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whats wicca?? its a kind of magic but what kind?????

2006-12-28 01:06:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Wicca is a neo-pagan religion that attempts to recreate ancient religions.

It is around 60-100 years old.

As a Faith community, Wicca is not very centralized or organized, so it is often whatever a person wants it to be. It does try to be nature centered however.

Wiccans often refer to themselves as witches, and practice "Spells," which are often similar to prayers in other religions.

2006-12-28 01:14:50 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. Bad Day 7 · 2 1

Wicca has only been around 50 years, looking it up in google and you will see it's the truth.

If you go on any wiccan message board, you will not be told how to do spells and given very little information. You have to join a coven before anyone will tell you the real "secrets".

The reason for this is because spell crafting if not done properly is dangerous. The reason being is they believe in order for the spell to work, you must go into a trance and contact your god/godess of your choice and ask for their help.

This is not just asking, it's contacting the spirit world ie they come to you and speak to you. Sometimes they even ask to be invoked in you. This is why it's so dangerous and a wiccan will not let you know this outside a coven enviroment.

Playing with the spirit world in the name of the wicca has the same dangerous as playing with a ouji board because you are attracting the lower level spirits (bad ones) who will pretend to be whoever you want and good when infact they are bad ones. This is why a lot of wiccans than become christians because of fear and needing protection from God.

There is a term in wicca used by experinced wiccans called fluff bunnies which means that people buy into wicca being all love and light ie enviroment, animals, and about love spells and godesses, while over looking the balance ie dark side (after world) Wicca is not a game. HTH

Edit: Read what Rev Amy,High Priestess of a coven says about it "most Witches and Wiccans believe that Deity is present in everything, including ourselves. Spells, then, are the channeling of our own divine selves, our own energies, to create the change."

Deity is the god/godess=spirit
Channeling is making contact with spirits.

2006-12-30 23:24:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wicca is an Earth based religion, as opposed to being Abrahamic such as Christianity, Hebrew, and Islam. We honor Nature and all living things. There is no centralised organisation in Wicca, and no single "orthodoxy", the beliefs and practices of Wiccans can vary substantially, both between individuals and between traditions. Typically, the main religious principles, ethics and ritual structures are shared, since they are key elements of traditional teachings and published works on the subject.

Wicca is a religion, and although its adherents often identify as witches, Wicca and witchcraft are not necessarily the same thing.

Wiccans worship a goddess and a god; they observe the festivals of the eight Sabbats of the year and the full-moon Esbats; and they have a code of ethics that most live by. Wicca is thus distinct from witchcraft, which may or may not imply any specific religious, ethical or ritual elements, and is practiced in various forms by people of many religions, as well as by some atheists.

Wicca incorporates a specific form of witchcraft, with particular ritual forms, involving the casting of spells, herbalism, divination and other forms of magic. Wiccan ethics require that magical activities be limited to good purposes only.

According to Gerald Gardner, considered the founder of Wicca as he was the first published author about Wicca just after the repeal of the anti-Witchcraft laws, the religion derives from a secret but widespread witch-cult of early modern Europe, which incorporated all of the key religious beliefs and ideals and the distinctive ritual structures found in modern Wicca. While this historical interpretation is now much criticised, it is difficult to conclusively say whether Wicca is a religious form of witchcraft or a religion incorporating witchcraft.

While most Wiccans practice magic, a few neither practice magic nor identify as witches. Similarly, many Wiccans, though not all, call themselves Pagans, though the umbrella term Paganism encompasses many faiths that have nothing to do with Wicca or witchcraft.

The only law/rule/commandment of Wicca is the Wiccan Rede: " An in it harm none, do as thou wilt."

Blessed Be )O(

2006-12-28 09:24:18 · answer #3 · answered by Stephen 6 · 1 1

Wicca is a religion began by Gerald Brouseau Gardner in the late 1940s.

Mr. Gardner was a Mason; then he went to India as a civil servant; he learned the mental mysticism of the yogis, and after he reired and returned to England; he was initiated into a witchcraft coven.

Wicca is a philsophy that has aspects of all three Free masonry, Mental mysticism, AND witchcraft.

Wicca is the practise of white magick. I explored that religion while I was looking for a religion that answered my spiritual questions.

If Wicca answers your spiritual questions; you can serve God in that religion as well as another religion.

Wicca acknowledge the god and goddess because there are both masculine and feminite aspects of the Creator, and They also acknowledge that it is impossible for the mind of man to understand the Creator; because they call the Creator ultimate and unknowable; so the god and goddess are parts pf the Creator they CAN know and understand.

If you are interested in Wicca; be sure you follow the ethics of magick, ie the rede.

Here is an abbreviated version of the rede.

Bide the Wiccan law ye must;
In perfect love and perfect trust.

