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Seriously, name one thing.

I'm a Christian by the way.

2006-12-28 07:09:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

6 answers

80% of the country is Christian, and I do not live in a cave.

The whacko fundamentalist ones, however, have opposed stem cell research, science in general, gay marriage, and freedom in general.

2006-12-28 07:13:00 · answer #1 · answered by STFU Dude 6 · 1 1

Christians have shown me the true meaning of love and caring for one another. I learned about community and sacrifice from my Christian friends (this was before I was a Christian!). Two Christian men changed my entire life around and helped me to understand my role in this world than I ever had before. I used to not have any Christian friends and now my dearest friends are all Christians.

More than anything, I have to say that Christians taught me what it means to be charitable. What it means when we say "God is Love."

I'm glad you're a Christian!

2006-12-28 17:54:46 · answer #2 · answered by Sophia 2 · 0 0

Christians in general? nothing. Almost everyone I know is a Christian with the exception of my dad, my hub and my son (all of which are Agnostic).

Something that does disturb me is when Extremists of the Christian Religion make false claims about other religions. Such as, all Pagans/Wiccans are Satanists.... and then trying to establish that as fact. It's rather annoying when a group who doesn't know you or even have the slightest clue about your personal beliefs, tries to tell you what they are. :)

And I have to agree with one answer here... the Extremists trying to make Gay Marriage illegal, calling it an abomination... yet say nothing about the divorce rate. Things like that which affect EVERYONE'S freedoms (Everyone, that is, outside of their "group") irk me. But I know not all Christians are like that... and I try not to generalize the whole group into what I don't like about particular members.


2006-12-28 15:30:47 · answer #3 · answered by Kithy 6 · 1 0

Clearly most of us who consider ourselves atheists or agnostics know plenty of Christians. They are all around us; you couldn't avoid their ubiquitous presence if you tried to. This in and of itself would not be a problem except for a couple of issues: namely, hypocrisy and belligerence.

Although I have no problem with Christians praying to the God of their choice or living a lifestyle based upon their faith in that God, I do have a problem with certain Christians who practice their faith in a hypocritical, belligerent way. Take for example Ted Haggard, the former minister of the New Life Church, who preached against homosexuality and promiscuity and then ended up resigning because it was discovered he had been paying a male prostitute for sex and purchasing methamphetamines from him for over three years. It boils my blood when people like this talk about how homosexuality is an "abomination" (so is eating shrimp, if you read the Bible!) when they're secretly out committing their own abominations on a daily basis.

This is the problem I have with SOME Christians: they are trying to control the freedoms and opportunities available to others by claiming they are "sins" while they're secretly out taking full advantage of whatever sins they themselves are particularly attracted to. And yes, I realize Ted Haggard is an extreme case, but there are plenty of other cases of belligerent and hypocritical Christians out there.

For example, I personally know several Christians who feel that homosexuality is an abomination but who are divorced and remarried and don't see a problem with that. This strikes me as hypocritical because the Bible clearly states that marriage is between ONE man and ONE woman and that no man should tear it asunder. In other words, divorce, and more specifically, remarriage is considered a sin, an abomination, if you will; even Jesus mentions this (whereas he never mentions anything about homosexuality). To divorce the spouse that you married in the name of God and then marry another is basically adultery and is no better than sodomy, according to the Bible. So why do some Christians judge homosexuals so harshly but make excuses about divorce and remarriage? Because they're self-serving hypocrites, that's why.

There are also plenty of Christians who behave in a very un-Christian manner towards their fellow human beings: you know the type - right wing fundamentalist Christians who contribute money toward the building of bigger churches but who start throwing a fit if you ask them to contribute tax money to educate the poor. Some of the wealthier ones even have the gall to claim that God made them wealthy in reward for faith and better behavior, as if some infant born into poverty in a third-world nation is somehow responsible for his own impoverishment, illness, and death at the age of 2 1/2 years. Christians who believe that their wealth is a reward and that those who are poor are simply not deserving are sick, sick, SICK, if you ask me.

On the other hand, there are Christians who are actually good people, and this includes a few personal friends and acquaintances who believe in God and accept Christ as their Savior but who more or less keep their fat mouths shut about it most of the time and just try to be good humans. I'm not saying they don't ever mention God or don't have certain religious symbols around their home or office - they do. But instead of spending their time trying to convert non-believers or elect politicians who will tell the rest of us what we can and cannot do, they try to HELP people in whatever way they can. And that's really what it should be all about, isn't it?

To be honest, if more Christians would just quietly help people who are less fortunate than themselves rather than trying to preach to all of us all the time about the evils of atheism, Islam, paganism, humanism, and evolution, I would have a lot more respect for Christianity as a whole. As it is, I have respect for specific believers that I know personally or that I occasionally hear about on the News for performing good deeds WITHOUT forcing the people they're helping to listen to a sermon, but I would otherwise be a lot happier if all the belligerent, hypocritical Christians who seem to be trying to take control of this country would just go away.

2006-12-31 16:43:46 · answer #4 · answered by magistra_linguae 6 · 0 0

I found it interesting that every christian male I spoke to believed that abortion was wrong, unless he was the father. They believed that their mission in life to serve their faith would be hindered by having child. So I feel that most Christians preach one thing and do the complete opposite.

2006-12-28 15:40:08 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

Everyone affects someone.

2006-12-28 15:13:38 · answer #6 · answered by *~SoL~ * Pashaa del Ñuñcaa. 4 · 1 0

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