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Ok i got diagnosed with bpd about 3 years ago. i've been hospitialized 3 times for attempt suicide, and cutting.My doctor diagnosed me with bipolar, then changed her mind to bpd because of other symtoms i explained.Everyday i get panic attacks for an unknown reason. I get into fights with peers and family daily. i use to hear things until i got put onto geodon. i have mood swings everyday, even when on meds for it. i have trouble sleeping and eating. i binge alot. i get physically sick sometimes when i'm depressed.. certain smells and sounds and tastes make me feel weird. i have constant relationship problems with everyone. i have bad empty feelings like something is missing. my family doesn't understand me at all. i have scars all over my arm/legs b/c of cutting. i constantly ask my friends if they still like me and my boyfriends if theys till like me b/c i'm afraid taht they will stop loving me.please help i'm 16 and and not many online support groups allow people under the age of18

2006-12-28 12:36:06 · 7 answers · asked by tuxedokitty 2 in Health Mental Health

7 answers

Wow, you have lots of symptoms. Some experts think BPD may be a subtype of or related to bipolar and other mood disorders. You say the meds don't really help. How many have you tried? What helps one may not help another. Lots of people have to experiment and try different meds or combination of meds before they find what works best for them. Psychotherapy can also be helpful. Also some of the symptoms could be side effects of the meds. Just be completely open and honest with your parents and your doctor. Ask them to help you find some kind of support group. Talking to people with similar problems can be very comforting and cathartic. Most importantly, don't give up hope. There are effective treatments for your problems.

2006-12-28 12:51:00 · answer #1 · answered by DawnDavenport 7 · 0 0

st johns herb tea is good against depressions - you will have to drink it over a long period of time. Ask the doc for the side effects it will make you more light sensitive - you can get sunburns.

halluzinations are caused by a lot of substances.
did you eat parts of a datura plant or something else?

eat a sandwitch always if you are going to became agressive or depressive this will help. if a sandwitch doesn t help eat some ice cream or something else you will have to try.

if you cant sleep do some sports and ask your doc for a tea.

this might be an allergic reaction.

under no circumstances try suicide again.

try to ride your bicecycle if the symptoms start.

maybe a perfume or something else.

try to find the reason maybe it s only a chemical substance.

maybe a pepper spray, maybe some tiny rockwool particles.

maybe as easy as a pat.

an injury? did you have an accident?

a glas of liquor might be useful to find sleep.

maybe a parson will understand your problems.

ask your doc for something like an fruit acid treatment or something else against your scars. (peelings) simply tell him you want your scars removed.

try sleeping in a different house for a week or so

is it only inside your house or also outside?

maybe an infection of the brain or just a virus.

good luck

2006-12-28 13:18:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey Kitty,
What is your question? Do you need help finding a site or just want someone to talk this over with you.
I know nothing about what you are going thru. But I can listen if you need me to. Good luck with everything.

2006-12-28 12:43:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the best possible help for BPD is dialectical behavioral therapy... it helped me stop cutting...

there is hope for people with BPD..... with the right therapy and meds combo you can be much more stable and happy.....

do some reseach on dialectical behavioral therapy by Marsha Linehan..... call her up and see if there are any DBT therapists near you...

it really saved me.....

2006-12-28 12:49:11 · answer #4 · answered by myheartisjames 5 · 0 0

As you already know, you need some help. Please see your doctor again and get the correct medication to make you get better. God Bless You.

2006-12-28 12:39:11 · answer #5 · answered by Tenn Gal 6 · 0 0

Learn God's way of living a fantastic and hopeful life. God loves you and you are precious to Him. Do not kill yourself. Human life is sacred. God will judge all murderers.

2006-12-28 12:50:43 · answer #6 · answered by tmthyh 4 · 0 1

Satsang: Swami Sukhabodhananda

Commitment is the language of the wise; complaint is that of fools. Commitment is a responsibility and it includes accountability.

Our weaknesses result in disappointment. To overcome disappointment, boost your strengths. The greatest strength comes from the energy of commitment that brings excellence in all walks of life. Few people traverse the road of success without a puncture or two, but it is commitment to excellence that takes them through.

To be committed is not being ‘stuck’; it is an integration of one’s being. If you are committed to honour your word, the base self in you will discourage you. If your energies are low, you will succumb. If you follow the higher self, the lower self will serve you, slowly getting integrated with the higher. In such a state there will be integrity. Without integrity life is shallow.

You are both actor and thinker. Every time you lie, the thinker warns you that you are lying and the actor asks you to shut up and continue telling lies. It is like riding a chariot with two horses going in two different directions. With commitment, however, you are a person of integrity, and excellence is attainable.

