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no matter what god or god's you believe in you have to admit that there were thousands more where those came from, i.e. your god is not the ONLY god to have ever been believed in. now then, if you are in an argument with someone over something and they change their side of the story 2,000 times, wouldn't it be safe to conclude that they were lying? if i ask you to guess the number of which i am thinking and you guess 2,000 times (and secretly you were right on the 24th guess, but i let you keep going), after all of this wouldn't you assume that there is no way of knowing my number? IF god exists there should be 1 record of god. period. not just similar accounts. similar accounts only prove POSSIBILITY, not necessity nor probability. just because we both have parents, doesn't mean both our parents are the same people. So the theist asks for PROOF that god is not real, in spite of the fact that the burden of proof is always on their shoulders, here i give it to you.

2006-12-28 02:18:55 · 25 answers · asked by Shawn M 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

the fact that we cannot agree on what god is shows that he cannot exist.

2006-12-28 02:19:22 · update #1

Faith is what the people had who drank the poisoned KoolAid following the direction of a maniac who used god to convince them! BLIND FAITH = DEATH to those people, why should it mean LIFE to you?

2006-12-28 02:23:26 · update #2

you don't KNOW anything about god, so how can you KNOW that he would be WEAK and UNWORTHY if there was only 1 description of him throughout time? god has been described as being multiple, alive, constant, dead, male, female, the sun, the moon, etc. we (((know))) NOTHING about him any more than we can SEE nothingness.

2006-12-28 02:26:08 · update #3

your quotes aren't even talking about the same thing! the psalmist is saying that the good people will not die in times of famine and strife (obviously not true around the time and place of Katrina), but the wicked will die quickly. read the bible for yourself, do some contextual reading as well!

2006-12-28 02:34:28 · update #4


hydrogen and oxygen regularily organize themselves into water molecules without god's intervention.

2006-12-28 02:43:36 · update #5


to my knowledge there has never been a competitive idea as to what holds us down (i.e. gravity). thus one account. if god were demonstrated in this way it would be much more believeable.

2006-12-28 02:45:31 · update #6


the bible is NO LONGER used as historical fact. the jews were never in egypt, the exodus never took place. the books contradict on another on so many levels!


2006-12-28 02:47:45 · update #7


I am NOT referring to a name. I am referring to the inherent properties of the entity. therfore we KNOW that "ringo" translates FROM japanese to "apple" in english... why? because the properties of both "ringo" and "apple" are identical. same as with all words that have direct correlation between two distinct languages. God, however, is completely the opposite. no two cultures saw god the same! he was many, he was one, he was here, he was unattainable, he was walking in the garden of eden, although later it is said that to see the face of god would surely kill you.

2006-12-28 02:51:26 · update #8


no, i am not saying anything about the probility of any of the thousands being true or not, i am saying that because there ARE thousands they must all be stabs in the complete dark.

2006-12-28 02:54:39 · update #9

25 answers

So, the fact that I can not show you what gravity is means it doesn't exist?

Really, I can not show you gravity, only the effects. It is the same with God, I can not show you God, only the effect that He has on everything.

You are right, there hasn't been a competitive idea for gravity (at least one that I can think of) - so lets use the wind (it was once thought that violent winds were the gods using the power of their lungs to exhale and cause damage), you can't see it, but you can feel it's effects.

2006-12-28 02:29:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There is only one record of God and that is the Bible. Many of the facts in the Bible have been proved true. There are also many prophesies in the Bible that are still being fulfilled even in our lives now and this book was written over 2000yrs ago. Part of the problem is people will decide to debate another on topics that they don't know so they constantly change their answers. Does that make God not real? I think it doesn't it make the misinformed people look bad. If you don't believe in God then that's your choice but look around you do you really think that this world came about by chance? Our bodies are so intricately made that it could not have happened by chance. Another thing you can do is Ask God if he is real to show you that he is. You might be surprised at what you are shown.

2006-12-28 10:31:16 · answer #2 · answered by firefly 3 · 1 0

If there is a god, why can this god not be all of those things. To me god is all of existence, and god is the void or nothing that life came from. This is what I was talking about apples, 10 people look at, taste, use an apple each, you ask each of them their experience and they will all tell you something different. Some may not like the apple at all, some may describe it as the most delicious sweetest taste in the world. Having different experience with, or different names, descriptions and uses for the same thing does not prove that thing is false, it may prove that thing is versatile, or misinterpreted. It may also prove there is more than one kind.
Proof is a funny beast, Not proving that something exists is different from proving something does not exist. The burden of proof lies on any shoulders trying to prove something, not only on the side of the opposition.

