place the Prophet Mohammed was living, it was comonplace. Jews and Christians of the time also married young girls (Saint Augustine almost married a twelve-year-old girl, but he became a Catholic priest and thus was disqualified!) And of course, pagans did the same... Virtually NOBODY living at that time saw it as immoral or wrong, so the Prophet's behavior certainly didn't seem inapropriate to anyone at the time. (Yes, of course, sex with kids IS WRONG, make no mistake - I'm just saying, if you're gonna rag on Mohammed for it, why not everyone else back then? Most of our ancestors would be labled 'pedophiles' by modern standards - that's just how thing were done back then!)

2006-12-28 20:55:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Muhammad (pbuh) married Aisha (pbuh) when she was 9 years old, not 6. This was not written in the Quran, but in a Hadith, which are documents written by people who knew the Prophet (pbuh).
There is much debate about whether the hadith is true or not, but many agree that the hadith is authentic.
However, Aisha (pbuh) had reached puberty at the time and that was considered womenhood at that time not only by muslims but by christians also. When you think of a 9 year old girl you imagine a little girl but a 9 yr old girl at puberty does not look like a normal 9 year old she would be more like a 13 year old.
Think of it through the perspective of someone living in that time period and tell me what is so shocking about it? please i would like to know

2006-12-28 20:55:29 · answer #3 · answered by E.T.01 5 · 2 0

Nowhere in the Quran is this written. It's in hadiths, and those hadtihs are disputed because they are hearsay. They go with one thing while ignoring another. The Quran says to leave innocent women and children alone when fighting, while the hadiths says to kill them for being part of the enemy. As muslims, we are to follow the Quran and ONLY if the hadith corelates may it be allowed. Aisha did not have her period, and islamically, she was not allowed to be married. Women were not allowed in marriage until periods began, because that signaled the start of the procreation process. There is also more information. She had a sister named Asma 10 years older than her. It is stated that Asma was either 26 or 28 when Aisha was married. Given this information and knowing that Aisha was 10 years younger, you can conclude if you know how to count that Aisha was a minimum of 16.

2006-12-28 20:53:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

He did have a wife that was a child. I am not sure about the specific age. He was not the first or the last of his contemporaries to do so, Christians included. This is not in keeping with our modern values, but was not at all abnormal for his time and place. This marriage took place near the end of his life, and is considered to have been largely political in nature.

You may also be interested to know that the Prophet as a young man married and older woman, and seems to have been closest to this, his first wife, as he took no other wives while she lived.

2006-12-28 20:52:56 · answer #5 · answered by Lao Pu 4 · 4 0

No, it's NOT written in the Quran. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upo him) married her at age 9 (not 6!), but as someone has already said, she lived with her father till she reached 14 or 15 or something. Besides, her parents OFFERED him their daughter, and she was ok with it; it's not like she was forced into the marriage or Muhammad (pbuh) demanded to marry her.
Also, are you aware that marrying young girls at that time was EXTREEEEEMELY common (still common in today's 3rd world Muslim and non-Muslim countries, but whatever)? And, plus, don't think that today's girls at age "9" (or even 6) have the same maturity levels as girls in the 6th and 7th centuries. All girls are different, and the ages of yesterday's girls shouldn't be compared to the ages of today's girls.

I'm not sure your purpose for asking that question, and I don't know what religion you practice, but try not to ask such questions here on yahoo! answers! People will just answer negatively and some uneducated, unwise Muslims may even insult you! Never ask a religious question on here, I've learned. This is simply one of the worst places to ask such questions! You get mainly negative answers, comments, or just pure insults! Just get your (religious) questions answered by reliable sources of that specific religion (don't go to a non-Muslim source if you wanna know about Islam, for instance).
Nevertheless, if you intended to make Muhammad (peace be upon him) appear as a negative image, then how about this:

"The age consent in the US and Europe only 100 years ago for girls' marriage was as little as 10, and some popular men figures married little girls who were as young as their daughters." Proof?
Here: http://www.answering-christianity.com/age3.htm

Besides, have you heard of an 8-year-old (and 11-year-old) girl getting pregnant while unmarried? I have. It was all over the news last year in Georgia, USA.

This website will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about why/how he married a 9-yr-old.

Peace to all! :D

2006-12-28 21:10:06 · answer #6 · answered by ♡♥ sHaNu ♥♡ 4 · 0 0

he married her when she was nine years old her name is Aisha it is not written in the quran but it was in the sera of the prophet mo hammed don't be shocked she looked mush older the ladies in past time got married when they are 8 my grandma married when she was 12 no big deal the past wasn't like know a days it was totally different . people who hate Islam and the prophet always exaggerated the things that are really small

2006-12-28 20:55:05 · answer #7 · answered by what ever ? 2 · 3 0

Yes. This was not unusual in this day and time. Families married daughters off at early ages, to fulfill a contract of friendship between tribes and families. He did not actually ''take her'' as his wife till she was of child-bearing age. Tho, they never had any children.

Do not try to relate the customs of that time with customs of today.

2006-12-28 20:50:09 · answer #8 · answered by Shossi 6 · 4 0

No it`s not written in the Quran

as for his marriage she was 9 when he married her 6 when she was engaged



2006-12-28 22:04:22 · answer #9 · answered by ahmed_mo2nis 4 · 1 0

It is not in the Quran. I am Muslim, and I suggest you look this up with a valid source, not Yahoo Answers. My opinion.

2006-12-28 20:49:41 · answer #10 · answered by bltmr_rvns2006 2 · 4 0

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