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With poverty rampant around the globe, twenty million AIDS orphans in Africa, millions of people can't afford good healthcare in many places around the world. Do you think it's right for somebody to be a billionaire? How much money is too much in your opinion?

2006-12-27 17:18:57 · 20 answers · asked by jesserschmit 2 in Society & Culture Community Service

20 answers

Too much is when all you want is more, and you don't notice the people with less anymore.

2006-12-27 17:23:46 · answer #1 · answered by mld m 4 · 1 0

Hmm you have a good point . But that being able to make ton's of cash and be rich is what the USA is all about the system like they had in Russia was about everyone working and having the same .

Our's lasted Russia failed . In a perfect world you would be right there would be no hungry of sick because they can't afford healthcare but that will never happen .

But say you wanted to help so you could afford 20 bucks a month to feed a kid somewhere the way things work now you would be lucky if that kid got a dollars worth of rice to eat .

They all claim the cost to deliver it and we have to play workers to do the paper work well i thing most Churchs are really well off and have major pocket so they could let your 20 bucks go where you thought it was going .

But under the 19 to 1 ratio the poor will stay poor

2006-12-28 01:35:27 · answer #2 · answered by Robert S 3 · 0 0

I don't believe there is such a thing as too much money, as long as you are being a blessing to other people. Many billionaires are philanthropists, and have a different way of thinking than we do.

For instance: Most billionaires didn't just "stumble into" financial freedom, they use systems to create wealth. Now wouldn't it be great if they taught other people how they did it? Herein lies the greatest of dilemmas: most of us normal people would not understand what they were teaching.

But if a person hordes it all to them selves, then, yes I feel they should lose it. Because they are like the rich farmer who had a huge harvest that filled all of his barns. Instead of filling what he had and then blessing others with what was leftover, he decided to build bigger barns, then God called him a fool and said he would lose his life that night.

1. Blessing others when you are wealthy... Good
2. Hording it all to yourself when you are wealthy... Bad

I guess the true answer to your question is based on what that person does with their wealth.

2006-12-28 01:36:26 · answer #3 · answered by t_fo_sizzle 3 · 1 0

Not everyone cares about those in Africa or other poverty stricken places. I sure don't. People who make money want to live life to the fullest and want to carry their money down from generation to generation. At least that is what I want to do. Who says that I can't become a billionaire? Why is it wrong? I say that there can never be too much money. My 2 cents.

2006-12-28 01:33:29 · answer #4 · answered by eee 3 · 0 1

Sorry - I can think of only two responses:

First - to each according to their needs;

Second - There can be no billionaires unless there are people who are exploited in one way or many, to create the billions.

Maybe we should all ask ourselves the question: what kind of society do we want?

One based on inequality - where many billionaires give t charity for good PR or to salve a guilty conscience, or one where all people receive equal treatment in relation to health care, education, clean water, good food and warm clothes in winter.

If it's the latter, there would be no billionaires.

But of course, who really gives a damn about social justice these days?

2006-12-28 05:54:03 · answer #5 · answered by Ricardo 2 · 1 1

I have difficulty believing that any man (and so far it has been men CEO's) is worth $50+ million bonus for less than a year's worth of work .. too many of us are having trouble just trying to keep the bills paid. Yeah, I'm an Ol'fart .. and I'm afraid for my grandchildren that there will be NO Middle Class left for them to belong to. It Must be more evenly distributed -- doesn't anyone remember this. HOW can anyone think raising the minimum wage is going to help..they immediately just raise prices (it is already happening here). NO, we have toooo many Chiefs! and too many of them are in DC.

2006-12-28 02:37:04 · answer #6 · answered by elli 1 · 0 0

It depends on the individual. I know people who are very content with what they have (it is not billions), nonetheless billionaires are not always driven by money, sometimes it is just a by-product of what they create, which is their real drive. Anyone can be a millionaire, just have to work your **** off. If you feel that working 8 to 10 hours a day is going to cut it, then you don't have the drive that is required to make it big. You will have to win the Lotto or marry someone who is already rich.

