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well why would it say that when the earth is been proven to be 5 billion years old, how can religions still be when its been proven wrong, one of the more major facts of how we are here is wrong!? and i know your going to tel me that science is not always right but tell me this science can say that if i mix gas with sparks i will get a fire/explosion right? or we know that if we go into space with no space suit or helmet we will freeze and suffocate right? so science isnt always wrong we test things before stating it as a fact, so how can people still believe in creation? and dont say you cant believe everything you read or else your stupid because you read the bible and read that, and that has no scientifical evidence to support it. so tell me what u think of that?

2006-12-28 05:04:24 · 39 answers · asked by ~*cRaCkNeSs*~ 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

39 answers

You compare man's knowledge of space to spirtual knowledge? Ask a scientist what caused the big bang and how something comes from nothing? Mans knowledge is limited. If you can only believe in the physical your faith is in death.

2006-12-28 05:11:20 · answer #1 · answered by djmantx 7 · 8 2

The Bible doesn't state that the Earth is 6000 yrs old, man is thought to be 6000 yrs old based on the genealogies given in the old testament. Adam was created on day 6, after the land-dwelling animals. The Earth was created on day 3. Some people believe these days to be literal 24 hour days, but the Bible doesn't say if they were literal or not. It says evening and morning made up a day, but the sun, moon and stars (along with our modern concept of days) weren't created until day 4. So, if you take a figurative approach to creation, you can't dismiss the geological data that says the earth is "billions" of years old.

Now, I have a hypothetical question. Why would you base your entire life around science and leave no room for what you don't know? All science does is pose a question, test it under diferent conditions and over a limited amount of time, and then say "this is what we've observed.". Considering that Pluto's orbit is over 248 years, I think it would be fair to say that there are natural rhythms and cycles that take longer to repeat than could be observed in a lifetime. Science has many valid applications, but to say that because something is the same in one instance, it will always be that way, is not too wise. The fundamental key to scientifically studying something is to know, and be able to control, all of the variables that are involved. The minute that a new variable is introduced, you have to start all over again. This happens all of the time in the medical profession. You hear that something is bad for you (for example; wine and eggs), then, someone else does a new study and all of a sudden they're ok. Like I said before, science has its place, but in order to work properly, you have to know everything that's involved. We are learning new things everyday, even about things we thought we knew, (and that doesn't even consider the questions we haven't asked yet). So, use science in its proper role, as a tool to gather information, not to base your life on.

2006-12-28 08:21:17 · answer #2 · answered by Reality check 2 · 0 1

Biblically, it's more like 6 000 to 11 000 years. But then, that still leaves you with almost 5 billion years unaccounted for!!!

You are ranting without the relevant SCIENTIFIC FACTS that you so highly esteem. I will just list two of the many examples where the Bible's science was at least 4 000 years ahead of man's.

1. About 4 000 years ago, in the books attributed to Moses, quarantine was instituted as a means of control of communicable diseases. Do you know WHEN modern man discovered bacteria and viruses?

2. In the book of Leviticus, a new-born boy is to be circumcised on the 8th day (not the 6th or 9th or any other day). Now, do you know why? Modern medical science has only found this out within the last 50 years. How did Moses know this 4 000 years ago? Here is the reason : A baby's disease-finghting ability begins to decrease from day 1, whereas his blood-clotting ability slowly increased from day 1. Using linear programming, the two graphs will intersect sooner or later. Can you guess what day the two lines intersect? On the 8th day. And you sit there and tell ME the Bible is not scientific!!! But these are only two of many such examples. As a scientist, you need to study the Bible some more.

I would also like you to note that macroevolution is MOST CERTAINLY NOT science. It is philosophy.

That's what I think about your question!!!

2006-12-28 05:29:26 · answer #3 · answered by flandargo 5 · 1 1

I believe God created the universe.

Is the earth 6000 years old? No.

The bible's purpose is to not be a science book, it is tell about Jesus and where he came from and why he is here. If anyone tells you different then they are WRONG.

God made things to be rather resilient. Do I believe I evolved from a monkey? No.

Do I believe we were made to adapt and change due to our environment? Yes.

Are dinosaurs a myth of the devil? No.

Is the world flat? No.

Is the earth the center of the universe? Well, I guess if the universe is infinite then any place can be the center...

One thing science cannot prove is the origin of everything. There is no way to test that. We can theorize but that's all it is, theory.

I believe a lot religious people get things wrong because they try to make the bible a science book. It was only meant to let us know what the deal is with our spiritual state of being. Not the particulars of creation. All we are told is that God created everything. How he did it or how long, we simply don't know. The whole 7 day thing could merely be a way of saying an age, an epoch, a stage, etc.

Perhaps God used a big bang to get things started? Who knows... You bet I'm going to ask him when I see him.

2006-12-28 05:29:23 · answer #4 · answered by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5 · 1 2

I do not believe everything that has been written in our Bibles. Obviously, the earth is not just 6000 years old. However, scientific evidence that supports the age of the earth/universe does not prove that God does not exist. The "Big Bang Theory" is just a theory. The Universe had to come from somewhere... I believe the Universe was created by God. Remember that according to Scriptures relating to time... "a day is a thousand years and a thousand years as a day" (Psalm 90;4;2, Peter 3:8). Scientists are silly to try to disprove the existence of God using scientific evidence based on the age of the Universe. Scientific research and archaeological finds may only be able to prove whether certain Prophets existed... and some writings of the Prophets may be disproved. Keep in mind that many things written in our Bibles was probably changed by evil human beings.