2006-12-28 10:36:44 · answer #3 · answered by Sara 5 · 0 0

Your argument (if I understand it) boils down to this:
- There have been thousands of religions
- The chances of any one of them being exclusively true is 1 in several thousands
- Therefore, g/God cannot exist

When reduced to this form, I'd say your argument is weak indeed. Your conclusion doesn't follow from the first and second statements. Also, I'm not sure that your second statement is fair - many, if not most of those thousands do NOT make exclusive claims, and so many could be true simultaneously.

If you want to make an argument that low probabilities (and 1/2000 isn't really that low) of X occuring mean that X cannot occur, then you are going to have a lot of issues with science, from radioactive decay to evolution.

2006-12-28 10:49:07 · answer #4 · answered by snak 2 · 1 0

The incredible order and diversity and complexity shows that there must be an author. It can get down to what is the most logically defensible position? That matter eternally existed (or came into existence by itself for no reason), and then by itself arranged itself into complex information systems against everything observed in real science? Or that a being with infinite intelligence, created information systems for life to exist, agreeing with real science.

2006-12-28 10:34:17 · answer #5 · answered by thundercatt9 7 · 0 0

Most religions believe in only one God, they differ in the smaller details like prophets and holy books. That's why there are so many different organized religions, and those are not important to some people. God is whats important to me, not religion.

and there is no proof showing that God doesn't exist. Despite what Atheists think, God would still exist without the Bible or Christianity....The Bible did not "create" God. And faith is just having a strong belief in something, you have faith that God is comparable to the tooth fairy...it's just a word.

2006-12-28 10:22:05 · answer #6 · answered by James P 6 · 0 2

The volume of your own Absurdity, will prove you right, though not under my knowledge, you have your freedom, its up to you to qualified your self as capable to use such freedom and steal become a winner, though if you can't control your own desires to go to fur, without making sure that you haven't loose or use your own integrity, capacity, Intelligence, powers and potentials, to it's maximum, then it will seam to me that its time to grow, a/o go back to your mother and ask for more understanding, perhaps 100% freedom isn't so nearly a good thing to have for anyone in need of the true knowledge about a God???....And remember we are just Humans, Not God's, and we are suppose too learn, always, some new things, and more things in Life. .

2006-12-28 10:31:14 · answer #7 · answered by paradiseemperatorbluepinguin 5 · 0 1

Actually, I am an atheist, myself. However, I don't believe your argument undermines the notion that god exists. There are many counter arguments which can - and have - been deployed over the years.

I think the best argument for no god, is the simple fact that god is not necessary. 2,000 years ago, when we could not understand the world around us, tales of the divine were needed to explain an irrational world. Today, we simply have better explanations. Yet many people fail to recognize that our ancient mythologies were simply historical fictions.

No one believes that earthquakes are caused by giants rumbling around in the forges of Hades anymore, yet many people still believe the universe was created by a divine being. We have discarded was is unuseful about our mythology and remained devout to that which gives us comfort.

2006-12-28 10:25:10 · answer #8 · answered by texascrazyhorse 4 · 1 3

It doesn't 'prove' it, but it makes the possibility so extremely remote that only the most pathetically desperate mind, totally incapable of reason would treat the belief in god as anything other than a fanciful footnote in mankind's history.

2006-12-28 10:33:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

While it is highly reasonable to assume God does not exist and live your life under that assumption, it doesn't fall under most people's definition of the word "proof." To them, "proof" must be immutable and irrefutable. But little in life rises to that level of certainty. For example, most people assume that 2+2 always equals 4, but this assumption falls apart in base 3 (2+2 = 11) or base 4 (2+2 = 10).

Possibility is the hook on which religion hangs its hopes. They will always have their possibility, and they will run their lives under the superstitious assumption that if God is possible, God is real. Don't let their irrationality get to you, even when they accuse you of arrogance. Because in the end, the greater arrogance is to insult someone for trusting logic.


2006-12-28 10:26:27 · answer #10 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 1 3

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