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Hey, yeah I am not looking for someone to tell me to talk to my parents or any of that. I am going to say this straight, I want to lose 10 pounds my parents don't know, I need to get ready for this coming Soccer season and a pool party, I am a mature girl and I am not going to let this get out of hand, my mom was anorexic and I will NEVER not eat for a day or make my self throw up. I have learned all the dangers of that since my mom is a professional health and excercise and fitness instructor, don't tell me to go to her cause I won't. If you are 13 then you understand, if you aren't then don't tell me to change my mind. I am 15 pounds over weight, I want to lose all of that in 2-3 months. I need more motivation though. Don't give me motivation I'll take care of that, just tell me how to focus on my stomach, I want it tighter and my inner thighs, they are fleshy. I am going to start running everyday, I am making my portions smaller and all that, I cut out sodas almost 2 years ago.

2006-12-28 10:43:53 · 10 answers · asked by Jenna 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

Also, I am working on eating healthier and making better food choices, so just give me some things that will make it happen faster.

2006-12-28 10:44:29 · update #1

I weigh 145 my docter said I need to weigh 135, I have bone mass and muscle so I am not as big as I sound. I am 5'3 almpst 5'4, I recently grew though.

2006-12-28 10:55:59 · update #2

Oh just wanted to say thanks for the answers so far, I am going to work on all of those, drinking water only, Sit ups and running, great news! My favorite food is fruit. : ) I am not snacking any more just the 3 meals, I will sit down for them and I can't wait!

2006-12-28 10:58:35 · update #3

tooophly4 I joined and it is going to work, it is everything I have looked for, for like a year or two!

2006-12-28 11:21:42 · update #4

10 answers

Go to this website it is free to join http://www.sparkpeople.com
I am a personal trainer and you are on the right track but I would like to tell there is no exercise for spot reduction. Spot reduction means you can do 1000 sit ups but you stomach will not become a six pack you will have one but just under fat ,so doing more sit ups will not make you thinner. doing more squats will not make your legs thinner. sparkpeople.com will give you a diet and exercise program so good luck

2006-12-28 11:00:15 · answer #1 · answered by tooophly4u 1 · 0 0

You can do that pretty easily, I think. I'm 12, turning 13 in March, so I know how you're feeling... here's what I'm doing. I've lose 8 lb this month so far.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, eat 600 calories. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, eat 1000 calories. This is to keep from going into starvation mode... Also, try to burn about 400 calories a day by exercise, and eat a lot of protein. Be sure to drink plenty of water, too. You can find out how many calories a certain activity burns here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/calories.htm

Also, to help keep you on track, you can make a blog on Xanga for weight loss. There are blog rings you can join to keep you encouraged to go on.
You can also make a video blog on YouTube, or keep track of thins on sparkpeople.com.
Good luck~! <3

2006-12-28 11:01:52 · answer #2 · answered by Pinky♥Puffin 3 · 0 0

I work at a fitness center and one of the trainers there explained to me that you can lose as much weight as you want using a simple mathematical formula: a pound is approxiamtely 3500 calories. In order to burn one pound of fat, you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories. Say you take in 2000 calories a day and maintain your current weight. Reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories per day and in 7 days you will have lost a pound. I am not sure how tall you are or how much you weigh right now, but there are a million websites that can tell you how many calories your body requires to maintain its current weight. Then you can use that info to create your deficit and plan your weight lose timeline. I was also informed that the most important thing you can do is to eat breakfast. It doesn't have to be anything big, just something to get your metabolism started inthe morning. People who don't eat breakfast lose weight much slower than those who do. Good luck!

2006-12-28 10:53:35 · answer #3 · answered by alahan15816 1 · 0 0

Sounds like you don't need any advice, you're already exercising and eating better. I tried the south beach diet and it worked great, I lost 50 lbs in 5 months. My advice would be to follow that which is basically eating unbreaded meats and salads and stuff like that. No potatoes or bread. try to stay away from those two, only have them once in awhile. I try to eat only what is found in nature, no man made stuff. one exercise I used to do that is good for the stomach is laying on your back and raise your legs about 1 foot off the ground and hold them there for as long as you can. It'll hurt after 30 seconds or so, but try to increase your time. That helps alot along with situps. Good luck.

