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what is god? what is the bible? is god real? how do u know? did it go from night to day or day to night? is god just a lie to get people to stop asking questions about why we are here? how do u know? answer all these questons for me plz

2006-12-28 09:30:45 · 16 answers · asked by way2long4u_all 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

The Creator.

2006-12-28 09:32:47 · answer #1 · answered by Chase 4 · 0 2

God to me is in everything and everywhere and it's too complicated for us humans to understand so we come back again and again until we get it right-Now God did not write the bible at all MAN did that and he did it in order to control the masses-And this world is very very old(try 4.5 billion yrs.)So the night and day part of your question really doesn't need an answer considering no-one knows.I can tell you that we were not a pile of dirt that just blew into existence though-PEACE TO ALL-------EVERYONE HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

2006-12-28 17:41:33 · answer #2 · answered by Art 4 · 0 0

God is our creator, and Our loving Father. The Bible is His love letters to us, and how we are suppose to live. He also shows us that no one is perfect, but that He wants us to live for Him. I believe God is real. Look around you, and see the beauty in the world. The evil comes from sin, and from Satan. I have read His wonderful book, and studied it. I will live like there is a God in Heaven, and when I die at least I know I did what was right. I haven't been perfect in my life, but God has forgiven me of ALL my sins. Pray and ask God to show you the truth. God's Word can change peoples lives. I have peace in my heart, and people who don't have the LORD, don't know the peace that He gives. My Mom almost died this past Nov., but I was at peace with whatever God chose to do. If He wanted her home with Him. I was okay with that, but I would like to have her with me if that is His Will. He allowed me to bring my mom home just in time for Christmas. Yes, I do know He is real. He gives me grace every day, and breath. May you find Him in your search, and please don't turn away from Him. Hell is forever torment, and Heaven is forever life eternal. God Bless You.

2006-12-28 17:43:40 · answer #3 · answered by salvation 5 · 0 0

firstly lets look at the dictionary

god [god]
noun (plural gods)
1. supernatural being: one of a group of supernatural male beings in some religions, each of which is worshiped as the personification or controller of some aspect of the universe
Thor, the Norse god of thunder

2. figure or image: a representation of a god, used as an object of worship
the little bronze god standing in a niche above the altar

3. something that dominates: something that is so important that it takes over somebody's life (informal)
worshiping the false god of fame

4. somebody admired: a man who is widely admired or imitated (informal)
He was one of the rock music gods of the early Seventies.

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now lets look at God

supreme being: the being believed in monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Islam, and Christianity to be the all-powerful all-knowing creator of the universe, worshiped as the only god
Microsoft® Encarta® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Bible is Composed of the Gospels, which no longer are perfect in their message and contain human additions.

Yes, God is real

[057:005] His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And to Allâh return all the matters (for decision).

[057:006] He merges night into day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night is added into the hours of the day), and merges day into night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the day is added into the hours of the night), and He has full knowledge of whatsoever is in the breasts.

[057:007] Believe in Allâh and His Messenger (Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam]), and spend of that whereof He has made you trustees. And such of you as believe and spend (in Allâh's way), theirs will be a great reward.

[023:115] "Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?"

All I can say if you want to seek Guidanced, find a Qu'ran with explanation in English and read read read

And may God guide you to the straight path

Peace Be Unto You

2006-12-28 17:43:25 · answer #4 · answered by onewhosubmits 6 · 0 1

God is Love. Ask a couple of questions at a time if you want real answers on all of them.

2006-12-28 17:45:40 · answer #5 · answered by hillbilly 7 · 0 0

1. a positive energy
2. a book written by men (not God or Jesus)
3. i believe he is (but i don't hate or ridicule anyone who doesn't)
4. i have faith
5. what are you talking about?
6. i don't believe so (although i think organized religion has been used for control and power)
7. again, the faith thing (and about the corruption-history, theories, points of view)
hope i could be of some assistance.

2006-12-28 18:10:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look into Quantum mechanics and Superstring theory. Here's what you'll find:

There is no such thing as matter. The fundamental constituent of nature is a packet of concentrated energy.

There is no reality without a conscious observer. There exists only a field of probablity until acted upon by consciousness. Once acted upon by consciousness the probability field collapses into our chosen reality.

Therefore consciousness and energy not only pre-exist what we perceive as reality but act together to form reality.

Consider the scale of the universe. There are six billion people on this planet. There are two hundred billion stars in our galaxy. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. A light year is 4 trillion miles, and the observable universe is 14 billion light years across. It is theorized that our visible universe is only one of a possibly infinite number of other universes we cannot see.

Now, what name would you give to a consciousness and energy source that could form such a creation if not God?

Further, consider the nature of an infinite and Loving God.

Infinity is a difficult concept to wrap your finite mind around. Infinity is by definition without beginning and without end, all-encompasing. You cannot add to or subtract from infinity. If an infinite God created you and I what would he have to work with? Only Himself, because everything that exists would be a part of God and nothing that exists would NOT be a part of God. Anything God created would also be a part of God because God is infinite.

This fits extremely well with our scientific observations which show that at the most fundamental level everything is connected via a background sea of energy. Separation is only an illusion, in reality All is One. Belive it or not Quantum mechanics tells us that we are literally manifestations of God.

As literal manifestations of God we are also eternal. Our eternal consciousness and individual personalities currently reside in an animal body for the purpose of experiencing physical life. We have been given the glorious opportunity to experience Love and laughter, pain and suffering, hot and cold, and one of my favorites - milk and cookies. When this physical body has reached the end of it's feasability our consciousness will return to it's true home - the loving arms of God. Once there we will give the gift of our experiences back to the Creator, and begin planning the lessons we will learn in our next life.

You have no beginning and no end. As a literal manifestation of the Divine Creator you are eternal. Evolution is the process whereby we attain higher and higher states of consciousness until we learn to love every aspect of the Creator, as demonstrated in the life of Jesus.

There is no judgement, there is no hell. There are eternal laws of cause and effect so your actions do have consequences, but God loves every aspect of himself equally and ultimately nobody gets left behind on the path back to the Creator. The only guarantee in the universe is unlimited joy and unconditional love.

There is only one commandment - love thy neighbors as thyself, because literally you are One. In so doing you demonstrate love of the Creator because everything you see and everyone you meet are manifestations of God.

In closing I would say this - you are not your physical body, it is merely a temporary housing for the real you which is eternal. There is no reason to fear because no harm can come to you. You are guaranteed success in your journey back to God.

2006-12-28 17:41:42 · answer #7 · answered by Elmer R 4 · 1 1

God is the first source and center. He is personalized as our loving Father . Upholder and our goal .

2006-12-28 17:45:07 · answer #8 · answered by samssculptures 5 · 0 0

1) the world's most common imaginary friend
2) see answer to #1
3) a work of fiction
4) probably not...at least what we are taught about him is wrong
5) i don't
6)night to day, it was total darkness before stars were born from the big bang
7) most likely yes
8)i don't

2006-12-28 17:33:58 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 1 1

God is the reduction of all that is illogical to the simplest possible non-answer.

2006-12-28 17:43:06 · answer #10 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 0

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