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The books I saw had things in them about demons, magic users, mitosisists, and elves.

2006-12-28 09:06:45 · 21 answers · asked by jim w 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

I've been playing D&D for years and can state, without reservation, that it has absolutely nothing to do with summoning demons, worshipping Satan, performing magic, sacrificing animals, or any other such ridiculousness. Such claims are fueled by people who have very little knowledge of what the games entail. Here's a brief rundown:

D&D is a role-playing game, a particular genre of table-top games. In a role-playing game, one participant (known in D&D lingo as a "dungeon master") writes a story. The other players create characters for the story. During a gaming session, the DM recites his or her story to the players, and the players decide what their characters do. The physical skills and attributes of the characters are represented numerically, and luck is represented by rolling dice. The entire experience is something like mixing a boardgame, a creative writing session, and improvisational theatre.

D&D itself is set within a fantasy world similar to the one represented in the legends of King Arthur or Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. This setting does include demons, wizards, and the like. These are works of fiction, and people who play the game understand that.

In short, if the subject matter of D&D doesn't appeal to you, that's completely understandable. Lots of people don't like it. You shouldn't be worried about evil influences, however. D&D is no more evil than a DVD of "Robin Hood". The subject matter is quite similar.

Feel free to email me through my profile if you have any other questions.

By the way, I have no idea what a mitosisist is. Could someone explain that for me?

2006-12-28 09:28:20 · answer #1 · answered by marbledog 6 · 2 0

Most Christian organizations have always been against Dungeons and Dragons.

If you ask your church, their answer will be "burn the books NOW".

You will have to ask them "Why"
The answer will be:
You’re acting out a character's actions, that character is using another God's name, praying to that god.

That these behaviors may lead you to believe things that the church does not teach, and have you behave (in role-play and other wise) in ways that are not Christian-like.

They will say that there is nothing Christ-centric about the game, and that everything you do should be done for the glory of Christ.

As a former player of AD&D myself, I can attest you can't throw a +2 sword of religious intolerance in a gaming group without hitting a pagan or atheist, so the "company" that plays AD&D is not conducive to a new Christian.

Ok- now after I say all of that... I say this:

Do what ever you want.
If your new faith is not strong enough to withstand a little role-play fun, then there are some problems that go past playing AD&D.

Life will mix you in with other people who have all sorts of different belief structures and habits. Separating you from those kinds of people and those ideas is being over protective in my view.... BUT

You will have to ask yourself....” do I need to take a break?"

Sometimes a new life is needed when you change how you look at life.

You, as a "New-You” may NEED to take a break from your old activities.

The books are nothing in and of themselves- their only power is what people do with them.

Yes, playing AD&D may sap your pocket money as you run out to buy the expansion, and cause you to buy $15 dollar swords and mount them on your wall... but if it’s not influencing you in any other way, more power to you.

Perhaps you should do some investigation on what the AD&D books are based on. If you find that these gods and demons never existed, you may not mind playing the fantasy. If you find that they are based upon real religions, I would certainly understand why you no longer would want them in your house.

2006-12-28 09:33:28 · answer #2 · answered by There you are∫ 6 · 0 1

I think I see where you're going with this. The fact is that many people feel that if you do have Dungeons and Dragons games, books, etc. in your house, then you will naturally have a tendency to seek out and learn about "dark" things. The same could be said of people who read "Harry Potter" books. The main problem with this process of thinking is that most people who don't want you to have D&D and Harry Potter in your house have never actually played, read, viewed, etc. these things. All they see is dragons, wizards and witchcraft and immediately write these things off.

Personally, if you think that having D&D things in your house will turn you into a pagan, then get rid of them. However, I have read all but the latest Potter book and so far I don't have any desire to conjure up any spells against anyone. Trust your heart on this matter, and everything will come out just fine.

2006-12-28 09:20:04 · answer #3 · answered by kenrayf 6 · 0 0

I don't see any reason why you couldn't own a Dungeons and Dragons game. After all its just a game. as long as you don't let it get in the way of your religion, i see nothing wrong with it. I am a Christian and a very huge fan of sci-fi which most of the time deals with deams and wizards and elves. I absolutely love Lord of the Rings and the books and movies are chalk full of things that are similar or in Dungeons and Dragons.

2006-12-28 09:13:12 · answer #4 · answered by Midnight Sun 1 · 2 0

No. We are to be a peculiar people and are called to overcome the world. Here are some references why:

read John 2:15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, read J

James 4:4 Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God,

read Isaiah 33:15 He that walketh righteously, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood. He who shuts his eyes against contemplating evil

God requires us to seek him and o consider his laws: The devil is playing every device he can. He impresses many of us to try to modernize God by humanizing Him. Many of us trying to wag the God. Didn’t God say, "I am the Lord, I change not! I am the same yesterday, and today, and forever!" (Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8).

Read 1 John 5:4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world.

2006-12-28 10:10:37 · answer #5 · answered by jackbarrowiii 2 · 0 0

I don' t think that it would be a problem at all, I'm a reborn Christian too! I still read Harry Potter, and seen those movies, I also watch the anime 'Naruto' 24/7. As long as you don't become or believe that what your reading/playing is true, and don't start becoming satanic, than it shouldn't matter. I enjoy fantasy very much.

2006-12-28 09:10:47 · answer #6 · answered by sand_illusions 4 · 4 0

Speaking as your brother in Christ, I would strongly recommend you get rid of it. I am not one of those paranoid fanatics who sees Satan in every cheese sandwich, but this game is clearly based upon a demonic theme. The subtle lure of it can become intriguing, and nothing good can come from you having it there. In Acts 19:17-20 the Ephesians burned all their sorcery scrolls after having come to Christ, and the estimated value of all that they sent up in flames amounted to fifty thousand days wages! They took their commitment to Christ seriously, and did not want to be identified with anything that was of the occult. I would strongly suggest you do the same my brother. The simple fact that you asked this question tells me the Holy Spirit has been convicting you about the matter. I strongly urge you to remove the temptation from your home.

2006-12-28 09:13:56 · answer #7 · answered by rhino 6 · 0 2

Why not? Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy game, Any religion is a fantasy belief, so they should go hand in hand.
But, if you insist that Christianity is a good thing (and who am I to dispute your beliefs?) then by all means, play D&D, but be a cleric.

Long Live Jambi

2006-12-28 09:10:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I'm a D&D gamer, but I'm first and foremost a "born again" Christian. I don't let my gaming, my "pretend" time get in my way of going to church or bible studies or other fellowship.

BTW - what the heck is mitosisists? That's not in any of my books...

2006-12-28 09:11:00 · answer #9 · answered by Krys Tamar 3 · 1 0

NO WAY. And not because of any kind of satanic thing. I'm a Christian, and I hate Dungeons and Dragons, not because it's evil or satanic, but because it's the ultimate in nerd-ville. It's not OK for anyone other than a complete uber-dork nerd to have a Dungeons and Dragons game.

2006-12-28 09:11:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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