2006-12-28 10:59:17 · answer #4 · answered by John J 2 · 0 0

i got here across the e book to be very informative and difficulty-free to examine. i've got lost 17 pounds in 12 days, i'm basically worried that i'm dropping too lots weight, too immediately. i will admit i've got not observed the handbook precisely. i'm not sticking completely to the listed meals and meal plans (yet specifically) and doing little or no exercising, however the burden keeps flying off. It of course works and if i could observed it precisely i think of it may scare the living daylights out of me as a results of quantity that i could lose. So thank you lower back for the help. i've got never offered something like this in the previous as a results of fact they're oftentimes crammed with trash, yet 3WD has been a delightful ask your self. get began immediately!

2016-10-19 02:45:14 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

im not going to talk you out of it because im 12 years old, 5'4'' and 95 pounds and i am trying to lose weight myself. I excersise alot. I do 20 push ups, 30 crunches, and 40 sit ups 3 times a day to flatten my tummy and work my abs and arms. I also run for 30 minutes 2 times a day. It doesnt take a long time to do these excersises, they are really easy, and you can pretty much do them where ever you are. And you dont have to do as much as me but I promise positive results. Hope this helps!

2006-12-28 10:58:16 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I'm 13 too and exercising and eating right is the best and most healthy way to lose weight, so if you do that and wait for it to happen, you can make it. Just keep on making the right food choices and exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and lose that weight!

2006-12-28 10:56:24 · answer #7 · answered by Claudia 3 · 0 0

well, i know this isnt the answer your looking for, but this is exatly how i became anorexic. i was ten when i started ratoning, cutting out junk food, and running everyday. honey, dont make the mistake i did! you can just talk to your mom about eating healthy, and since she has had anorexiea, im sure she will apriciate you sharing this with her. I am 15 now, only two years older then you, and i have had this for 5 years, please talk to your mom!! you dont even have to say that you want to lose weight, just that you feel that eating healthy is good.

2006-12-28 11:04:25 · answer #8 · answered by xokrisiliciousxo 2 · 0 0

hey there,
well what i do is use a cross trainer it works on ya butt legs and arms is very good for losing some weight and toning up. Also increase the amount of water you drink as some times the body thinks its hungry when its just thirsty.
Try eating more fruit as this will level your blood sugar levels and cut down on chips crisps ( bad carbohydrates) oh yeah do plenty of sit ups.
Good luck!

2006-12-28 10:55:19 · answer #9 · answered by Daisy bell 1 · 0 0

If you are really serious about losing weight then i have the perfect plan for you. its not hard because your not starving yourself silly for weeks on end but does take some informed choices.

1st. why do diets fail?

Becasue your body adapts very efficiently to different situations example. you eat lots of carbs you burn lots of carbs and not much else same goes for high protein diets they become very efficent at burning protein as an energy source the trouble is when they go off high protein they start burning muscle.
High fat can be tricky, be very careful of overconsuming because of the dense calories.
Calorie restriction doesn't work the body goes into starvation mode basal metabolism drops fat stores become resistant to oxidation get the pic?

So what do you do?

Eeeeasy shock the body keep it guessing by going on a (bi - cycle diet).

To lose weight fast and enjoy the weekends drop your calories by 25% for two days (mon and tues) then eat 25% more than your BMR for one day (on wed) and then drop you calories again 25% (on thurs and fri). On the weekend eat 25 % more than your BMR again over those two days. Do this for 1 month before droping the calories to 50% on diet days .

On your 1st diet day concentrate on dropping carbs and try to maintain 30 % fat levels. Some controversy here cut out high concentrations of polyunsaturated oils (oils ain't oils i'm afraid ) go with saturated fats like palm and coconut and animat fats in the supermarket (there is some interesting conjection out there and science is starting to board the band wagon) look for "about cholesterol the real truth", for just a taste of what i'm talking about.
On your second diet day, up you protein to 40% and carbs to 40% keep carbs low GI.

On your refeed day increase carb uptake to 60% eat lots of high GI carbs keep away from low GI because it doesnt stimulate your leptin levels and insulin levels as much drop protein to 15%.

On your second diet cycle do the same as the first and over the weekend eat to your hearts content just be sensible.
note: It will not work as well if you diet too hard i'll explain why!

The diet is designed to prevent the body firstly to become lazy at using one of the energy sources. It forces the body to change the macronutrient it is using as energy. Secondly the diet maximises the burning of body fat and finally the diet prevents the individual to fall into starvation mode.

evidence - if you want to know more look up key words like starvation studies overfeeding low carb high protein diets on frre sites like the american journal of clinical nutrition and others that are linked good luck!

2006-12-28 11:37:55 · answer #10 · answered by mulberryjames 1 · 0 0

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