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Abortion is a very touchy subject and talking about it can result in anger and accusations. Therefore, I will take great pains not to offend anyone needlessly or carelessly. As a Christian, I believe abortion is wrong. But, I will not point an angry condemning finger at anyone who has had an abortion or supports abortion. You will see why if you finish reading this.

Do not expect gross pictures, or a psychological guilt-whipping. Expect information, care, and concern. "

Many Christian website's attack people who support abortion. I do not to believe an outright attack is proper on my website. Abortion is a difficult subject to tactfully address and emotions can flare up easily. I will seek to avoid that error of inciting emotionalism. If I fail at it, I have only myself to blame. However, I will try to persuade people using reason -- and scripture -- to avoid abortions.

However, because I am a man, many women will dismiss my comments as irrelevant and maybe even unsympathetic since I cannot relate to having an abortion or to carrying a child. Others, I suspect, may be tempted to dismiss my comments because I am a Christian as well as a man. I can only hope that they will not do that and give me a fair chance.
Others may assume that I will try to condemn them and the use the Bible to bash and ridicule. I won't. But, I will quote the Bible, not as a club, but as a source of forgiveness and encouragement. Since I am a Christian, the Bible is my standard of truth and I cannot help but consult it for guidance.

A logical argument against abortion

Many people will refuse to accept God's word as a standard by which they should live and make decisions. That is their right to reject it. Nevertheless, I offer the following as reasons for not having abortions.

What is growing in the womb of the woman is alive.
Even one celled creatures are alive.
What is growing in the woman is more than a one celled creature.
The nature of the life in the woman is human.
It is the product of human DNA, therefore it's nature, its essence is undeniably human.
Because it is human in nature, if left to live, it will result in a fully developed human baby.
Humans are humans not because they have feet, hands, walk vertically, and speak, etc. Not all people have feet, hands, can walk, and speak. They are humans because of their nature, their essence, not because of physical abilities or disabilities.
A person born without arms and legs is still human.
A person who cannot speak is still human.
A person in a coma, helpless, unaware, unmoving, is still human by nature and it is wrong to murder such a person.
What is growing in the womb does not have the nature of an animal, a bird, or a fish. It has human nature.
If it is not human in nature, then what nature is it?
If it is not human in nature, then does it have a different nature than human?
If so, then from where did it get this different nature since the only sources of its nature are human egg and and human sperm?
Objection: A cell in the body has human DNA and is alive and it is okay to kill it. So, it doesn't make any difference with a fetus.
Though it is true that a cell in the human body has DNA and is alive, a cell (muscle cell, skin cell, etc.) has the nature of being only what it is -- not a human. In other words, a muscle cell is by nature a muscle cell. A skin cell is by nature a skin cell. But, the fertilized egg of a human is by nature that very thing which becomes a fully developed human. Its nature is different than that of a muscle or skin cell because they do not grow into humans. Therefore, they are not the same thing.
A fertilized human egg has the nature of human development and it is alive. This is not so with a muscle or skin cell.
To abort the life, which is human in nature, is to kill that which is human in nature.
Therefore, abortion is killing a life which is human by nature.
Where, then, does the mother get the right to kill the human within her?
A question for those who believe in abortion and that the life in the womb is not human. Is it okay to take a fertilized egg between a man and a woman and place it in the womb of a dog?
If you say no, then why? If it is not human then it doesn't matter, right?
If you say no because it will become a human then you admit that it has human nature and is alive. If it is human in nature and alive, then you do not have the right to abort it.
If you say it is alright, why is it okay?

2006-12-28 03:03:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

There is only one way to go to hell and that is if you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. As far as having an abortion, murder is wrong, you will find that in the ten commandments. God gives life, just like He takes it away. If He has given you a life to nurture and take care of, then He will help you through anything you may face in the near future. Think about your decision long and hard, because once it's done, there's no taking it back. Remember too that God forgives us of the wrongs we do, if we ask Him in earnest. If it's just that you aren't ready for the responsibility, then look into your heart and give your child a fighting chance. There are millions of people out there who would LOVE to give your baby a home and watch it grow and see the children that it may one day have.
The same is true for getting to Heaven, Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the light, no man comes unto the Father except through me!"

