let the tears dry, then ask some probing questions to make sure that she is indeed over this other guy. otherwise, you are just wasting your time and will end up being a "rebound" guy for her.
2006-12-28 03:07:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is no set or proper time for any one to grieve regardless of what it's about or for ,,,, Each person is different ,,,, Allot of things effect allot of people in allot of different ways and for different periods of time ,,,,, It sounds like to me that you are sitting on the side lines and ready to pounce on her ,,,,, If you were a friend then you'd just offer moral support for her and display a genuine interest in just helping her get through this regardless of how long it takes ,,,,, Stop letting your glands do your thinking for you ,,,,, Give this girl some space and leave her alone ,,,, No one can work this out for her ,,,, she has to do this on her own ,,,, Right now all you would be is a rebound ,,,,
2006-12-28 11:21:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First you need to start by being there for her. Listen to her complain and vent- truely listening gives her the impression that you actually care what she's thinking and going through. When you see that she can make lasting conversations and thoughts without much mention of "him" then offer to cook her dinner at your place or something. Make sure you let her know when you make dinner plans that it is a date. Good luck to you!
2006-12-28 11:10:00
answer #3
answered by kellilicious5 3
It's different for everyone, let her take her time, but stand by her side as a friend, sooner or later she'll want you, because of how good you've been with her
2006-12-28 13:57:21
answer #4
answered by Pilsner 2
just be really nice to her, and wathch what you say, or you'll get a real nasty ***** slap. they hurt.
2006-12-28 11:08:03
answer #8
answered by Brian W 5