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I myself am a jehovahs witness and we are constantly getting ridiculed for going door to door and beliving wut we belive. We belive that jehovah is gods name and jesus is gods son. we dont celebrate holladays because they were made up by the pagans and the pagans didnt belive in god. Every coment we have or every statment we have when we go to your door is bible based information. We belive that someday we are going to be able to live in peace in harmony in a paradise earth under jehovahs laws and standards. We dont get baptised when we are born..we get baptized when we are ready to dedicate are lives to jehovah. Now let me ask you this. Do jehovahs wittnesess look like unhappy people? Is what we preach something that sounds false and dumb? Do we make sence when we talk about things in the world? How Many of you people hate us? and why do you hate us? Have you ever takin the chance to look into are religion? And those who are my religion......what do you have to say?

2006-12-28 04:01:52 · 26 answers · asked by peace love & lipgloss 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

Most Jehovah's Witnesses would not mind if there was ONLY ONE person who truly loved them, as long as that one person is Jehovah God. Those who work to ingratiate themselves with some human or human group are not doing God's will.

(1 Thessalonians 2:4) We speak, as pleasing, not men, but God, who makes proof of our hearts.

(Matthew 6:20,21) Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven... For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

It is true that Jehovah's Witnesses are not loved by everyone.
Some people hate Jehovah's Witnesses out of ignorance, or over some misunderstanding. A few may have had a bad personal experience with an individual who claimed to be a Jehovah's Witness, and prejudicially extended their animus to this entire Christian religion.

However, it seems that the majority of anti-Witness hatred is motivated by religious intolerance and bigotry. A few may even be motivated against their Christian worship by the unseen 'god of this system of things', Satan the Devil.

(2 Corinthians 4:4) the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers

Interestingly, such "hatred" should be expected by true Christians in this time of the end, and it actually helps identify Jehovah's Witnesses as Christ's true disciples:

(John 15:19) If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you.

(Luke 6:22) Happy are you whenever men hate you, and whenever they exclude you and reproach you and cast out your name as wicked for the sake of the Son of man.

(1 Peter 4:4) Because you do not continue running with them in this course to the same low sink of debauchery, they are puzzled and go on speaking abusively of you.

(2 Timothy 4:3-5) For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories. You, though, keep your senses in all things, suffer evil, do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry.

It seems signficant that the relatively small religion of Jehovah's Witnesses are the ones best known for their worldwide preaching work. Yet Jesus commanded that ALL who would call themselves "Christian" perform this public work:

(Matthew 28:19,20) Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And, look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.

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2006-12-28 06:19:27 · answer #1 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 2 1

Jesus said you would be hated and persecuted because of him. So it's to be expected. I'm sure Jesus had a few doors slammed in his face and was ridiculed by the Pharisee who thought they new more than the son of God. How many today would listen if Jesus came to their door?

He commanded at Matt 24:14 "Good news of the Kingdom will be preached through out the earth and then the end would come."

2006-12-28 12:26:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I don't hate jehovah's witnesses. They are just doing what they think is right. I respect that they do not celebrate holidays due to the pagan origins. At least they aren't trying to change history like the christians! I don't think they appear to be unhappy and they make sense based on their religious beliefs because it seems that they take less scripture out of context than the christians do.

However I don't share their religious beliefs and I think its irritating when they show up at my door. No religions make sense to me when I consider the scientific evidence that we have. Honestly I wouldn't mind discussing religion sometimes but I would prefer if they don't show up when I am in the middle of something.

2006-12-28 12:07:19 · answer #3 · answered by ÜFÖ 5 · 1 2

I don't hate anybody, Jehovah's Witnesses included. I don't believe the same things they believe, but diversity is good. The fact is we all have different ideas on what God wants for us. All we can do is pick what we believe most, and stick to it. But it's also our job to read, study, and learn as much as we can about as many different beliefs as we can. In that way, we can begin to understand our fellow life travelers, and learn where they are coming from. I think some of the ideas Jehovah's Witnesses have are totally screwy and way off base. But it's their belief, and I refuse to judge.
I'm willing to listen to other people's opinions, and even take it under advisement. While it's probably not going to change my faith, doing so will help me get to know you as a person. But, I've never yet met a Jehovah's Witness who is willing to even listen to my opinions. What's up with THAT!?!

