It wont work...
2006-12-27 16:42:21
answer #1
answered by ABBYsMom 7
If you still have feelings for him then it will be almost impossible for you to stay just friends. No matter how hard you try, you will always be thinking of him as more in the back of your mind.
It all depends on how strong of a person you are. I have been through the same thing, and have come out the other side with a good friend, despite my feelings in the beginning. It took a long time to push those feelings down, but i managed eventually. That being said, there are still moments I look at him and wonder, and constantly have to remind myself there is nothing left between us but friendship.
Good Luck
2006-12-28 00:23:17
answer #2
answered by loza500 3
It's good to be friends with ur ex. I have a lot of friends like that. However, most of them I lost becuz of the same thing ur talking about. If u want to get back together with him-I think it's best if u move on. If u can handle him-I see no problem with it.
2006-12-28 00:21:39
answer #3
answered by Sexy S. 1
What you should do is try our hardest to get over him. Remember you two broke up for a very good reason, and even though you don't realize it this moment u will soon. It seems to me that the only reason that you hang out with him is because you are looking for something that you think only he can offer you. Don't get your feelings up to much because he has perfectly made it clear that he is just happy being friends.
2006-12-28 00:27:20
answer #4
answered by MONKEY25 1
you can never have too many guy friends! try and work out a friendship with him but if your feelings grow TOO strong for him then you might want to call it quites.. not forever though just as long as you need to think about how you dont need to get back with him.
can you just BE friends with your ex? definatly. just because it didn't work out in a relationship dooesn't mean that you can't have a friend relatioship with him.
2006-12-28 00:21:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It takes a very special set of circumstances to make a friendship after a relationship work. I've only had it work out with 2 of my ex's...
2006-12-28 00:20:49
answer #6
answered by Vince 3
No, No, no, ex's are ex's for a reason, didnt you listen the first time. Also If he just wants to be friends now you can bet he is more than friends with someone else now.
2006-12-28 00:22:58
answer #7
answered by nascar nut 1
How much do you value your friendship with this guy?
You will jeopardise your friendship if you pursue him when he clearly just wants to be friends. You may have to step back a little bit from the guy, for your own sanity.
2006-12-28 00:21:01
answer #8
answered by funkychick 2
yes you can be "just friends" with an ex, if that's all both parties want, in your case I think you want more and it may end up hurting your relationship. You really need to talk to him about the situation, and see what he thinks about your feelings, but it sounds like he's made it clear he really just wants to be friends.
2006-12-28 00:20:56
answer #9
answered by pitas4 2
I personally can't. Every time we tried that we always ended up in bed. After that it was a short time until we were back together. If he really wants that, it might be better for all concerned if you didn't see him. Think about how you would feel if he got a girlfriend....
2006-12-28 00:20:46
answer #10
answered by Jack S 5
Make the friendship work. friends can do so much and the more you have, the more stuff you can do. Most friends are a powerful influence and don't even know it.
2006-12-28 00:20:15
answer #11
answered by heavenwithchrist 2