Eight words the rede fulfill
"an ye harm none. Do what ye will".

What ye send out comes back to thee;
so ever mind the rule of three.

Practise this with mind and heart'
and merry ye meet and merry ye part.

If you want further info; feel free to E-mail me.

2006-12-28 09:23:00 · answer #4 · answered by Rev. Two Bears 6 · 1 0

Wicca- Neopagan Belief
A belief that one can "will into being something that is desired or needed". The watchword is that as long as you do not harm anyone you can do what you want to.

Popularized by Gerald Gardner in 1954 and it is thought that the system goes back to no more than the 1920's

A generalized system of beliefs that do not espouse a particular 'deity' being more or less important than any other.

The Core concept is one of a duality of Nature (Masculine and Feminine...... Positive and Negative..... Active and Passive)

Because of this core concept many Wiccans will have one of each deity.... a feminine and a masculine, which they sometimes refer to as the 'Lord' and the 'Lady'.

However this is not mandatory and many Wiccans actually may have more or less deities.

The biggest influence on Wicca unfortunately was the mid-1800's with the excitement of all things Egyptian and Druidic. Many books were written that have now been shown to be just works of fiction. Much of this was incorporated into Gerald Gardner's thought process on Wicca and influences it to this day.

It is considered 'Neo-Paganism' because it cannot trace anything back further than about a century or so. although there are numerous names for the rest of Paganry.. it can be summed up as Archeo-Pagan in that some faiths have much longer traditions going back several hundred years.

Stregha and Voudoun are good examples of this as opposed to Wicca which is a relative newcomer to the Pagan beliefs.

2006-12-28 09:16:14 · answer #5 · answered by wolf560 5 · 0 2

Wicca, to be very simple, is a system of nature worship. We believe in the Goddess and the God and that they are in all of nature. Since there are many different Wiccan traditions, going into it deeper than that will only give you an idea of what I believe Wicca is.

It's not a kind of magick. Some Wiccans are witches that do ritual spell work (magick), but not all. I am a witch. Most Wiccans I know are witches. But I do know one Wiccan who is very devout but does not practice witchcraft.

Anyone who mentions "Satan", "The Devil", "Demons" or evil forces knows nothing about Wicca. Ignore anyone who starts spouting Biblical references to "prove" that we're evil people. Wiccans are peaceful, ethical individuals who follow the Rede - An it harm none, do what ye will. We are to consider all consequences before doing anything so we do not hurt others or ourselves by our actions.

Blessed be.

2006-12-28 09:12:54 · answer #6 · answered by wyvern1313 4 · 0 1

Actually Wicca is not a magic it is the name of a type of belief. Wicca is the belief in a natural and super natural way of living. We believe in the strength we receive from nature and all of her elements. We do not believe in just One God but in many Gods. There is an entire element of Wicca that can not be explained in one or two paragraphs so don't be surprised if you don't receive the answers you are looking for.
Wicca is the study of and the practice of magic but not necessarily for all believers. It is not a practice of one magic but a combination of many. Wiccans come in a varying shape of beliefs and practices. One thing that all of us share is the kindness to all things living and dead. We believe and if we are true follows know that should we do harm to anyone or anything it will be returned to us seven fold.
I myself am a Green Witch! I give thanks to all living things. I believe I receive my strength from nature as well as man. The magic that I believe in is the one produced by life itself. You will find that each Wiccan will change these depending on their belief and strength in that belief.

Good Luck Little One
Blessed Be

2006-12-28 09:25:52 · answer #7 · answered by wonderingmom 3 · 1 1

This has been very well explained by others. My note here is to the Christians who always show up to condemn us.

Are you purposely trying to alienate and radicalize the Pagans who have, in general, accepting views of Christians?

I'm an interfaith kind of person - I have friends of many religious paths, and some VERY dear friends who are Christians. Some are even clergy.

You are going a far way to changing that. Every time y'all show up on questions about my religion to condemn, or even worse, accuse me of being a Satanist, you erode my good feelings about Christians. I have to remind myself that you're not all like that. It's actually affecting my relationships with the Christian friends I have.

Is that what you are trying to accomplish? You WANT to make enemies out of tolerant and accepting, peaceful Pagans?

I think you ought to think about the consequences of your actions.

2006-12-28 12:02:31 · answer #8 · answered by Praise Singer 6 · 1 0

Wicca is a 'nature religion' which denies the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) and denies Jesus Christ. Its 'followers' advocate 'if it feels good and doesn't hurt anyone, do it'. It's a clever deception but that's how the Devil works.

2006-12-28 11:42:53 · answer #9 · answered by mikey 6 · 0 1

You have heard from 2 of the people I admire most, Raven's voice and Rev Blackthorn. I could not have said it better myself!

2006-12-29 20:25:46 · answer #10 · answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6 · 0 0

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