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For all of the prophecies that have been written in olden times that have came to pass, and all them that have been written and are coming to pass now, how can you not believe that the prophecies that are left to come forth are true? A Thousand Years and then in to the Lake of Fire does not sound pleasant.

2006-12-28 12:32:53 · 34 answers · asked by Barbie 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

What I find so amazing is how people in the olden days, not as far back as Bible days or the days where the priests controlled everyone & fought Martin Luther & others from publishing words from the Bible so the average person could also read & learn what was in God's word, but I guess more like the 1700's, and on thru the cowboy days (wow, what a sentence & I haven't even gotten to the topic yet...

I better start again, I find it amazing that the people 100 years ago, 200 & even 300 years ago believed every word in the Bible & how strong their faith had to be when reading Revelation.

They would have had such a harder time to understand how it all could be as now with modern day technology & what we know can still be invented or improved, we can easily understand the visions John was given by God.

Such as how the two witnesses (Revelation 10) could be observed by the whole world at one time, that would have been awfully hard to imagine how that could come about when television wasn't even a twinkle in the eye yet, much less satellites.

Or how easy it will be to become a cashless society as we have already entered that mode several years ago and it would take nothing to complete it (Revelation 13:17).

If they can put ID chips into our pets, how easy would it be for us to carry our ID under the skin on the back of our hands or anywhere else.

There are so many other areas that our inventions, our technology, our knowledge, all of these make it easier for Christians today to see how simple all this can come to pass, and as you said, we've already been witnessing them.

We can understand certain current events because we have the wisdom of discernment but we have to study God's word daily and stay strong in His word, because there is going to be great deception coming, more than what is even out there right now.

There seems to be more and more gullible people in the world compared to the amount of discernment non-Christians had many years ago, especially before prayer was taken out of the schools. That was a sad day for our country.

Since then lines between good & evil have gotten so very blurry and of course we know one day evil is going to take over completely, but we also know who wins and that is where we find our joy, knowing that this will all pass one day.

You are right, the Lake of Fire does not sound pleasant at all and we are told it will be a supernatural fire, which means hotter than a nuclear bomb. My heart grieves for some of my family members who are not saved. I need to stay in touch with this burden in my heart for all my loved ones and even friends as it can help me to maintain my witness at all times.

It was a good question, Barbie, all one needs to do is some real strong HONEST research, setting aside all their hatred, anger, and I know I'm right attitude. yes, let me beat you to it, we Christians have the, I know I'm right attitude, but our source is greater, you have just yourself, we have God and the wisdome He imparts to His children, but if they could truly do honest searching, not for us, but just for themself in order to make a really informed decision.

There is only one truth, either there is a God or there isn't. Either there is a Lake of Fire or there isn't. I started to use lower case letters when I typed Lake of Fire, but you had it correct, its an actual place, so upper case is proper.

2006-12-28 14:27:53 · answer #1 · answered by Child of Abba 2 · 1 0

At the end of the first millennium (1000 A.D.), progress in civilization had slowed to a crawl because so many people were afraid, just as you are afraid, of biblical "end of days" prophecies. When the millennium passed without incident, civilization entered into a new phase of explosive growth and progress which hasn't let up for the past 1000 years.

At the end of this century, even though humans are much less fearful of the unknown, many people became concerned that biblical "end of days" prophecies were again upon us. For a short time, doomsayers had many people worried, but as you can see, they were all terrified fools, or crackpots.

If you want to live your life in fear, that is your choice, but historical evidence consistently shows that the only thing people have to fear is fear itself. The bible is a storybook, and a poorly assembled one at that. Do some research beyond your childhood catechism and local yokel church meetings before you come here and spout your bilge.

2006-12-28 12:55:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The only real "prophecy" I've seen fulfilled in our time is the return of the jews to Israel and really, people in the right places witht the right clout made that happen, not any divine force. As the for the older prophecies, I look at them about the same way I look at the prophecies of Nostrodamus...very easy to make them appear to say what you want them to say if you just bend the meanings a little bit. What proof do we have besides the bible of these prophecies ever really coming to pass to begin with? A questionable book that has been tampered with for over 2000 years is hardly a good source for fact...kind of like playing the telephone game over 20 centuries...

2006-12-28 12:38:44 · answer #3 · answered by nuthnbettr2do0128 5 · 3 2

Why does the self-delusion of Christianity lead people to speak in language that was outdated 100 years ago. People don't say "came to pass" or "left to come forth" any longer.

All this just makes you sound like you're regurgitating stuff you swallowed as a kid when your reasoning faculties were immature. Take a look at your so-called prophecies, and you'll see that it takes great poetic license to claim that any of them have come true.


2006-12-28 12:38:57 · answer #4 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 4 1

The prophecies are so vague that they can be made to fit almost anything.
What about the prophecies that have NOT been fulfilled? The messiah was supposed to be wielding a sword. Was he?

What about the prophecies of Revelations that passed back in the 1st century AD for Emperor Nero? Jesus never came again.

What about the prophecies that weren't printed in the bible? Please...

2006-12-28 12:45:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

All of the prophecies that "came to pass" were written in the gospels after the fact by the authors of said gospels in order to try and prove Jesus to be the messiah. They are unsubstantiated elsewhere (in fact, only forged copies of Josephus's "History of the Jews" is the only contemporary book outside the Bible to mention him).

2006-12-28 13:08:24 · answer #6 · answered by The Doctor 7 · 0 1

I can offer prophecy as well. Tomorrow someone will ask this question in another light. Will you follow me now? If I tell you that you are going to come into a lot of money, you will spend your time trying to figure out how, and eventually you might just come into that money. Is it because I told you it would happen, or did you manifest it by looking for it?

2006-12-28 12:38:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Are you talking about the bible or Nostradamus? Nostradamus is the one who wrote so many prophecies of the future which have come true. If there something true in the bible, what and when and where is the proof?

2006-12-28 12:49:08 · answer #8 · answered by quietwater 4 · 1 1

A prophecy is like an ink blot test. It's reality is in the mind of the observer. If you want to convert me, show me that your life is fulfilling and respected by others, not that you fret over theology and dogma.

2006-12-28 12:42:00 · answer #9 · answered by Lao Pu 4 · 3 1

the prophecies are so obscure that whoever says that have come to pass is because is interpreting them to their own convenience.
If the prophecies have to be proof of the existance of god, christ or whoever, why didnt they put them clear?

2006-12-28 12:46:21 · answer #10 · answered by whoknows 3 · 1 1

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