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If you really don't believe in any kind of religion and truly don't care, why are so many of you here? For example, I'm not at all interested in sewing, so I never go to a sewing message board or chat room or answers page. I don't hate sewing, I just don't care about it. Another example - I don't believe in acupuncture, so I never go to acupuncture websites or message boards or anything concerning acupuncture. I don't hate it, I don't have a problem with someone else believing in it, I just really don't care about it. So many atheists say they don't even believe God exists and that they don't care about God or Satan or hell or anything spiritual (usually they single out Christianity). So if you don't care and don't even believe in any of it, then why are you always here? And SO MANY of you??? I'm truly curious. My best guess is that you're all very bitter and hateful of Christianity and religion to the point you have to act out and spend your time attacking it. Were you hurt?

2006-12-28 08:10:50 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

For all those who are answering by saying something like "this question has been asked so many times" or whatever other dopey ways you put it, all I have to say to you people is that yes, this question has been asked ad nauseum, and with all that there has yet to be a reasonable, logical answer from any atheist/anti-religionist type. All you do is say ignorant stuff like "If I had a dime for every time this question was asked..." or some other sarcastic remark, all as part of your way of deflecting the question so you don't have to give a reasonable answer. Maybe if it was answered honestly with a straight answer that made sense for once it wouldn't have to be asked so often. Anyway, if only I had a dollar for everyone who answered this question "if I had a dollar for every time this question was asked"....

2006-12-28 08:21:02 · update #1

46 answers

We all have a soul which was made to be reunited with God. There is noting we can say or do which will change this. Rejecting this is like saying, " I do not believe in germs because I can not see them, so they must not exist." When nonbelievers and atheists come to this site, they are looking for God on a level they will not admit exists.

2007-01-01 09:33:40 · answer #1 · answered by Mary W 5 · 0 0

They don’t have a logical explanation why. They are cynical people. Look at all of their Q&A. it is not about them not believing in God, it is just them despising Christians for whatever reason. I say it is because of envy. Maybe we have something that they do not. Atheists seem to believe that Christians think that they are above atheists and arrogant. From this you can assume that maybe atheists feel as though they are inferior and Christians are the superior. If I despised someone enough, of course I would stalk them wherever they go, criticize them, insult them, curse, yell, make absurd assumptions that they are condescending when they make a statement, and whatever else. They do not like hearing the truth about themselves and say that we are the ones throwing the insults such as if you tell them that they are going to an "imaginary" place like hell. I mean, if you don’t believe in Neverland, why get offended if someone says you are going there if you don’t be good? Pretty silly. They do tones of research (on something they say is false and doesn’t exist) to contradict Christians. It is a total waste of their time and energy. There is nothing but cruel sarcasm from them and if we received a rational explanation of why they come to R&S, we wouldn’t have to keep asking this question time and time again. Why is it such a big deal if someone worships a God? Why should they care? I don’t care if Hindu’s worship an elephant. WHO CARES!!!! But most of them use “religion is the cause for war and violence” cliché and my favorite “90% of scientists are atheists” Geesh, there is more to life. I have a job. I have friends. I just do not understand where all of this immense hatred comes from. The bible says that the devil will try to manipulate to drive people away from God. Jesus lived through the same criticism, slander, blasphemy, and insults because we are followers of Christ, we will live through the same. Christians will be persecuted and in the end of days, the Devil and his followers will be the majority and God’s people will be the outcasts. Never forget that this is the price we pay for loving Christ and the devil is an angry being who despises God. Know that your reward for your faith and persecution is eternal bliss in Heaven. Roll with the punches on R&S because if you notice, atheists are the majority here and only attract their kind to answer each other’s question. You have to wonder why it is the way it is on R&S. God Bless!!!

2006-12-28 09:02:42 · answer #2 · answered by ♣DreamDancer♣ 5 · 0 1

Religion is not a private domain of the individual any longer. This means that people today are more likely to wear their religion on their sleeves for all to see. People do not observe religious practices alone or quietly any longer, they are usually observed throughout the community and culture at large. As such, people who do not believe or people who simply disagree with you are forced to make decisions about religion every single day. Since we all must live together and since some people insist on bringing their personal faith with them everywhere they go despite if it is welcome or not, some atheists and even non-conforming christians feel persecuted for not sharing the majorities opinions.

