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2006-12-28 01:32:14 · 35 answers · asked by a sock 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

God...There are seven basic proofs God exists. Properly, they belong in a separate book all by themselves, but I will cover them briefly here.
(1) That there is a great CREATION is obvious. The very fact of the existence of THINGS; the universe, the solar system, the earth and all myriad forms of life upon it, demands a CREATOR!
(2) The existence of great, immutable, powerful LAWS (and I speak of the "laws" governing the physical universe; the laws of science and chemistry; laws governing the action of water in its three states; the cleavage and fracturing properties of minerals; gravity, inertia, isostasy, etc., etc.). The existence of these great laws demands a lawgiver!
(3) The intricacy of complex design; whether the feathers on the wing of a bird; the eye of a fly; the breathing apparatus of a dolphin; billions of intricately-designed snowflakes; your own muscular, skeletal, digestive and circulatory systems-etc., etc., requires a great DESIGNER!
(4) LIFE exists. Life in myriad forms. You and I both know that life only comes from preexisting life! This is called the "law of biogenesis." Life demands a great LIFE GIVER!
(5) Life only comes from preexisting life of the same kind! Thus, there is procreation, and the sustaining of life on our planet; the constant recycling of falling trees, rotting vegetation; the bacteria which break it down to become food for the insects which are food for dozens of other creatures, which are in turn food for larger creatures, which are in turn food for man; the cyclical character of our symbiotic environment which, like a gigantic machine was once "wound up," and is gradually running down, requires a sustaining force. Inherent within this proof are the laws governing the "conservation" of energy" and the laws of thermodynamics. It is obvious our universe has a great sustaining force-a GREAT SUSTAINER!
(6) Fulfilled prophecies, of which there are dozens, with dozens more yet to be fulfilled, constitute a great proof of Almighty God. Even simple high school or beginning college-level Bible handbooks such as Halley's, or the Angus Bible Handbook contain fascinating proofs from the spade of archeologists corroborating the prophecies of men who foretold the collapse of great empires and the emergence of others centuries and centuries beyond their own lifetime. Now, we are able to look back at such men as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and others, and see what they foretold actually HAPPENED exactly as they foretold it!
Many of the biblical prophecies are in process of being fulfilled. The serious student of biblical archeology knows that it is axiomatic that, wherever archeology reveals information about ancient civilizations, it always corroborates the biblical record, never refutes it!
(7) The final proof-one which dyed-in-the-wool disbelievers will doubtlessly scoff at-is answered prayer! Of course. God does not answer the prayers of skeptics and disbelievers. However, those individuals who have experienced the answer to PRAYER; those who have been healed of their sicknesses and diseases, who have actually seen miracles performed, are no longer doubting, but believing. Answered prayer is definitely a proof that there is a God who can hear. and answer!

2006-12-28 01:36:42 · answer #1 · answered by His eyes are like flames 6 · 1 7

Some points to make right from the outset: Evolution has been quite a clear-cut word since Darwin; "God" has, or has come to have, several meanings, from the Christian-Judaic-Islamic anthropomorphic creator and ruler of the universe, to the idea of a not-necessarily personalized "Higher Power", the uncreated, eternal source of ultimate knowledge and wisdom encompassing and pervading all, often referred to as "that which for me denotes God".

One thing must be clear to all, though: whichever way one may conceive God in, He or It must also be the originator or fashioner, as also the upholder, of Evolution, otherwise, this "God "would not be all-powerful, actually He or It would not deserve the title of "God" at all.

To my mind, therefore, Evolution is the work of "God" - taken in any sense one prefers - and, moreover, I find it quite a fallacy in itself to ask "which has MORE proof" in the question, since just one valid and irrefutable proof is enough to show the validity of an argument; many are not needed at all. Something is either proven to be so or it isn"t.

(The theory of) Evolution - rather than the "existence" of] is valid since Evolution proceeds from "God" and since Existence is one, and nothing can "exist" outside Existence .

2006-12-28 05:02:20 · answer #2 · answered by shades of Bruno 5 · 0 0

There is currently no tangible proof (i.e. observation) of God's existence. Evolution is a biological process that has been observed.

Let's not confuse evolution with Evolution (macro-evolution). There is some room to question the scientifically based theory of how evolution brought about all life forms from primitive organisms, but the actual process of organisms incorporating beneficial genetic mutations into their genetic code is an observable phenomenon.

2006-12-28 01:40:30 · answer #3 · answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7 · 1 1

Evolution is a field of science. Science needs proof to validate its theories. So whammo--there is more empirical evidence of evolution.

Religion is based largely on faith. Faith requires less empirical proof. Theologians dont attempt to "prove" God exists.

So by the way your question is worded, there is more proof of evolution than of God, but that doesnt mean God doesnt exist.

2006-12-28 01:39:24 · answer #4 · answered by sothere! 3 · 1 0

Evolution, obviously, since God is supernatural (if He created the Universe, He is not bound by its limitations) and therefore by definition impossible to prove, or disprove. Evolution, on the other hand, is a scientific theory.

I just don't see why there has to be a conflict between the two. Lots of people acknowledge Evolution while firmly believing in God.

2006-12-28 01:39:03 · answer #5 · answered by ThePeter 4 · 2 1

Neither has any "proof". They are both religions. Yes, to believing in evolution - is religion. It's a belief based on faith and nothing but. So is God. God, however, makes much more sense than an evolution process. We are taught that a "big bang" created us, yes? Do you really think that anything like a big bang could create trees, grass, waters? A big bang would create a disaster. Look at a person. Look at how precise we are made. Look at how the world works. It's obvious, there HAS to be intelligent design. And the Bible has proof of it being supernatural in origin. God doesn't want to prove himself. It defeats the purpose of faith. But evolution is not the way to believe. It's completely false and absurd information.

2006-12-28 01:55:52 · answer #6 · answered by Kristi H 2 · 0 3

Of course you mean "evidence" not "proof". There are tons of evidence for evolution. Natural History Museums are full of it. Experiments show evolution every semester in biology labs across the country. Aids patents change their medicine as the virus evolves to become immune to their previous treatments. Dog shows have breeds not even thought of hundreds of years ago. DNA shows remnants of common ancestry even allowing us to date the time of the common ancestors.

What evidence is there for gods on the other hand? We have, ancient books written by people who were likely mentally ill, talking about 900 year old men, talking animals, zombies, virgin births etc. Sure, you can listen to the ravings of the schizophrenics who claim god talks to them, but that seems to be evidence of brain malfunction rather than evidence of any gods.

2006-12-28 01:42:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That evolution occurs isn't even remotely in question. The fossil record, biological diversity, similar characteristics including shared DNA between species such as man and primates-all offer conclusive, irrefutable proof of evolution. Only the mechanisms are theoretical-that biological evolution occurs in species is 100% fact.

2006-12-28 01:36:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Proof of evolution is everywhere! Look at the bones that are dug up by anthropologists. It's amazing to see how far we have come from cro-magnon man!!! This is but one of thousands of factual items, but it stood out the most for my example.

Proof that God does not exists comes from common sense: If our existance is so improbable, then the existance of a supreme being must be that much more improbable!!! Think about it!

2006-12-28 01:36:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Evolution has lots of it: fossils, observed changes, DNA.

God has none. The "evidence" cited by Christians is just a "God of the gaps" argument. If they can't understand how something could happen, god must have done it. Thye don't consider that there could be other reasons.

2006-12-28 01:52:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Existence of God: Books: Richard Swinburne
No other work has made a more powerful case for the probability of the ... around and argues that the fact of evolution is proof of God's existence

2006-12-28 01:36:42 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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