2006-12-28 05:19:03 · answer #5 · answered by Soul saviour 4 · 0 2

Creation period could have taken 6000 years if a day in the Lord is a thousand human years. The years after that did not say how many years more it took to enlighten a person in the name of Adam to make him the first man to realize that there is one God who created the whole thing on the universe. Adam was made to established a monotheistic God. Religions of man before Adam were either through worships of nature or of many Gods and Goddesses ( which later the world of the religious decided were mythologies). Read Genesis 1:27 that wrote about Male and female created together AFTER the plants, animals and vegetation on the 6th day. In the account of creation of Adam, it wrote about the lack of plants and shrubs in the desert where rivers were created first, then Adam BEFORE the animals known only in the Middle East and then Eve. To say that Adam and Eve are the first human being is a misconception insisted by the religions otherwise Cain who killed his brother Abel will not worry that he will be killed by any man who will find him wandering outside Eden. It is not true that he married one of his own sisters because if all people at that time were his siblings, why will he be afraid to be found? Will not his brothers be worried more that they will be next to be killed by Cain? When you use the Bible as your reference, make sure you really have read it and fully understand what is written there before you make a comment like the idiots who have been saying things against the Book. The Bible is not contradicting any findings that Science have been discovering. The creation thing that the Book represented is for man to realize that something or someone must have started it all and it was presented in the time that the intelligence of man was not as great as today. Man is given with the Free Will to use his intelligence to find the truth and develop himself into the fullest to understand his beginning and his end if ever there is an end for mankind. Read Jeremiah 31:27 where he said that Israel and Judah will be joined with the "offspring of man and animals". (This are the Gentiles who existed before the tribe of Israel was formed through Jacob, a descendant of Adam.)
Word of advise, do your own reading. Do not listen to the popular belief created by religious fanatics nor speculate. You could be both knowldgeable of science and the book of creation by which there really is no real contradictions. Science supports our knowledge of the facts and the Bible supports our knowledge of human decency and Dignity. Religious fanatics are destroyers of the real messages of the Book.

2006-12-28 06:02:31 · answer #6 · answered by Rallie Florencio C 7 · 0 1

Honey, each religion has it's own beliefs on Earth's creation. You don't have to believe in intelligent design, or evolution. The bible does say that things were left on this earth to cause you to think. Although I have a hard time thinking God wanted to leave some huge bones 10 feet below the surface of the ground just so He can have some big cosmic laugh at us while we run around asking what the hell?

2006-12-28 05:08:51 · answer #7 · answered by firey_cowgirl 5 · 2 1

The Bible does not state how old the earth is. According to science, the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. The Bible does not contradict this statement at all. The creation account in Genesis allows for that age. Some creationists teach that the earth is 6,000 to 8,000 years old. But the Bible does not teach that. Is that really so?

Genesis 1:1 states quite simply: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This description, which has no date, includes the universe in its entirety - all celestial bodies and planet earth.

Beginning with verse 2, the account describes, not the creation of earth, but rather, the preparation of earth for habitation. Here we are given a description of God's creating things on the planet, not creating the planet itself.

What about the "day" spoken of in the Genesis account? The Hebrew word for day is "yohm." It can mean a twenty-four hour period, it can mean a thousand years or even longer. Notice that the Genesis account describes these periods as days. Now notice that Genesis 2:4 describes the entire creation period on earth as "the day."

We do the same thing. When we say "back in the day," we are not referring to a 24 hour period. We are referring to a lengthy period of time. When we say in my grandfather's day, are we referring to one 24 hour period? No, we are speaking of our grandfather's entire lifetime.

We use the term day to speak of different periods of time with different lengths. So does the Bible.

Hannah J Paul

2006-12-28 05:18:56 · answer #8 · answered by Hannah J Paul 7 · 1 3

The bible is completely inaccurate in this case and can not be used as a reliable reference. The earth is millions of years old and humans have existed for more then 6,000 years although this is what Christians and Jewish people believe. The bible also says the earth was created before the sun when in fact the sun is billions of years older then the earth.

2006-12-28 05:14:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I think you need to learn how to put forth your thoughts in a more comprehensible form. Note, I'm not saying you're right or wrong, just that you should present your question from a well thought out position.

Also, many creationists do not see a disparity between creation and science and ascribe to theories such as Apparent Age and Intelligent Design.

As for 6000 years... well that's rather debatable on it's accuracy.

2006-12-28 05:14:11 · answer #10 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 1 1

The earth is 6000 years old according to the bible.
This has been proven wrong- but creationists don't care and try to discredit it because they don't want to learn anything else.
Science isn't always right, but its certainly more accurate than hearsay and superstition.
A spark close enough to my butt will flare up from the gas.
People CAN die in space from freezing and suffocation.
People who believe in creation are in denial of reality.
Books aren't proof, they're testimonial.
Scientifical isn't a word.
I think "that" is a really LONG way of saying creationism is stupid.
AND I think that TRK doesn't really know the creation story.

2006-12-28 05:13:28 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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