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13 answers

Let them walk arounf the house with no diaper on, and when you catch them ready to pee take him to the washroom.

2006-12-28 12:35:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You should have started training at around 2 to 2 1/2 years old. But the best way is to have the potty chair in the bathroom and to have him go in there with you and put him on his potty while you are on the toilet. Daddy should also do this. And after he has drank his juice or whatever or eaten a meal, tell him to use the potty like big people do and make sure you praise him every time. He will catch on quickly if you are consistent.

2006-12-28 21:33:53 · answer #2 · answered by Maggie 5 · 0 0

we used the potty book for boys, and i invited him to join me every time i had to go throughout the day as well as his father, we discussed what it feels like when you have to pee and that you have to hold it to make it to the bathroom, i would over dramatize the feelings and express them out loud. We also made sure he understood where he was to go and what was expected of him. Once he started to show that he was receptive to being potty trained i would set a timer and every 20 minutes we would go to the toilet and try to pee. Don't force the issue, he will let you know when he is ready, pressure only makes it take longer. We started at 3 and by 3 1/2 he was potty trained through the day, still wearing a pull up through the night until about 4, just in case. In our case the most difficult part was pooping in the potty, this took a couple of months, the peeing came first and with success. If you see that he isn't being receptive try again next week it will come with time, and remember no stress. We also use the event of going and buying super hero undies once he had mastered both areas first as his reward for becoming a big boy.
Good luck!

2006-12-28 20:43:29 · answer #3 · answered by taffneygreen 4 · 1 1

Go to Dr. Phil's website. He's the best in this area. I used his method, as did my SILs and a few friends. My daughter was completely trained in 5 days.

You must toss all diapers. I mean all of them. You must be consistent, very consistent. You must dedicate at least one week to only potty training. Do not scold him if he has an accident in his underpants. Just tell him that we pee pee or poo poo on the potty. Then clean it up calmly and redress him in clean underpants.

When he goes on the potty, PRAISE HIM like there's no tomorrow! Make a HUGE deal out of it!

Eventually, he'll see that you're not going to cave and resort to diapers again. He'll go on the potty all the time.

The other thing I like about Dr. Phil's method is that he says to make a big day out of it. Have a party with a cake and balloons and the works. The presents are the underpants. Then just be positive and CONSISTENT. That's the most important element!

His site has great hints. I loved this method. Good luck!

2006-12-28 21:24:03 · answer #4 · answered by ReeberKaseyMarcus 3 · 0 0

My son is obsessed with sponge bob (2 1/2 yrs old) so I got him a sponge bob toilet seat. I also bought him "big boy" underwear, sponge bob, and thomas since that is what he likes. He wore the under wear for one day and went pee in the potty all day, the next day he wanted his diaper back. I am not into forcing my kids so he has been sticking with the diapers, my daughter on the other hand (3 1/2) has been potty trained for almost 6 months. It was like after she realized the difference of peeing in a diaper and in the toilet, she was sold! She is going on almost a whole month with out an accident at night time also, I am so proud of her! all on her own choice.

2006-12-28 20:35:43 · answer #5 · answered by allaboutme_333 3 · 0 1

Let him go to the washroom when you or your husband goes and he can go to his potty to get used to the bathroom. Also discuss with him about peeing and being wet and how when he is a big boy he will use the toilet. Try putting little crackers (a couple like goldfish) in the toilet and tell him to hit them with his pee. I know that sounds funny but it will allow him to see it as fun in the beginning and hopefully he will want to continue to go.

Good luck!

2006-12-28 20:36:32 · answer #6 · answered by kristen c 3 · 1 0

1) explain to them what you want them to do
2) give them a chance (buy a big girl/boy underwear)
3) get them something they like that you put in the bathroom
4) Mention that they get their favorite treat if they use the potty
5) Keep working with them and never put them down for not getting there on time!
6) Make sure you ask frequently if they need to go
Good Luck! It can be a new year resolution!

2006-12-28 21:16:44 · answer #7 · answered by Kat 2 · 1 0

i agree w/staying at home & letting him walk around w/out a diaper - at 3 yrs old he should have been trained so you're starting a bit late - he certainly is old enough to hold his bowels & urine, even at night so you must resign yourself to staying at home for about a week & not putting a diaper on him again - at night put a rubber sheet under his regular sheets, but don't put diapers on him or he'll just go in them

2006-12-28 20:55:42 · answer #8 · answered by Ashara 3 · 1 0

Play sink the ship! put a piece of t.p. in the bowl and have him aim at it and try to sink it! also my 3 yr. old is way into high fives so high five him when he goes and after he washes his hands. Good Luck!

2006-12-28 20:37:33 · answer #9 · answered by kimmycat 4 · 1 0

When you have to go to the bathroom take him with you when you finish let him take out his lil peewee and do what you just did but standing up or get him a little pot for kids

2006-12-30 04:14:11 · answer #10 · answered by teedy 1 · 0 0

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