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23 answers

Also, the Word of God will be published & preached around the world first.

I think the rapture is near. But I also think that those who are part of the rapture are those born again Christians who have the oil in their lamps full. Then the Marriage Supper of the Lamb happens.

Those left behind will have to have their heads cut off for not taking the mark of the beast or not bowing to the beast.

I also believe the rapture is part of the 1st resurrection. The 1st resurrection is a process & started when Jesus raised from the dead and will be complete when all Christians redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb are resurrected and this is a progress (the rapture is part of it) that will be completed before Jesus Christ returns to reign for the Millinnium.

2006-12-28 09:12:23 · answer #1 · answered by t_a_m_i_l 6 · 0 1

I believe that the great tribulation is near. I personally don't think that the catching away of the saints (the rapture) is going to come before the great tribulation, however.

Yes, Jesus spoke of the rapture. Not often or anything. But He made a passing reference to it in Matthew 24:31.

If you would like to know when the rapture fits into the sequence of endtime events, read Matthew 24 in it's entirety, and notice how the Lord is putting things in a chronological order by saying, "such and such will happen, THEN..." Each event leads into the next. That is how it is written.

You can see where we are now with the wars and rumors of wars, and earthquakes in divers places - "the beginning of sorrows." (verse 6) Now there is a whole lot of stuff that He talks about between verse 6 where I believe we are now, and verse 31 when the saints are gathered from the "four winds" and from one end of heaven to the other (there are saints on earth, and saints in heaven - and no, these are not individuals that have gained historical status from the Catholic Church, these are saints in the Biblical sense - believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have prepared themselves for His coming).

In addition to this, a study of the book of Revelation barely makes a mention of the rapture, I mean you really have to look for it. This is one more reason why I have said in the past that the Gentile church has a really self-centered interpretation of scripture. We have made the rapture the main event of the end times - which it is not. The defeat of the antichrist, and the establishment of Christ's Kingdom on earth, the lowering of New Jerusalem (the Bride of Christ) to earth - these are more important.

However, I think that if you look in Revelation 10:7, it says that the seventh (the last) trumpet will sound, and that the "mystery of God" that was declared to the prophets will be finished. This is clearly a referrence to the end of the church on earth. The church is identified as the mystery of God several times in the book of Ephesians in the folowing pasages: chapter 1 verse 9; Chapter 3; Chapter 5 verses 25-27 & 31-32; and also in Colossians Chapter 1 verses 26 and 27.
The last trumpet being the signal for the rapture is found in I Corinthians 15:51-52, and I Thessalonians 4:16-17.

Again, you can see that many of the events in Revelation are mapped out more or less chronologically (with the exception of chapter 12, which is an overview of spiritual warfare through the ages of time from the heavenly perspective, and a maybe a few other minor asides). And from this you can see about where the rapture fits into this calendar of events.

The only thing else that I can add about the rapture in the book of Revelation at this time is what's recorded in Chapter 11 verse 15, when the seventh angel sounded (with the seventh trumpet) the response in heaven is one of great praise, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.”

2006-12-28 08:19:46 · answer #2 · answered by firebyknight 4 · 1 0

I find the rapture strange. They say that God will take the believers off the earth to watch the end, but I don't know about that. There were these people called "Millerites" and their, "Preacher" kept predicting when the world would end. But he kept getting it wrong. (Miller predicted a few times of the ending in the 1800's. All failures.) It wasn't until later when another person came up with the "idea" of a "Rapture" before the end.(I don't know his name.) and I would like to know what specific verses in the bible that give mention of a rapture.

2006-12-28 08:35:59 · answer #3 · answered by Da Mick 5 · 0 0

the concept the return of Christ is drawing close is in step with traditionally incorrect interpretations of passages interior the Bible jointly with Matthew 24. there is adequate info that the predictions Jesus made have been fulfilled between AD66 and AD70 whilst Jerusalem replaced into destroyed. i'm a Christian. i've got not got faith interior the rapture. I do have faith that God will finally carry the universe to an end. it might desire to be every time now, yet the two it might desire to be in a million years from now. Google preterism.

2016-12-11 17:45:21 · answer #4 · answered by parenti 4 · 0 0

Think of 2000 years, 8000 years, or more compared to eternity. It's really a concept of time. I think when we're living in eternity with Christ we'll look back and think 2000 years is really the blink of an eye.

Read 1 Thessalonias 4:16-18 and 5:1-3

2006-12-28 08:46:31 · answer #5 · answered by Wren A 1 · 1 0

I do not know if there will be a rapture sorry. I do believe the tribulation is near though.

2006-12-28 08:18:58 · answer #6 · answered by Atlas 6 · 0 0

With out any argument, preaching, references etc. I myself believe in the rapture, and I will continue to believe until the day I die, if that happens first.
It's my belief and I'm sticking to it, right or wrong, I'm entitled and I also it will be soon, within a hundred years. Again no back up, just my feelings.

2006-12-28 12:24:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, the second coming of Christ is right around the corner.With the advancement of technology advancing at the rate it is, and events taking place in the world today i believe that within one mans average life span it could happen, more than likely sooner. In Zacharia it sounds like a nuclear war.

2006-12-28 08:25:57 · answer #8 · answered by chucky 3 · 0 0

Yes, we could be raptured up at any moment. The signs of the time are here.

2006-12-28 08:19:40 · answer #9 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 0 0

people have waiting 2000 years for his return. how egocentric of modern Christians to think they are the ones who deserve "the rapture".

2006-12-28 08:20:21 · answer #10 · answered by Handsome Devil 4 · 1 0

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