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What appeals to you when trying a new church? Is it the music? The people? If so please elaborate your answers. I am trying to start up a drama team in my church but am wanting to know if that would attract new and younger generations. Serious answers please no funny stuff.

2006-12-28 02:37:18 · 16 answers · asked by jazzy 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I want to clear a few things up...
The drama wouldn't be happening on a Sunday Morning during Worship but I guess do you also look for what the church has to offer such as groups (Wednesday night bible study, Youth group, Singles Group, Young Married Couple, Choir, Praise Team etc...)

2006-12-28 03:32:37 · update #1

16 answers

My husband and I recently moved to a new city and had to find a new church. The thing that I look for most is acceptance and genuine people. I would rather go to a church where people actually lived the life that the say or that they preach than go to a church that had every single activiy or program.

2006-12-28 02:40:44 · answer #1 · answered by aucloud 1 · 0 0

This is a hard question to answer because I have left other churches because they were putting on shows instead of just teaching the Word. I don't have anything against praise, the Bible says to make a joyful noise but some churches like to do back flips and run around chasing each other and tap dancing like they're putting out fires etc... If the Holy Ghost is leading you into a Holy dance then that is one thing but when the church members come to you after service and ask when are you going to "break loose" I have a major problem with that. So for now, I am at home reading the Bible and having my own Bible Study. Now that I am in my 30's I am more concerned with the study part of church I don't like to get forced into joining a choir or forced to river dance when the Holy Spirit is not moving me too. The body of Christ is many so the Holy Spirit will deal with each person in a different way. Until I find a "real" church I will praise the Lord at home.

2006-12-28 05:39:27 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

Whenever I travel, Number 1 on my list of criteria for trying a church is how they treat the Word. Is it a Bible believing teach, OR a Bible TEACHING church. (I'll go with a Bible teaching church every time.).

Number 2 is the worship. Choirs are wonderful, but is the congregation ENCOURAGED to join in to praise and give true spirit-filled worship.

Number 3 is the Holy Spirit. Is there some sense of the Holy Spirit being in residence when the congregation is gathered together? I love a charismatic church where the Holy Spirit touches my heart and gifts me with understanding and conviction. But would leave immediately if everything centers around "The Power" of charismania. Everything should be done rightfully and in order. A church service should not promote chaos, but neither should the service be dead.

Number 4 is the people. The Church's character traits will reflect the personality of their shepherd. Is the Body warm and welcoming? Helpful and encouraging?

Focus upon the teaching of the word.
"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
Personally, drama and dramatic presentations have a place in a church's special events, not weekly as part of the service. If there is one thing I avoid, it's appealing to the masses to enlarge the church. If I wanted drama, I would go to a "Seeker-Sensitive" church (such as mega-church Willowcreek outside of Chicago) or any of their hundreds of outreaches and imitators.

But then, I don't go to church to be entertained; I go to learn more about my Lord Jesus Christ.
But that's just me.


2006-12-28 03:01:05 · answer #3 · answered by Bobby Jim 7 · 0 0

When I go to a new church, I want to know if it is Biblically based first and foremost. That being done with, I look at the people...are they friendly and content or smug and just kinda there? Then I look at the preacher - is he humble or egotistical? Energetic or boring? The music doesn't make much difference; I enjoy the old hymns as well as contemporary worship songs, both are useful to the edification of God.

When you speak of younger generations...are you talking college age, late twenties/early thirties, teen agers? Unfortunately, when speaking of teen agers it is mostly dependent on the charisma of the teens already at the church to bring in others.

Drama groups and music ministries are good ways of getting people involved in evangelism that normally aren't comfortable approaching people one-on-one about their faith. But those groups should try to do thing outside the church as much as "preaching to the choir" so to speak.

2006-12-28 02:48:39 · answer #4 · answered by Krys Tamar 3 · 0 0

well first thing i look at is the doctrine,
1. does the church teach sound biblical doctrine
2. is the true word of God being preached
3. is the Holy Spirit leading the pastor to teach or is a church board, if its not the spirit of God, its not for me..
4. is the Jesus that church following the true Jesus of the bible.

secondly have they added things to the gospel
1. salvation by works
2. savation from the church
3. pagan, or satanic or other doctrines not found in the ble
4. is there are more opperating than just the five fold ministry
i.e. drama ministries, puppet minstries, dance ministriesthen they are adding to the true ministries ordained by God seen in eph. 4
(Eph 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;)

thirdly where is the heart of the service
1. it needs to be on christ and learning his word
2. prayer
3. is the music held in higher regard then the peaching,

i don't like seeing all these extra things added to the american church today. its not biblical and its wrong. its an easy way to let ravening wolves have their way with the flock of God
(Mat 7:15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Mat 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. )

false prophets/teachers can be hard to spot sometimes, but there are a lot of them out there

2006-12-28 03:10:54 · answer #5 · answered by stinger_449 2 · 0 1

all of that plays a major role in some one joining a church but ou also have to pray about it and the leader in my opinion has to be a great preacher to be a great teacher one who reads the word then breaks it down in every day sistuations because you have some people who were brought up in the church then fell away but now how have returned but have no clue as to were to start, so it starts at the head. if the head which is your pastor if not sent from god then you have a mojor problem. good luck o and also if your church has a sign out front that really help to give the drive by on looker fath hey it got me going again. example...
P.U.S.H (Pray Untill Something Happen)
CH_ _ CH what is missing ( U R )
get creative god bless and good luck with your minstery.

2006-12-28 02:47:24 · answer #6 · answered by Mrs W. 2 · 0 0

Do they actually teach from the bible. Do they promote unity. Do they follow the words of Christ. Do they forgive and encourage those who are hurting and in need. Do they have ordained pastors, elders, and deacons. Those are fundamentals in seeking out a church. Look at the church described in Acts 2, as well as in 1 Timothy 3. Those are the foundations for a Christian church.

2006-12-28 02:47:20 · answer #7 · answered by maguainc 3 · 0 0

I look for genuine people. People should never be assigned to welcome you, the whole church should be welcoming genuinely. The pastor should be down to earth but knowledgeable about the subject he has chosen. Overall, things should be welcoming on day one. If there's any exclusiveness going on, I wouldn't go back.

When we found our church, we were invited to an event the very first day we attended. We were taken out to dinner by one couple within two weeks of attending. We then invited another couple to dinner within a month. We were welcomed right off the bat. As the months went on, it became very obvious that they weren't being nice because they had to, but because they were nice and relational.

These are just my feelings on the subject.

2006-12-28 03:03:05 · answer #8 · answered by luvwinz 4 · 0 0

Tradition. Valid Sacraments. Catholicity. Apostolic Succession. Well done liturgy. Holiness. Worshipfulness. Decent music, played on an organ...Gregorian Chant and hymn-singing.

2006-12-28 02:45:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When I knew I had found my home church. There wasn't a single person in the church house yet. I had gotten there early. When I sat quietly by myself. God spoke to me and told me that I was home.

He filled my heart with total completion, then the chruch members poured in for the service, and everyone of them welcomed me with opened arms, as if I was a long lost family member.

Prasie the Lord. He will lead you to the church you can call home if you ask Him to guide you there. Praise the Lord!! I was blessed with a wonderful church family because I turned to God to lead me to where He wanted me to be.

2006-12-28 02:42:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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