cut or trim your hair, and do it regularly
2006-12-27 12:18:10
answer #1
answered by star_angel_1713 3
if the hair is split at the end you can just nip off those split ends with a pair of scissors. Then at some point you will have to trim your hair to accommodate the shorter ends.
If you are trying to prevent split ends, then use a good hair conditioner after you wash your hair, sure it will be a little heavy when you put it on but it coats the hair shaft and makes it less likely to have split ends. Leave a little on the ends of your hair (wattered down conditioner) when you go to dry your hair.
There are also products out there (go to a beautician supply house like Sally's) and take a look at their "hair repair" products. Ask for a recommendation. Try the one that looks best to you.
I have long hair and I use Flex conditioner (for after you wash your hair) and I buy it in the grocery store. Works well.
2006-12-27 20:26:28
answer #2
answered by sophieb 7
Not really. You can prevent your hair from spliting as often, but not entirely. With all the garbage and toxins floating around in the air and water, split ends are almost inevitable!
But what you can do to avoid them as often, is get a special type of shampoo/conditioner, that focuses on split ends. It doesn't have to be anything expensive either. I use Dove, Pantene, and Garnier. They are great for split ends, by putting the vitamins and nutrients your hair require to stay healthy. Especially in today's hygene requirements! (Damn society!)
Also, try trimming your hair every 6 months. It keeps your hair healthy, and it also helps your hair grow faster.
2006-12-27 22:05:10
answer #3
answered by Pluto 3
Trimming your hair without using professions scissors will only cause further splitting. You need to get a real good hair cut every 6 weeks until you have it under control. Don't pull your hair while you are combing. Apply conditioner and work out the knots with your fingers first then use a comb or a brush. When you hair is wet, it stretches, so pulling too hard on the hair will make it week, then causing it to split. Avoid using any products with an alcohol base. When you blow dry your hair avoid drying the ends, over drying will make your hair look frizzy.
2006-12-27 20:36:38
answer #4
answered by Girls M 4
It would good if you could go for hair trims often till you have cleared your split ends. Also oil your hair especially the ends at least once a week; all the best it should work :)
2006-12-27 20:35:02
answer #5
answered by baby 1
â«well cut them and after wash with pantene anti breakage restoitives cause if you dont there gonna split again the shampoo is like a glue at the endsâ«
2006-12-27 20:18:10
answer #6
answered by ♦♣♠♥░SCORPIA░♥♠♣♦ 1
keep your ends trimmed
use a good deep penetrating conditioner and shampoo
and limit as much stress as possible
stay away from all kind of hair care heating tools
eat right get more vitamins in your diet take folic acid and eat more protiens like chicken, fish and red meat and alot of vegetables and fruits
2006-12-27 20:21:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Trim the dead hair off the ends of your hair. Then make sure you condition the tips from now on.
2006-12-27 20:19:02
answer #8
answered by Snatcherella 2
Natural homemade beauty tips for Dandruf, Spiltends, Hairloss,
Hot oil massages, Fruit pack for hair,Haircare recipe - ingredients from your kitchen cabinet --
2006-12-27 22:29:44
answer #9
answered by Francis G 4
it's impossible to stop them completely. just trim often, don't blow dry or straighten your hair alot bcuz that dries it out and makes it split. also try special conditioners just for that and don't use rubber bands bcuz they rip out hair wen u take em out
2006-12-27 20:20:26
answer #10
answered by POPSICLES 4
besides cutting them off? nope. after you trim your hair use lots of conditioner afterwards so they dont start again and get ur hair trimmed regularly like every 2 months or so
2006-12-27 20:18:49
answer #11
answered by :) 4