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Or Wicca, or any of the other "alternative" religions....those not based on your traditional belief system?

Tell us what you know about other religions...knowledge based in fact, research, and learning, not merely heresay, negative media portrayal, or Sunday sermons. I want you to tell me how you have come to your opinion on these belief systems...in real terms, backed by CONCRETE research.

I find that many people stereotype me, and gives me a thumbs down, merely for my belief in Voodoo. But I also find, they don't really know anything about what I belief, or how Voodoo really came to be or works. They don't do the concrete studying that would allow them to five a non-ignorant opion on my choice of "religion".

So, prove me wrong now...tell me what you know about Voodoo, Wicca, Paganism, Satanism, Spiritualism, etc. Justify yourself please so I can better understand where you are coming from.

2006-12-28 06:36:46 · 26 answers · asked by nottashygirl 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

OK people...I said PROVE me wrong. Not just babble the usual "it's evil" comments. Put up or shut up.

2006-12-28 06:41:03 · update #1

26 answers

I am a practicing Catholic but have had two good friends who were Wiccans (sp?). What I know of it, it is a very peaceful, female based, female affirming religion. It seems to revolve mostly around positive energy and harmony with mother nature.

While, it is not my "thing" I truly respect it and other religions that are based in love and peace between people. I find that is in short supply in many people who profess to be "Christians, Jews and Muslims". It seems easier to profess hatred when you are in a larger, more accepted, main stream religion because of safety in numbers.

I respect the traditions of my faith, however, I do not respect all of its followers by any means. I just am doing the best I can dealing with myself and my own human weaknesses!

2006-12-28 08:15:20 · answer #1 · answered by Krista Z 2 · 3 0

The only thing I know from these "alternative" religions is what I've seen on the History Channel or Discovery Channel or in movies. I know spirituality in that sense is just the basic duality in nature, or good vs. evil and in life and death.
Voodoo: I know little other than it's geography being from the Carribean and what I've seen the Serpent and the Rainbow.

Wicca: Revolves around the spirits in nature, usually 4? North, south, etc. and the seasons. Also incorporates native american rituals and doctrines like the Medicine Wheel. and the movie The Craft.

Paganism: most religions that treat idols, symbols, natural or celestial phenomena as gods or goddesses. (i.e. the sun, runes, stars Jupiter=Zeus, etc. God of fertility=snakes or Dionyssus or whatever.) Beowolf, the Greek gods, Egyptians, Thor, Odin, etc.

Satanism: Richard Cromwell? again not researching. Lived in California was Irish or something. There is a satanic bible which simply glorifies satan, lucifer, morningstar, beelzebub, etc. and glorifies Humanism.
Spiritualism: believing in everything having spirits, the dead, inanimate objects and such. Also the idea of potions or incantations invoking spirits or their powers.

Personal experience: Latin Catholics believe in "culanderos" spiritual healers. These can be bad or good. They use tarot cards and a host of relics and artifacts that invoke the help of saints and repel demons. They also believe in being possessed – good and bad. Christians might regard this as sacrilege, but Mexican culture is rich with such practices that have evolved through the generations.

BOTTOM LINE: People often hate and fear that which they do not understand. There are many evil things in the world that most people would just rather not think about.

2006-12-28 08:18:33 · answer #2 · answered by DeanPonders 3 · 2 0

I'm a Christian with what I'd like to consider an open mind. I have practiced Yoga and read Buddhist writings. Those are not Religions but philosophies, so there is really no contradiction. I've read about Wicca and paganism in literature. I believe they are based in pre-Christian beliefs of gods and goddesses being found in nature. I don't know much about Voodoo. I visited a voodoo shop in New Orleans once, out of curiosity. I always considered it to be a superstition. I guess it is a valid belief system. I also consider many beliefs of some Christians to be based on superstition.

2006-12-28 07:29:29 · answer #3 · answered by wyldfyr 7 · 2 0

Voodoo(Voudon/hoodoo) and Santeria are just another spiritual beliefs that arose from african/haitian and cuban and other countries that had to adopt Catholicism/Christianity into their beliefs in fear of being persecuted/killed.

Nothing wrong with it at all except what people label it to be "Evil". Any religion can be used for evil if you look at society and whats going on in government you cant really call it "good" and its all done in the name of God.

Same thing with witchcraft,wicca,paganism,hind... they all have their good and bad.