Can we test before we trust? >>

Like an eagle, can we test before we trust?

Eagles lay eggs on a cliff or high peak in nest of grass and thorns. When the eggs hatch, the weight of the eaglets exerts pressure and the thorns start pricking the newborns. Then the female pushes the eaglets out of the nest. As the eaglets nearly fall, the male picks them and places them back in the nest.

Meanwhile, the female removes the upper layer of grass, so that the eaglets rest directly on the thorns that prick them. The eaglets are yet to test their wings. Now the male pushes the eaglets out of the nest. This process continues till such time that the eaglets are able to foresee the danger in falling and start using their wings. Slowly they realise their ability to use their wings and start flying.

Observe the commitment of an eagle reflected in the way it executes family responsibilities and the way it conducts itself while parenting. Bring similar commitment to all walks of life; be it in the family, at work, in society or in your spiritual life. Excellence happens when there is love that helps you to grow and contribute.

Commitment also involves dropping illusions. We do not see the world as it is; we see it projected through our verbose minds. Our minds are filled with thoughts and words. Words represent experiences. Words are also influenced by memory. From the past, we see the present. Hence we create illusions created by words, but we must filter them wisely.

The mind creates dreams. The aware self in you sees reality. Awareness without the ‘I’ is the higher self. The mind with its illusions is the lower self. Have the commitment to operate from the higher self.

Through commitment, balance all walks of your life... family, work, social and spiritual. Creativity is to balance all walks of life. Creativity is just not creating something new always. Creativity brings excellence in one’s life. It is a state of well-being. Well-being creates completion. When one is complete, one is alive and vibrant in all walks of life.

Swami Sukhabodhananda
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One youngster comes to me very depressed and asks this question "Why is God creating so many difficulties for us? How to handle stress?" I tell this youngster to reflect on this beautiful story:

A man goes to a shop, picks up a beautiful cup and says "my god this cup is so beautiful" and suddenly the cup starts talking to the man. The cup starts saying "O man, I am beautiful right now, but what was the state of my being before the pot-maker made me a beautiful pot?

Before I was sheer mud and the pot-maker pulled me out of the mud from the mother earth and I felt why that pot-maker is so cruel, he has separated me from mother earth. I felt a tremendous pain. And the pot-maker said, "Just wait." Then he put me and churned me, when I was churned I felt so giddy, so painful, so stressful, I asked the pot-maker "Why are you so cruel?" the pot-maker said, "Just wait." Then he put me into a oven and heated me up, I felt completely burnt. There was tremendous pain and I asked the pot-maker "Why are you so cruel?" and the pot-maker said, "Just wait."

Then he poured hot paint on me and I felt the fume and the pain, I again asked the pot-maker "Why are you so cruel?" and the pot-maker said, "Just wait." Then again he put me into an oven and heated it to make me more strong, I felt life is so painful hence pleaded the pot-maker and the pot-maker said, "Just wait." And after that the pot-maker took me to the mirror and said, "Now look at yourself". And surprisingly I found myself so beautiful.

When god gives us lot of trouble, it appears god is very cruel but we need patience and we have to wait. When bad things happen to good people, they become better and not bitter.

So all difficulties are part of a cosmic design to make us really beautiful. We need patience, we need understanding, we need the commitment to go through in a very calm and wise way. So all difficulties are not to tumble us but to humble us.

With this understanding, let us not be against difficulty. Understand difficulty is a part of a purifying process. A purifying process at present which we cannot understand and hence we need faith and we need trust.

Let us understand how to handle stress with this background. You can be affected by stress from two angles. There is an internal stress and there is an external stress. Nobody can avoid stress; one has to only manage stress. Managing stress can be internal and also external.

The internal stress is; your thoughts can create stress, your values can create stress, and your beliefs can create stress, meaning thereby your stress is coming from your mind more from the outer world. Many people suffer not from heart attack - they suffer from thought-attack.

For example, when somebody says you are an idiot, we get so hurt, we get so victimised. My boss has called me an idiot and I am feeling tremendous pain. Now where does this stress come from? If my boss has called me an idiot, I have to ask myself "am I an idiot"?

If I am an idiot nothing to be upset about; and if I am not an idiot, then also nothing to be upset about! It is the perception of the boss. But why do we suffer from that stress? I suffer not because my boss has called me an idiot but because of the thought-attack.

I may say the boss has called me an idiot; therefore I am suffering? It is true that the words are unpleasant. But what hurts is the interpretation of the unpleasant word. The thought in me interprets. That is pain and therefore it becomes pain. Much of our stress is our mind interpreting it as pain. So we suffer from thought-attack more than heart attack.

2006-12-28 12:49:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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