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I also got married last year and turned 40 this year...whew!!! I've gained 20+ lbs since I quite smoking and am miserable and VERY unhappy about it. I've always been 125ish and I am now at 155 and growing (5'3). I go to the gym a few times a week doing cardio and the circuit. I plan to kick it up a level after the new year....... but will taking away my daily beer intake (I LOVE an ICE COLD BEER!!!) help me lose this weight? I'm freakin' miserable!!! I'm not a big eater but don't eat real healthy (no sweets really, just love bar food type) I feel like I have NO metabolism left whatsoever... I'm also in a hard place with my career, I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up so I'm not happy there either....but other than that my life is AWESOME!!!!!!! Someone help me please :0)

I've never had to watch what I eat before so I'm having a hard time with the adjustment.....just need some good advise and encouragement.

2006-12-28 07:59:39 · 10 answers · asked by Dale Jr. Fan Goodwin 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

10 answers

Just some friendly advice- the dropping the daily beer will likely help tremendously!!! You will likely see an almost immediate change (within 2 weeks) if you cut it out. Also, if you drink soda, cut that out. drink loads of water! Try these couple of things first before cutting out the bar foods (which might be easy to do if you aren't going for a daily beer) :)


2006-12-28 08:09:37 · answer #1 · answered by Earthy Angel 4 · 1 0

First, CONGRATS!!! Six months without smoking is GREAT! I've been smoke-free myself for just a little 3 years, so I know what it's like. I gained some weight when I quit too, and am over 40. But I didn't get married this year (it was 10 years actually).

To lose the weight, you will have to watch what you eat. Start by keeping track of everything you eat for a week. FitDay.com has a good, free web site you can track it on. Then, start looking at where you make cuts, and/or substitutions for healthier foods.

You will need to cut back on the beer. You don't need to quit, but you may not want to have one every night. Alcohol has no nutritional value, and your body basically just converts it to fat. You didn't say how many you have every day, but try to cut back to 3 or 4 a week.

Exercise is also good, and you say you already are, so I won't go into that.

2006-12-28 08:14:04 · answer #2 · answered by Mutt 7 · 0 0

You will be shocked at how great you feel if you switch to eating more healthfully! I am overweight, but a very healthy eater with a serious sweet tooth problem. During my 20's, I ate anything I wanted, but developed allergies to things like garlic and milk, and I had an upset stomach all the time. I finally switched to a mainly healthy diet, and can't tell you how much better I feel! No more allergies, no more upset stomach!

You may find the need to start looking at your beloved bar foods (mmmmm, wings) and beer as a treat (which they should be) and limit yourself to having them only on truly special occasions (birthdays, parties, etc)

You mentioned circuit, which sounds like you are doing Curves or something similar. If so, I did that religiously for a year. Worked very hard 5 times a week or more, and got nowhere. I joined a regular gtm, and was disappointed to see how weak I was after having worked so hard at the other place. You may need a new routine.

Good luck and happy New Year. And congrats about the smoking!!!!

2006-12-28 08:08:39 · answer #3 · answered by melouofs 7 · 0 0

I've read on several sites about the herb Catnip for caffiene withdrawal. It's reportedly very helpful ! I never smoked, but do use it for relaxation. Do you think you're substituting the food for the cigarettes? There are several, safe, calming herbs, as well as homeopathic remedies for that purpose. Certain foods can also be helpful. For example, turkey & Spitrulina both have tryptophan, which relaxes. ... Spirulina also reportedly has the effect of leveling blood sugar levels, and lessening the desire to eat so much, or so often. I know that when I & my spouse take it, we Comfortably go for a much longer time, between meals. It has a large number of nutrients (devoid of carbs), besides. >If you take it, be sure to buy organic, as it is a sponge for toxins!<

In case you wish to research the common problems encountered by those ceasing the smoking habit, etc. ...

Cigarettes---Do You Reject Them?
- Lead Nation of Introduction, Now Leads Warnings
- Restrictions Imposed
- ACS Warnings
- Children---Defenseless Victims
- Changed View
- Overseas Sales

How You CAN Quit Smoking :
- A World Hooked on Smoking
- Why Quit Smoking?
- How Long Can You Quit?
- Helping a Loved One Quit
http://watchtower.org/library/g/2000/3/22/article_01.htm *

It appears to me that you may have substituted the habit of over-eating, for the habit of smoking ... You need to find a healthy habit to substitute for both unhealthy habits. Or ... perhaps you could simply substitute the foods ...