People need to stop judging things as "evil" that don't relate to them or that they do not understand.

I think this is rare as you can see from judgemental people, churches and societies these days.


(btw im not voodoo nor santeria but have interests in it...im pagan Thelemic these days...brought up catholic and was a born again pentecostal for 4 years - so you know..i've been there).

2006-12-28 07:49:03 · answer #4 · answered by Triskelion 4 · 1 0

I used to practice Wicca and Buddhism also and I dont think either are "bad" in and of themselves. Both teach you that life is valuable and not to harm others, treat people with respect. Neither reject the teachings of Christ and I know many Wiccans have a lot of respect for Jesus, in fact most religions that acknowledge that Jesus had a ministry give Him high regards so there isnt any reason to think He was a freak or anything. So I became more interested in Him.... what kind of things did He preach that gained respect from other religions? He preached love, compassion, doing good by others and so on...however He also said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light... No one comes to the Father but by me" now, how can we respect Him if that statement wasnt true? Or if "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life" was a lie, then really Jesus doesnt deserve respect, if He spoke the Truth then we need to go through Him. Then after studying His words, His life and the lives of His disciples/apostles I decided to follow Him myself.

2006-12-28 06:49:44 · answer #5 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 2 0

I, personally don't know anything about your religion.

I also don't thumbs down people for stating their beliefs if they aren't offensive. It is the bashing each other that I have an issue with.

I find it quite funny how many times I go back and look at all the thumbs ups and downs. Some questions get a lot of attention, and some nothing at all.

As far as justifying myself to you, can't and won't. Just as I wouldn't ask you or anyone else to justify your beliefs to me. That usually ends up in arguing.

2006-12-28 06:42:14 · answer #6 · answered by 2ndchhapteracts 5 · 2 0

I know more about Wicca then I do Voodoo, having studied it for five years. I personally don't like it from my findings.

All I know about Voodoo is what I've seen on t.v. Y'know, zombies, dark spaces, snakes and chanting. Probably not the real thing.

Paganism: Belief in many gods or "dead" religions (ie religions not practiced in thousands of years)

Satanism: They respect and honor the devil

Spiritualism: Everything has a spirit (my bro is one)

2006-12-28 06:42:51 · answer #7 · answered by sister steph 6 · 1 0

Paganism is the worship of the earth and her creations as divine beings

Wicca is a Neopagan religion that takes the gods and goddesses of paganism into a bit more separation than the original religion

Satanism is the worship of the self, or in other words, looking out for number one. Your well being comes first, everything else is second.

I'm not sure what spiritualism is...

I'm an atheist, and these are my interpretations of the religions, though I believe I may have butchered these terribly.

2006-12-28 06:42:10 · answer #8 · answered by Ghost Wolf 6 · 2 0

well, i'm a practicing ROman CAtholic and in high school (a Catholic one) we had a world religions class that taught about every "ism" in the book and it was quite interesting. the basic premise out of the class -- do good & avoid evil - as long as the "religion" is of that nature - we should always try to understand it. to try and explain to you all that one knows about various "isms" would take chapters & hours - sorry.

one of my best friends is also a wiccan - she was wished a happy yule, winter solstice and a merry christmas!

you have asked for a very large amount of information which would be pointless to delve into here. above are my basics. oh when i worked on the island i had a voodoo curse put on me by a lady (from jamica) i wasn't "giving enough extra business too" the other gals came and "took the curse off". while i am NOT of the nature to believe in voodoo -- i was NOT about to discount their beliefs as they truly cared about me and were out to "help me". it wasn't as if i had to renounce my beliefs or anything. I lived around their belief system for 4 years. they were beautiful ladies who were very loving, devoted to family and friends and accepting people - that's all i needed to know!

2006-12-28 06:45:24 · answer #9 · answered by Marysia 7 · 2 0

I am a Pagan and I know a little bit about Vodoun, as an eclectic pagan I study nearly all systems of magick, Vodoun is one religion that is greatly misrepresented in the media for the purpose of selling bad movies and even worse sitcoms and weekly t.v. series. I think it's very sad and I try to let people know that Vodoun and its offshoots, Candomble and Santeria are very peaceful and beautiful religions and those that practice it are for the most part wonderful people.

2006-12-28 07:01:31 · answer #10 · answered by Prophet ENSLAVEMENTALITY (pbuh) 4 · 2 0

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