2006-12-28 03:08:40 · answer #2 · answered by Car Trouble 1 · 3 0

Why would you kill your baby if you could have one. So many people can't, have the baby and give him or her up for adoption. whether you will go to heaven of hell, you won't know until you go, but one of the 10 commandments is Thou shall not kill. Really think it over the pros and cons of killing your child. Its not a choice to make light hearted. Talk to women who have had an abortion see how they feel about it. Do the research, either way you may have regrets do what ever you feel you can live with. Good luck.

2006-12-28 03:03:42 · answer #3 · answered by Lovely Lady 27 5 · 3 0

It's up to you to decide whether it is wrong or not. It is up to you to decide whether you are "murdering a baby" or removing an a feotus before it matures into a baby.

If you truly think it is wrong then you shouldn't have it done. Pay no attention to these people who say you should put it up for adoption etc - they obviously don't know how many babies there are already that will never be adopted.

Like I said, it's up to you to decide if you believe you'll go to heaven or hell.

2006-12-28 03:09:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, having an abortion is wrong. However, abortion is not the determining factor in whether you go to heaven or hell. Accepting or rejecting Christ is the thing that determines whether you go to heaven or hell. God tells us in His word that children are a blessing from the Lord. Why would anyone deliberately kill one of God's blessings for them? Abortion is the epitome of selfishness, in my opinion. It is all about I don't want, I do want, I wish, I can't, I, I, I, I. I personally do not believe that one who has Christ in their heart will be able to go through with an abortion. It is soooo contrary to His love and teachings that it seems to me that anyone who would do such a thing is not really one of His.

2006-12-28 03:06:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Heaven and hell do not exist in the afterlife. However, the guilt you may feel after having an abortion may make your life a sort of hell on Earth.

2006-12-28 03:02:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Yes, abortion is wrong. From a purely scientific and ethical standpoint, every abortion kills an innocent human being:

Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:

Pain Perception in the Unborn:

Abortion is also wrong from a Biblical standpoint:


If you or someone you know has aborted a child, I recommend the free online post-abortion Bible study available at http://www.healinghearts.org Most of their email counselors are women who have aborted babies themselves. They can help.

Yes, abortion is murder, and Bible says that no murderer has eternal life (1 John 3:15). However, if a woman who has aborted repents of her sin (the abortion and all other sin), places her faith in Christ, and follows Him, she will be saved. For more information on this, please visit the http://www.healinghearts.org website.

2006-12-29 07:29:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sweetie, nobody knows for sure. You will have people tell you yes it's a sin and you will go to hell, and you will have others tell you no it doesn't matter. You have to decide what is right for you, right now. It's nobody Else's business and it is you, who has to live your life. This is not an easy decision to make and if you choose to have one, you will also have to deal with the emotional feelings after, and be able to forgive yourself. I feel the choice is a right every woman should have. If you do decide to have one, please have it done as soon as you can. Best wishes and don't let anyone push you into doing something you don't want to do. In the end, everything will all work out, so try not to worry to much.

2006-12-28 03:06:24 · answer #8 · answered by wish I were 6 · 1 2

Abortion is scripturally wrong. A unborn child is a living being and if it's life is deliberately terminated, that is murder. The law to the Israelites was that if someone caused harm or death to a unborn child, it was considered murder. And they could be put to death. God wants us to have high respect for life. Didn't he give us his son's life as a ransom. Are we showing respect for the ransom of Jesus if we have no respect for the life of an unborn child?

There are many people who would adopt a baby and give it a good home, if you feel that you could not. Don't punish the baby for your mistake. Two wrongs don't make a right.

2006-12-28 03:10:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If you have an abortion and do not truely ask God to be forgive you. You may go to hell unless you have been saved and born again.
Abortion is a sin. It is murder. and one of the ten commandments is thou shall not murder. God doesnt want you to kill someone (or something if you think it is only cells) he has created.

2006-12-31 14:32:19 · answer #10 · answered by Ashley N 1 · 0 0

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