Also, while I do not share your beliefs, I come onto the religion and spirituality board so that I may try to help others who may have questions receive OPEN MINDED and FACTUAL answers (if I have them to supply). All too often, it is assumed that only one faith or one way of believing is the "right" way and thus, authentic voices regarding religion are swept away to further support the majority's opinions.

And lastly, this is not the "christianity" forum, it is the religion and spirituality forum. As such, respectful debate about different religions (and even a lack thereof) is appropriate to this area. As is discussion about spirituality which a person can experience without subscribing to one faith tradition or another. In fact, many of my atheist and agnostic friends do believe in a realm of spirituality without believing in a god, gods, or the christian conception of god.

It is not that we don't care. Obviously a great many of us do. It is what we care about that is different. We care about tolerance, compassion, sympathy, and many of us care deeply about education - especially educating closed-minded christians and others who haven't the slightest idea of what we, as human beings, are really like. In your efforts to set yourself apart from atheists and others, you are blinded by the fact that we are all essentially the same. We are all trying to find our own paths, we have just found different vehicles to travel down that path with.

I am here to educate people and I am not a christian. Though I don't consider myself an atheist, I think you are stereotyping and generalizing that group as a whole.

And, as a final note, not everyone who disbelieves christianity does so because they have had a bad experience or were "hurt." If that were true, then the same could be said about christians and other believers. Were you hurt by reality to the point where you had to adopt a legend and are now very bitter and hateful to those who don't? See, it's not true and sounds more than a bit arrogant and ignorant. Keep that in mind in the future, please.

2006-12-28 08:31:45 · answer #3 · answered by jenn_smithson 6 · 3 0

When I respond I am usually looking at topics under the broader heading of Society and Culture. Sometimes questions relating to what I like to read or talk about come up under that heading because Religion and Spirituality is the sub-topic. I can only account for myself but I would suppose that other people might find it intellectually stimulating, politically relevant, reassuring if they feel alone in their beliefs, philosophically challenging, or maybe even just fun. Regardless of their reasons, it can't hurt anybody to have reasonable discourse on a topic that is considered to have a broader meaning than you are suggesting. Spirituality is quite broad in its meaning and interpretation and is not dependent upon religion to exist as a topic of discussion. As far as your examples go, we do not have money that says "In Sewing We Trust" or kids made to feel they have to say a pledge that contains the phrase "One Nation under Acupuncture". The point being, you bring up topics as examples that have little cultural importance. Religion and Spirituality have great cultural relevance because of how various groups may be trying to force their beliefs onto our children or into our lives. I have taken the time to answer this in a respectful and concise manner in order to help you understand.

2006-12-28 10:08:44 · answer #4 · answered by Sketch 4 · 0 0

A good atheist is one who spreads his or her message to the part of the human world that is to blame for all the trouble. Everyone knows that if you can't feel like you are better than at least the worlds worst people then what good are you anyway?
Atheists also know that they will not get into atheist heaven if they ignore this duty. They really are all about pleasing God but its part of their credo to keep that secret forever. Some people who are not card carrying atheists don't realize what the game is and as a result are deluded. They will never enter the kingdom.

Actually atheists are people who run out of steam on the God questions once they get to the part about the religions being, for the most part, the spreaders of myths. Once they hit the wall they are no good for anything. They cling to it for life or until they join the Church of Latter Day Saints.

2006-12-28 08:17:02 · answer #5 · answered by regmor12 3 · 0 0

Religion is something that affects everyone. It is a part of culture and society everywhere. I choose to be in the Society and Culture section at all times, and sometimes when I see a question regarding religion that sparks my interest, I will answer it.

Religion is a large part of my life, it always has been. I am interested in all Religions, but I choose to follow none. What interests me the most is why people need religion, or the feeling of a deity. I am in the process of researching religion and its effects on people. So it has nothing to do with me "not caring about god".

I have no hate towards Christians, but the religion itself. It is very contradictory, and very debilatating. It's history is littered with rape, murder of innocents, deception, and cruelty. You may say otherwise, but it is actual documented history.