Were you aware that alcohol is merely sugar that has been turned into alcohol, complete with all the calories? And that refined sugars & starches (which the body turns into sugar), are turned into alcohol in the body* by yeast that is in any normal body? Therefore, when eating sugars/starches, your body is having to deal with alcohol, even if you don't ingest a drop! And this can set you up for a 'strong desire' for an alcohol 'fix', when ever your sugar-alcohol levels dip. If you eradicate all refined foods (including flours) from your diet (and perhaps even whole grains),
you might keep this to a negligible minimum.

I highly recommend the article:
" Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life" by Tim O'Shea
It is freely available --without registration-- to readers of
TheDoctorWithin site.

I understand that quitting smoking can be very difficult, & you've had several other things to deal with at the same time. It is a Wise Decision, and hope that the suggestions will be of help to you in maintaining it! (:

http://watchtower.org/library/w/2003/2/1/article_01.htm *
http://www.watchtower.org/library/w/2005/10/15/article_01.htm *

*(These URLs will likely change soon, & then Advanced Search at http://watchtower.org/search/search_e.htm will locate their new URLs.)

2006-12-28 08:43:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You may never actually stop thinking about cigarettes, especially since they were obviously such an embedded part of you. A key is going to be replacing that now void in your life with something else. You can't take something away without putting something else in it's place... it's just the way we are. To get your mind off one thing, you have to entertain it with something else. I'm guessing physical cravings are bringing them to mind too? Then all the more reason to have a Plan B until the craving passes. It's the same as with trying to lose weight and getting past cravings for sweets, etc. And now that you've asked this question here, make this the last time you think about it in any respect. It's the same logic as if someone told you "okay, what ever you do, do not think about an elephant!". Now what's the one thing you can't help but think about?

2016-03-28 22:39:03 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Alcohol... and beer at that, is HORRIBLE for your health. That could be one of the reasons you feel so lathargic. Working out should be keeping your metabolism up, but it is important to make quiet time for yourself, as stress may be a part of your problem. Remember that you are what you eat, so avoid the "bar food" and beer and I am sure you will feel a lot better.

But by all means, DON'T go back to smoking because of the weight gain. A lot of people go through this, but just tell yourself, "If I can quit smoking, then by God, I can quit drinking and eat right too!"

2006-12-28 08:14:02 · answer #6 · answered by Holy Macaroni! 6 · 0 0

I have been working really hard to get a sexy body. I go to the gym every day, watch what I eat, but still could not get the body I wanted. That was until I found this body cleansing stuff. I was able to get the sexy body I wanted in 9 days. I did a 9 day cleanse and lost 10 pounds and 15 inches! This was GREAT! I had been working so hard for over a year to get this, and this program gave me what I wanted in 9 days. I found out that many body builders use this to get ready for competitions because the protein in the shakes builds muscle and the cleanse helps to get rid of the toxins stored in the fat cells. When the toxins are removed, the fat cells shrink and you definitely can tell in the way your clothes fit! I recommend this product for anyone wanting to get a better looking body quickly. I found out about it at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647. It is not a cheap program, but it is worth it! You can also get it at this website

2006-12-28 11:30:00 · answer #7 · answered by Britney 2 · 0 0

That sounds just like me. Except I am not married and I quit drinking 2 years ago. I found it easier to quit drinking than I did to stop smoking. Now I am trying to get off of the anti-depressants, My new years resolution.

2006-12-28 08:08:57 · answer #8 · answered by chazzer 5 · 0 0

congratulations, i had the same problem i figured it ,i started eating more sweets. when i cut then out i stared losing the weight.keep up the good work.

2006-12-28 08:12:40 · answer #9 · answered by Jo W skeeter 2 · 0 0

Welcome to ther over-40 Club.
Get used to it.

2006-12-28 08:07:51 · answer #10 · answered by Rusty 4 · 0 1

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