She wants to move on. Whatever thrill she used to get from seeing you has faded away and she has come to the belief that she is better off just starting over with someone new. It happens. All of the reasons she gave were her way of not having to say this most obvious reason, because it can be so hurtful and potentially confrontational. Each of these other reasons are just secondary level negatives that have been stored up for whenever she needed to use them…which appears to be right now.
2006-12-28 01:43:23
answer #1
answered by Andrew T 1
I agree with the first poster. She sounds high maintance for real! She can't get mad at the smoking because you did that when you guys met and that's your choice. The money reason is just plain crap. She needs to earn her own money and not rely on you. If she's anorexic and depressed, she needs some thearpy before she gets into another relationship with anyone. Keep up what you're doing and keep moving on. From the sound of her, she'll be trying to get back with you soon enough and then if you want to be with her, go for it but she sounds like alot of work.
2006-12-28 01:37:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
She has a lot going on in her life and probably just could not handle one more thing. Girls tend to keep a mental list of what their guy does wrong and then the littlest thing can put the whole relationship over the edge. She probably does still love you and wants the best for you. It's hard for girls to let go even if they want out of the relationship especially after 4 years. She wants you to be happy, but she just can't be in this relationship with you right now.
2006-12-28 01:42:33
answer #3
answered by Hope 3
OK, she lied to you.
She made a few excuses to you why she broke it off. Sorry bud but she's not trying to get back with you.
Trust me, you won't be able to rationalize this situation with her lame excuses for leaving, she just doesn't want to be with you anymore.
Oh, and NO breakup is hasty. You just didn't realize that she was losing interest in you. Women will often stay in a relationship for much longer than they should.
Go meet someone new and stop worrying about her, she's moved on.
2006-12-28 01:42:03
answer #4
answered by JScorpion 1
Sounds like she really has problems, far beyond what you or anyone else could advise her what to do and you for that matter. The best thing is for her to seek help, and you to stay out until she gets the help she very much needs. Be there for her as a friend, but by all means give her a wide berth.
2006-12-28 01:39:15
answer #5
answered by majean52 3
She has her own issues to deal with, but can't truely admit to them herself, so will past the buck to stupid, menial things like the reasons you stated.
She doesn't want to hurt you, but doesn't have the confidence in herself to be with you..
You are better off moving on with your life, which you said you are doing, and not taking too much of what she says to heart. At least she's willing, if you are too, to build a friendship when she's sorted herself out.
2006-12-28 01:37:44
answer #6
answered by annyka 2
The reasons she gave you were excuses, she must be dealing with personal reasons. She must of called it off because of something she must be going through. You sound like a very decent man and I wish you a happy life. As for her some things are better left unknown
2006-12-28 01:36:42
answer #7
answered by jdnsmama1 3
This girl is dealing with a lot of issues and he probably does not want to drag you into them. It sounds to me that she loves you, but doesn't want to hurt you with what she's going through. I believe that she did not have a real reason to break up with you so she used something from the past to validate her feelings. Let her go and most likely she'll come back to you. Good luck and God bless!
2006-12-28 01:37:08
answer #8
answered by TRUST_ME 3
I feel that your ex has alot of issues that she needs to deal with. Having anoxeria and depression takes agreat toll on the mind. It would be in her best interst to try and get some professional help, and I mean this in the most sincere way. She is not caapable of being in a realtionship because she needs to get control of her life.
She is holding on to you because she obviously cares for you and while you were together you provided her with some sort of normalacy.Maybe you can offer to take her to a place that can help her deal with her issues and take it from there.
Hope this helps!!!
2006-12-28 01:37:00
answer #9
answered by Tina 1
She's got issues that have absolutely nothing to do with you. If you want to be a nice guy, be her friend. Stand by her while she battles her illness. If you want to cut and run, which you have the perfect right to do... Then the fact is that she is looking to be rid of extra responsibilities in her life i.e. a relationship. Let it go.
2006-12-28 01:38:49
answer #10
answered by NolaD 4