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Just for the sake of argument, does it really matter? Yes, many wrong things are committed in the name of religion but does it outweigh the joy, hope and selfless acts that many people feel and do inspired by the word of God?
When someone feels at peace and hopefull after a prayer, although it isn't "evidence", it's still demonstrates a positive impact on one's life....True (or not), why should it matter to anyone else besides them?

2006-12-28 02:01:13 · 26 answers · asked by Jmyooooh 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

I think it definitely matters because we need to know the truth about our environment. This includes our immediate surroundings as well as the entire planet and universe. We need to know in order to plan for the future.

I understand your point however, and it is a good one. Many people depend on religion to give them stability, meaning, peace, and morals. However it also causes people to commit atrocities. Look at all the holy wars throughout history. Religion wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if it only affected people on an individual basis but human nature will never allow that to happen.

2006-12-28 02:10:35 · answer #1 · answered by ÜFÖ 5 · 2 0

That is like saying, yes, many wrong things are committed by people who are on drugs, but does it outweigh the joy, hope, and positive acts of people who are on drugs?

Yes, it does. It might feel really good, but you can't live in a fantasy land. Your argument is akin to people who try to say that doing drugs only affects the individual. We all know that the actions of people when high have a strong impact on others.

My original answer was going to be, it makes no difference whether there is a god or not. What matters is that people have created crazy cults to worship what they conceive of as this god that are based in non-reality and have a strong impact on those who do not hold the same beliefs in non-reality. Your religions have nothing to do with God. They are completely man-made.

2006-12-28 10:07:38 · answer #2 · answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7 · 0 1

It matters, in fact (in my Christian opinion) it matters a great deal at both ends of the spectrum.

It matters greatly to those of us who seriously consider God's "Great Commission" to spread the good news of the Gospel. If you truly believe and have some knowledge and understanding of God's will then you will recognize that we are instructed to do so, it is an act of obedience. One can't therefore help but recognize also that "God is not willing that any man (or woman) should perish" and so then we are His workers in the harvest field, it being plentiful though the workers few.

As for those who visit YA's R&S section seemingly bent on doing the opposite, I consider they generally fall into 2 categories (and varibles in between). They are either here as enemies of God, (the opposition) or they are genuinely here trying to get some answers but not wishing to let down their guard, maintaining a false impression of their true intentions. Either way, it probably matters a great deal to them also.

2006-12-28 10:49:21 · answer #3 · answered by movedby 5 · 0 0

I would agree, it doesn't matter. One thing you should consider though....a person can feel that same peace, hope, and joy without ever praying or believing. It seems from your question that you are christian and that's fine, that's what works for you personally. But don't be like many and be so egotistical to think yours is the only way.

2006-12-28 10:18:37 · answer #4 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 0 0

Yes it does matter if God exists or not. Yet, your statement needs to take one step back for you forgot something fundamental about God.
Primarily if God (a subsistent Being) did not exist then neither would we (contingent beings). This is what is meant in the book of Exodus when God revealed His name to Moses, "I am who am." The term means in essence "It is in My nature to exist." In other words, He is reality and existence and the source of ours. It is NOT in man's nature to exist. The proof is in the fact we were created. We do not generate our own existence. It is dependent upon another (a man and a woman). And if we were to perform an infinite regression to find our first parents, even their existence would depend on another and that other is who we call God. If it was in our nature to exist then we would not need to be created, we would just "be" without the help of God or parents. And so, on the basic and fundamental notion of existence, then it REALLY does matter if God exists or not.
And yet, your statement also affirms the fact that it is important that God exists. After all what the Christian experiences of a presence outside themselves is proof of the existence of God.
A philosopher (who was an Athiest) named Fuerbach said that what the Christian experiences of God (outside themselves) is actually just human mental projections of good will. Yet, the fault of his argument is that he cannot prove it. One can simply argue back, "How do you know your statement is certain, true, unbiased, and objective? Is it not just your own mental projection?" And so, his system of thought fails to debunk Christianity and the experience of God in the Christian life.
Still, the rest of your statement also affirms why God and life in God should matter to the Christian, Non-Christian, and Athiest alike. What the Christian experiences of God is wisdom which improves our human intelligence. The experience of God offers hope so we will not dispair in life (for we are not destined to life on earth, but in Him our Creator). The life within God offers freedom to the Christian for they can live in peace and happiness even though insulted, persecuted, tortured, and ignored by the world. The Christian experiences so many benefits of purpose and destiny that God through the Christian offers such gifts to all they meet.
Would not the Athiest want wisdom, hope, freedom, peace, and happiness? And these qualities are gifted by God to us all and not just the Christian, but since these gifts are within God would He not know how best they are given and used? Therefore, we should stop thinking that we are the ones who decide what they are and when and how they are employed in our life. We should be humble and stop thinking they are a Christian monoploy, but are gifts to the whole world. That is why Catholic Church teaching is exactly that; Catholic (Greek for Universal). It is for all men and women and has all men and women in mind. So, would it be justice for the Christian or any person to believe that issue of God and faith is only a personal thing that should not be shared with all of His children?
May the Lord bless and keep you. May He let the light of His face shine upon you.

God's and your beast of burden
Fr. john

2006-12-28 10:46:05 · answer #5 · answered by som 3 · 0 0

I agree completely. I think it is a matter of faith. You either have it, or you don't. Why are people so uptight about it, either way. If God is real, the choice in the end is his.

Some people are just cruel, and can't bare to see a person happy and at peace. I always wonder about their reasons as well.

2006-12-28 10:12:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The second answer was ridiculous...although I do go through withdrawals if I don't pray on a daily basis.

To Shonuff: The point of her question is who cares if religion is important to believers? It doesn't affect you unless you let it...and by all the questions you ask about God, you obviously let other people's beliefs affect your life way too much.

Atheists seem to be under the impression that religion is the cause for all the recent wars and recent oppression. Today it's all about money and power, that's why wars are started today....not to convert people. It's easy to use the mistakes of the past against people.

2006-12-28 10:05:06 · answer #7 · answered by James P 6 · 1 2

It matters not in the least.

Nonetheless, there is no such evidence of the "power of prayer". There was one study produced a few years ago and widely reported, but it's results were shown to be flawed and to top it off the whole thing was put together by a known charlatan who happened to dupe a few otherwise respected academicians that did not review the methodology and findings thoroughly.

2006-12-28 10:05:00 · answer #8 · answered by gebobs 6 · 2 1

Yes it does matter, similar to the existence of law and regulations in the community, if they are not exist the human community would be a jungle, remember what happened in Los Angeles during the black out few years ago !

2006-12-28 10:11:43 · answer #9 · answered by GaGa 1 · 0 0

If G-d didn't exist then neither would you. Do you really think that you just "appeared"? Is it snowing where you are? Go outside. Do you hear that? Do you "feel" that? Have you ever held a brand new baby? When all three of my kids were born and the nurse handed them to me, I breathed in their brand new breath from heaven. Wow! OH Yes!! There is G-D! and He is so incredible! It should matter because we all have a piece of Him within us. That spark, that light. That is where we all come from and will ultimately return.

2006-12-28 10:13:45 · answer #10 · answered by kmoc123 5 · 0 1

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