2006-12-28 01:30:43 · answer #7 · answered by adult_superstar 2 · 0 1

I know many many Americans have way more than we need. But it is nice to feel safe because of adequate money, to feel you can help your children get the best education, and experiences. Being able to strive for "wealth" is a capitalist dream that encourages us as to produce more and create more marketable objects and service for the world.

That said if you have a 6 figure income you can get your family everything you need for security and enrichment and travel. So I believe you should of course have the right to earn more that this and you should have the right to dedicate it to good causes of your choice. (in my opinion preferably those that educate and encourage self sustenance - not mere handouts)

2006-12-28 01:43:47 · answer #8 · answered by G's Random Thoughts 5 · 0 1

Too much money is when the people with it are lost in it. Overwhelmed with only their stature and are not concerned with world problems. Because they could make a difference, money keeps this world going around, sad to say.

2006-12-28 09:35:08 · answer #9 · answered by miss bean 3 · 0 0

When it is more than your needs - real needs !!!

The nine basic Human needs are generally believed to be:
1. Security, 2. Adventure, 3. Freedom, 4. Exchange, 5. Power, 6. Expansion, 7. Acceptance, 8. Community, 9. Expression.

While others argue that 1. Food, 2. Clothing, 3. Shelter, 4. Health, 5. Education, 6. Justice, 7. Privacy, 8. Security, 9. Enjoyment are a Man's basic needs.

The first step is to eradicate usury by whatever name it exists. It is inhuman and illogical. Why should one person charge some extra guaranteed amount for giving the money as a loan without himself doing anything. Even if the borrower faces a loss, the lender always gets the "pound of flesh". The logic says that if the lender had invested the money then it is also probable that he might have to face a loss. Hence a guaranteed profit for the lender is inhuman. For the borrower, it indicates a sum lessened from his/her hard earned income with associated financial issues for borrower's family. And what is more - the society or the nation does not get anything as nothing is produced except the accumulation of wealth in a few hands. On the other hand, Trade and Manufacturing enhance wealth of the nation, community, society with associated benefits to a very large group of persons.

The holy Quran says in Chapter Ar-Rum [The Romans" or "The Byzantines"] 30: 39 "And that which you give in gift (loan) (to others), in order that it may increase (your wealth by expecting to get a better one in return) from other people’s property, has no increase with Allâh; but that which you give in Zakât (sadaqa - charity etc.) seeking Allâh’s Countenance, then those, they shall have manifold increase."

Second is an equitable (not equal) distribution of wealth.

Sadaqah (plural sadaqat) is an Islamic term that means "voluntary charity" to anyone whether a Muslim or a non-Muslim.

The third pillar of Islam is paying the annual Zakaat or Zakah to a Muslim who doesn't have enough money to pay Zakat. There are two main types of zakât:

Zakât on traffic (zakât-ul-fitr) is a per head payment equivalent to cost of around 2.25 kilograms of the main food of the region (this may be wheat, dates or rice, depending on the place) paid during the month of Ramadan by the head of a family for him/herself and his/her dependents to the zakât collector (amil).(Right now in the U.S. the zakat on traffic is $7.50)

Zakât on wealth (zakât-ul-mal) comprises all other types of zakât, such as on business, on savings, on income, on crops, on livestock, on gold, on minerals, on hidden treasures unearthed, etc. The payment of zakât is obligatory on all Muslims. In current usage it is interpreted as a 2.5% levy on most valuables and savings held for a full lunar year, if the total value is more than a basic minimum known as nisab (3 ounces or 87.48g of gold). At present (as of 5 October 2006), nisab is approximately US $1,725 or an equivalent amount in any other currency.

2006-12-28 01:57:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

That much money is absurd. But when you walk around Hollywood because you are an heiress to a hotel empire and buy exotic pets and what have you, then it is too much. All of it is too much. I work too hard to keep my bills caught up and my kids' bellies full and it makes me sick to think that there are people who do nothing and they have everything.

2006-12-28 01:28:25 · answer #11 · answered by Suga 3 · 2 0

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