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I'm looking at some of the answers here about Christianity and I swear some people have some wierd, but negative, things to say about Christians and their faith. Have these people picked up a bible and read the New Testament, which Christianity is based off of or are they going on what someone told them? Is this information based off of one or two people you've met or a church you've visited?

I'm curious because it's sad that some people are so closed off yet totally unsound and ignorant...

2006-12-28 05:39:39 · 29 answers · asked by nacobelove 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Note: I never said ALL nonbelievers were ignorant and have never picked up a bible. I said that the ones who say things like 'Jesus told his followers to kill all non believers'. I know some HIGHLY intelligent nonbelievers who and they have read the bible many time over. I also know some Christians that you really have to wonder about their mindset.

Also, this is a straight question. I am not bashing anyone's beliefs. I am not being sarcastic or rhetorical. I am just curious about those who boast very off the wall things.

If you want to know what type of Christian I am. I am constantly studying the bible but I have studied other religions, that is why I don't bash. I TRY my best to live according to Christ's teachings. I base my life off of love.

2006-12-28 05:57:32 · update #1

L'Chaim that's a good question... I guess it goes the same way.

2006-12-28 05:58:29 · update #2

29 answers

It's interesting that you posed this question as I was just discussing something quite similar with a buddy of mine.

I will admit to you that I have a problem...

I am neither Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative. I like to think of myself as a critical thinker who weighs each issue independently, and investigates each politician independently.

Unfortunately, I allowed myself to get sucked in, and I voted for bush (small "B" intended) the first time. I do feel ashamed of myself for being so wrong, and did everything I could to not make the mistake the second time around.

I wrote a white paper that was circulated to local newspapers. I wrote myriad letters to the editor. On many occasions I called into different radio programs, and I talked to as many people as I could. This also included chatting here on the computer.

I became incensed that our boys were dying, that unbelieveable atrocities were occuring in darfur, that our governement didn't seem to give a crap about China's human right's record, but like any other prostitute, just kept licking up those Yen or laundered dollars.

All I kept hearing about was abortion and gay marriage, and something about, "yeah, but he's a Christian..."

I was forming an opinion that the phrase "ignorance is bliss" was truly the fundimentalists' mantra. That their rap on being worldly was nothing more than a deflection technique, and that my pet name for them, "Damn Bible Thumpers," was brilliant!"

As I continued to talk to these people, I began uncovering other things. With a woman one evening, I was discussing the coalition. I agreed with her that 50 was a lot of countries. I also brought up the point that half of those 50 were countries that most people had never heard of, and also that there were no other world powers.

At that point I was cut off. "How can I say there are no other world powers when Australia is right there at the top of the list?"

At this point I began to think, "Who are these people? Are they really this unaware? Is it the meek that are supposed to take over, or the really stupid?

I am not going to write a novel here, but you see where I am going.

I am a rational human being. I consider myself open minded, and I am very good at listening to both sides of an arguement.

But for two years, I heard so many uninformed, short-sighted, just plain ignorant, irrational, or emotional answers, that I have allowed myself to shut down.

I truly hate to admit this, but when I hear a southern accent, I shut down. I hear the word Christian, I shut down. I hear someone mention "family values" I shut down.

I hear any of the aforementioned and I become the very thing I'm ragging on! I get angry, I become hateful, I'm irrational. I am convinced that they don't care how many of our boys die in Iraq as long as their president is against abortion and gay marriage. That as long as they think their president is a Christian, they couldn't care less if he wipes his *** with the bill of rights.

Now you and I both know this is at least slightly WRONG! But for me, this is what it has come down to. For me to remain rational and logical about this subject is extremely difficult. .

How does this relate to your question?

Perhaps it's not Christianity that people are attacking, but rather, it's the people therein, and what it is that they represent, aside from their ecumenical aspects.

2006-12-28 07:58:26 · answer #1 · answered by LongSnapper 4 · 1 0

Why do christians attack all other beliefs they don't happen to agree with without even bothering to find out if what their clergy tells them about these other beliefs is even marginally true?

Why do christians believe that they have the "one true way" and that everyone else is simply too ignorant to know what it is that they should be believing?

Why do christians refuse to answer questions about their own faith that make them actually think about whether their faith is really the "right" one for everyone who ever has walked the Earth in the past, is walking the Earth now, and will ever walk the Earth in the future?

If this is too complicated of an answer,try this: why are christians so close-minded about everything?

And yes, I have studied what your religion teaches about my "true" nature.

I just don't happen to believe that I entered this world as an evil being deserving eternal damnation and the only way out is if I decide to give all my rational faculties jesus and go out into the world obnoxiously spewing my opinions in others' faces like projectile vomit, all while ridiculing all other faiths.

But that is probably just me.

2006-12-28 06:02:58 · answer #2 · answered by yomama 2 · 2 0

In my experience, most people who call themselves "Christian" are really Paulists. They don't get themselves a "red-letter" bible and only read the words credited to Jesus.