I was never hurt by Christians, I have come to the conclusion that religion is false, and deities do not exist on my own accord, at the tender age of 12.

Now I am 21.

2006-12-28 08:14:17 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 5 0

for "a reasonable, logical answer from any atheist/anti-religionist type" see "Bad Liberals" answer on the first page. That is the best answer. Ditto it for me.

And I find it hard to believe you went through all the times this question has been asked and havent found a adequate answer. I know its easier just to re-ask it, and there is nothing wrong with that, but I wouldn't go and get all pisssy when people get sick of it.

2006-12-28 12:14:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Are all non secular institutions answerable for Fraud?" The Roman Catholic Church is the biggest landowner interior the international, and the richest company. The Mormons especially plenty very own a state, each and every non secular entity owns various large homes, and maximum of this wealth has ensue with the aid of donations and tax-loose status over many thousands of years. the reason for the donations has been "Gods artwork". the tax-loose status relies on being non-earnings, it is obviously untrue, and it is all because of the fact they are merely that! "non secular institutions!" What are the factors in the past it relatively is desperate that a fraud has taken place? so a techniques as i comprehend, it is the taking of money under fake circumstances. If a physician bought you particularly costly discomfort medicine, telling you there became some thing heavily incorrect, in spite of the undeniable fact that it became in basic terms a headache, you're able to desire to convey costs of malpractice against him, how is this distinctive from a preacher who tells you your soul is in probability, and that he (and in basic terms he) has the certainty to shop you, and then asks for donations and/or tithing?

2016-11-24 20:49:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If by atheist and non-believer you mean one who does not believe in a one-of-a kind, personal, almighty and eternal being,taking decisions unilaterally to create or destroy as his fancy takes him, threatening eternal damnation to whoever dares to disobey his comandments - in short, the ""God" forced into the heads of childen in Christian,Jewish and Islamic communities, then I feel I SHOULD answer this question, since I am one who falls into this category. But I can answer only for myself.

It is because of the "........../spirituality" half of the topic! To the discriminating mind, there is a great difference between religion and sprituality, and an even greater one between Religion ("Religions", the various "Religions"" makes the difference clearer) and spirituality. Spirituality has to do with things and interests non-material; like Love, when deep and without any taint of selfishness attached to it, we speak of as a spiritual experience.
A religious person is one who prays, goes to church , or to the temple, or to the mosque so that he feels good about himself,about doing his duty. He needs to belong, he needs an external authority , one that he believes, or has been taught to believe,has the "Truth".
A Religion is an institutionalized body , a wordly organization, made up of men claiming divine authority, in some cases even over the "God" they claim to be the servants of. These Religions are very eager, and will stop at nothing, to increase as much as possible the number making up their folds,so that they have power over the other Religions. Their leaders and representatives must be versed in, and apply, human psychology to achieve this aim: first they create the sense of guilt in people, making them believe that they are sinners and a place where they will suffer ETERNALLY for it, then they invent rites and rituals to save them from that punishment, appointing themselves as intermediaries between God and sinner. The donation of money helps too. How else to make a living for themselves?
I am not a religious person, belong to no Religion but am very spiritual.
Your "best" guess (the last sentence in your question) in just" no good "at all, at least as far as I am concerned.
I hope that the answers of others to your question along with my own will satisfy your curiosity.


2007-01-01 07:03:15 · answer #9 · answered by shades of Bruno 5 · 0 0

I totally agree. As a christian I don't go and seek out the athiest page to see what I can say to shock them or irritate them, or mock and scoff. I was looking for religion and spirituality to actually get some real answers. Isn't this what it's all about? If I wanted to go chat and argue, I can do that somewhere else. Why aren't the aithiests asking questions that are meaningful to them instead of trying to get a rise out of everyone? Why aren't they talking about the principals of science and politics, or what is the best shampoo for thier hair. If athiests claim to be so worldly then they should be talking about worldly things. I don't like mainstream medicine but I don't go to the health page and make life extremely irratating for all those people who ask medical questions and get answers that I don't agree with.It is like some kind of vendetta against christians. I don't see them doing this to the jews or hindus either.

2006-12-28 08:30:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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