2006-12-28 12:14:02 · answer #4 · answered by kj 7 · 0 3

Let's be clear. I don't hate the people. It is the organization that I don't like because it has slimed up your eyes and fed you garbage and called it food.
Do JW's look unhappy? Absolutely. Let me ask you one. Why do JW's have 12 times the average number of people with schizophrenia in their numbers? Why is the rate of depression so high among JW's?
You make sense when you speak the truth from the Bible - not the stuff that the watchtower has taught you. When you look at a number of books and publications, you will see that the quotes from Christian scholars and outside resources are twisted in context to make it look like they support the JW doctrine when in fact they are refuting it!
I have taken a chance to look into your religion and found it wanting. I have had studies with the JW's on a number of topics and they have not given peace to my spirit.

If you want more information on the organization, have a look at bcmmin.org or mcgregorministries.org

2006-12-29 02:34:57 · answer #5 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 1 3

To me it's split. The door to door nonsense bastardizes the faith as do the Mormons in their ministerial efforts. If people are interested they'll go to your website, they'll attend a meeting, they'll pursue the faith. Most everyone in America knows you guys exist, but by going door to door you look like cheap sales people peddling your faith because you don't believe it enough and need others to give you that affirmation.

I think the Jehovah's Witnesses are incorrect in their faith and interpretation of it, but ironically enough, I think the JW and Mormons both, have more believers who act Christian, are informed about their religion, and are closer to the truth than all other branches of Christianity.

So it's twofold for me: The door to door bit makes the religion look foolish and cheap which instantly turns off most people, but the religion itself is stronger than that of "mainstream Christianity." I've been to the meetings, talked with Witnesses, but I found the meetings dull and repetitive, not full of interesting and independent thought. BUT, you all do work hard to learn your faith, harder than most Christian people do.

2006-12-28 12:09:33 · answer #6 · answered by Berzirk 3 · 0 2

I certainly don't hate Jehovahs Witnesses. I love all mankind. (It's easier to love some than others!).

But I do believe that the Jehovahs Witness have been misled, probably enough that their salvation is in doubt.

First of all, God tells us to read his word and interpret it correctly. 2nd Timothy 2:15 says...

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

But Jehovah's Witness are not allowed to interpret the word of God. Instead, you must follow the teachings of the Watchtower Society.

In addition, you use a different version of the bible than other mainline sects use. Your version has some very pronounced differences in translation.

Here's the bottom line. In the word, Jesus says, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

"The Word" is Jesus Christ.

It also seems like the Jehovah's Witnesses place to great an emphasis on Works. But Jesus says that the only thing needed for salvation is Faith, not works (lest any man should boast). Of course, works should follow faith, but will not get you into heaven.

I love my JW brothers, just as I love my Mormon and Catholic brothers. I pray that the differences in Dogma don't lead you and others astray, which is my biggest fear.

2006-12-28 12:13:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

My next door neighbor is a Jehovah's Witness and our families get along fine.

Probably because we respect each as people first.

2006-12-28 12:09:56 · answer #8 · answered by daljack -a girl 7 · 4 0

How many people hate jehovahs witnesess? And how many people love jehovah's witnesses or love jehovah?

I do not HATE anyone. I leave HATE for the moon worshippers who are experts at it.

I am totally INDIFFERENT to J.W's - but I PRAY FOR THEM to find JESUS/THE GOD!

also know as the great "I AM".
NOT TO BE CONFUSED with the moon god of the ancient desert people who is called allah.

2006-12-28 12:27:16 · answer #9 · answered by whynotaskdon 7 · 0 2

I would sure think that if a person took the time from their life to knock on my door to tell me about a hope for peace and a paradise earth that It would have an effect on me and I would listen very carefully.



2006-12-28 12:16:02 · answer #10 · answered by Szy_snowflake 2 · 3 1

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