BTW, you're making an unwarranted assumption here. I've not only read the bible (OT AND NT) in several versions, but I have also studied the historical context of it. I'm a PK; I was *raised* on scripture.

I know it's difficult for you to comprehend that someone could do that and not accept Christianity as the "one right only true" way, but it's what is so.

2006-12-28 05:48:32 · answer #3 · answered by Praise Singer 6 · 4 0

It isn’t Christians I criticize, if they actually followed the faith they claim to believe; I wouldn’t have anything negative to say about them.

I have read the Bible, I’ve studied it thoroughly, and that is why I am no longer a Christian. I find most “Christians” don’t know half as much scripture as I do.

2006-12-28 06:30:35 · answer #4 · answered by moonie 3 · 2 0

Have you ever bothered to read the Old Testament? If you do, you'll notice that your Jesus fails practically all of the tests of the Messiah, and if a claimant fails any one in his lifetime, his claim is void. No resurrections, no second comings, one life, all the prophecies.

Does the world all follow one god? No.
Does sin no longer exist in the world? (My mother can go do obscene things with herself -- oops, broke the 4th) No.
Does Israel have burgeoning population problem from every single Jew on the planet moving there? No.
Does the Third Temple stand, has it been built yet? No.

Sorry hun, Jesus couldn't have been the messiah. In fact, he died before the second temple was even destroyed, let alone the third built (which still hasn't happened).

2006-12-28 05:45:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Christianity is just a brand name label. There many members that speak in biblical quotes because they don't feel God in their heart. Orthodox Christianity would've turned out much better if the founders had voted to include more of the Gnostic texts.

2006-12-28 06:00:52 · answer #6 · answered by mykl 3 · 1 0

the other thing to add though is that there are a lot who say they are christian but dont go by the Bible or are not truly a christian. not to mention there are a lot of people who want to show how bad christians are and say they are a christian to make christians look bad. any one can say they are a christian. and alot of non believers constantly put christians down saying how stupid we are and what not. i get offended when someone starts calling me names or trying to prove to me God does not exist. just as they do if i talk about god. however they get offended if i am talking to a friend about God but it is not offensive when they talk about getting drunk or screwing or saying the cuss word. why care that we believe God? just because we have hope after we die. and we have a reason to live.

and most the people who sit in church they do get taught they just dont go home and read there Bibles daily. and pray. most people now just go to church and then live there worldy life the rest of the week. and i guess a lot of churches preach that all you need to be saved is to except Jesus as the son of God and you are saved when there is a lot more to it then just that. like repent from sins. that is to turn away from them, follow Gods words, and it says faith without works is dead. Jesus said go out and not be ashamed and share the Word with everyone.

and for a lot of non believers who say we are offensive i would point out that you are judging us then. also most the time i have seen most christians are more defensive then anything else. most the time i get approached with a non believer knowing i believe in God who tries to show me stuff and get me to not believe. for myself i let everyone christian and non does not matter what i believe. i dont know who is christian unless they say and even then like i said they can say they are but how are they living? i dont judge and say someone is not a christian that is not for me to do. but i am not ashamed to let everyone know that i love my Lord Jesus Christ. if someone questions what i believe in i show them the Word and why i believe straight out of the Bible. most the time they dont even have a Bible. and i am thankfull for my belief that all i have to do is show people what i believe and that it is found in the Bible. and that i dont have to get other books to show what i believe.

2006-12-28 05:52:12 · answer #7 · answered by dannamanna99 5 · 1 0

I know.. it's awful when I see these christians attacking people and misquoting scripture or quoting it completely out of context!
It's sad that I, a pagan, have read that bible cover to cover over 50 times and many of them have never even done that once.

Seriously.. "I like your christ. I do not like your christians. Your christians are so unlike your christ." (Ghandi)

I've read the message... the messengers leave a lot to be desired. Tell THEM to read it first and then speak to me about "attacking christianity".

2006-12-28 05:48:13 · answer #8 · answered by Kallan 7 · 5 0

I know what you mean - but do you know what is really unbelievable? There are millions of church going christians who don't know what the message of Christ and the true message of the Scripures is....You couldn't carry on an intellegent conversation with one of them, even when they have sat in a church pew for 50 years, every single week. Its because the sheep are not being fed - not being taught the Word of God; they are being taught traditions of man and rules of their church system. God is not happy about it either. If you had an employee who worked for you for 50 years, and still didn't have a clue what their responsiblities are in their job, wouldn't you fire that employee? Thats how God feels. Biblically illiterate to the max. Unbelievable.

2006-12-28 05:51:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Some have given Christianity a bad name, with the wars and immoral acts and then again there are those that would kill Jesus if he came to earth again. Jesus said the world haded me so you also will be hated by the world.

2006-12-28 05:52:42 · answer #10 · answered by papa G 6 · 0 1

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