The secrets I share you with young one must never be revealed....
Bruce Lee's "Lethal Physique" Bodybuilding Program
(performed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays)
Exercise Sets Repetitions
Clean & Press 2 8
Squats 2 12
Pullovers 2 8
Bench Presses 2 6
Good Mornings 2 8
Barbell Curls 2 8
The Breakdown of the Routine:
1.) Clean & Press: Lee would begin this movement by taking a shoulder-width grip on an Olympic barbell. Bending his knees, he would squat down in front of the resistance and, with a quick snap of his arms and a thrust from his legs, clean the barbell to his chest and stand up. After a brief pause, Lee would then thrust the barbell to arms length overhead, pause briefly, and then lower the barbell back to the top of his chest. After another brief pause, he would lower the barbell back to the floor (the starting position). With absolutely no rest, Lee would then initiate his second repetition of the movement and continue to do so until he had completed eight repetitions. After a very brief rest, so as to take full advantage of the cardio-respiratory benefits as well as the strength-building benefits, Lee would perform a second -- and final -- set.
2.) Squats: This staple of bodybuilding movements was the cornerstone of Bruce Lee's barbell training. He had dozens of articles that he'd clipped out on the mechanics and benefits of squats and he practiced many variations of this exercise. In his routine, however, he performed the exercise in the standard fashion. Resting a barbell across his shoulders, Lee would place his feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Making sure that he was properly balanced, Lee would slowly ascend to a full squat position. With absolutely zero pause in the bottom position, Lee would then immediately return -- using the strength of his hips, glutes, hamstrings, calves and quadriceps -- to the starting position, whereupon he would commence rep number two. Lee would perform 12 repetitions in this movement and, after a short breather, return and re-shoulder the barbell for one more set of 12 reps.
3.) Pullovers: Although there exists no physical evidence that Bruce Lee supersetted barbell pullovers with squats, there is reason to believe that this was case -- if only for the fact that such was the method advocated in the articles he read. Squats were considered a great "overall" muscle builder, whereas pullovers were simply considered a "rib box expander" or "breathing exercise." Consequently, the fashion of incorporating pullovers in the late 1960s and early 1970s was as a "finishing" movement for squats. This being the case, Lee would perform the movement in the standard fashion; i.e., by lying down on his back upon a flat bench and taking a shoulder-width grip on a barbell that he would then proceed to press out to full extension above his chest. From this position, Lee would lower the barbell -- making sure to keep a slight bend in his elbows so as not to strain the elbow joint -- behind his head until it touched the floor ever so slightly and provided a comfortable stretch to his lats. From this fully-extended position, Lee would then slowly reverse the motion through the contraction of his lats, pecs and long-head of the triceps. He would repeat this movement for two sets of eight repetitions.
4.) Bench Presses: Bruce Lee was able to develop an incredible chest musculature. His upper pecs were particularly impressive, bunching and splitting into thousands of fibrous bands. And, as far as his personal training records indicate, the only direct barbell movement he performed to develop his chest was the good old fashioned bench press. Lying down upon a flat bench, and again taking a shoulder-width grip on an Olympic barbell, Lee would press the weight off the support pins to arms length above his chest. From this locked-out position, Lee would then lower the barbell to his chest and, exhaling, press it back up to the fully-locked out (or starting) position. He would repeat this movement for six repetitions and then, after a brief respite, return to the bench for one more set of six reps.
5.) Good Mornings: A word of caution about this exercise. Lee performed this movement to strengthen his lower back. However, one day in early 1970 he loaded up the bar with 135 pounds (his bodyweight at the time) and -- without a warm up -- proceeded to knock off eight repetitions. On his last rep he felt a "pop" and found out later that he had damaged the fourth sacral nerve of his lower back. The result was the Lee had to endure incredible back pain for the remainder of his life. This is not to say that the movement is without merit, just make sure that you perform an adequate warm-up prior to employing, it. Placing a barbell across his shoulders, Lee would place his feet three inches apart "You really don't need any weight but the empty bar on your shoulders - it's more of a limbering movement") and bend over from the waist keeping his hands on the barbell at all times. Lee would bend over until his back was at a 90 degree angle to his hips and then return to the upright position. Lee performed two sets of eight repetitions of this movement.
6.) Barbell Curls: Bruce Lee performed barbell curls not only in his garage gym on Roscomare Avenue in Bel Air, but also in his studio office in Hong Kong. They were a staple or "core" movement in his weight training routine and were also responsible for building a very impressive pair of biceps on Lee -- not to mention incredible pulling power, which he used to such good effect in all of his sparring sessions! To perform this movement properly, Lee would take a comfortable shoulder-width grip on the barbell with his palms facing forwards. Keeping a slight bend in his knees for stabilization purposes, Lee would then contract his biceps and curl the barbell up to a point level with his upper pecs. Pausing briefly in this fully-contracted position, Lee would then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position. Two sets of eight repetitions of this movement would typically wrap up Lee's bodybuilding routine.
Going Beyond "Routine"
Lee didn't just train with the above listed exercises. He would also incorporate weight training into his martial art workouts. "Bruce would always shadow box with small weights in his hands and he'd do a drill in which he'd punch for 12 series in a row, 100 punches per series, using a pyramid system of 1,2,3,5,7 and 10-pound weights -- and then he'd reverse the pyramid and go 10, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1 and finally "zero" weight.
It didn't stop there however. When Lee wasn't training with weights in his martial art workouts or during one of his three designated whole-body training sessions, he could be found curling a dumbbell in the office in his house. "He was always using that dumbbell," Linda his wife says, looking back on her husband's training habits. "Bruce had the unique ability to be able to several things at once. It wasn't all unusual for me to find him watching a boxing match on TV, simultaneously performing a full side splits, while reading a book in one hand and pumping a dumbbell in the other."
Enjoy mightyrew lee.
2006-12-28 07:57:11
answer #1
answered by chrismyarse 2
2016-12-23 04:18:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The problem with the Bruce Lee physique is that it is pretty much impossible to reproduce legally. Bruce used steroids, amphetamines, drank ox blood and all manner of other crazy things. On top of this he had great genetics, worked out constantly and was an all around fitness machine.
Lots of cardio, a high protein diet, lots of toning exercises, lower weight, high reps and tons upon tons of water are the best way to approach that look.
That said, the chances that you will end up looking like Bruce are pretty slim.
The official party line about bruce can be found on Wikipedia.
2006-12-27 06:09:27
answer #3
answered by Mr 51 4
Elvis Presley.
2016-03-29 08:24:11
answer #4
answered by Amber 4
I read many books about nutrition because I wanted to learn how to build muscle mass. This is one of the most interesting ones I found
2014-09-08 15:49:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You would need to look into Enduranced based exercises.
2006-12-27 06:05:49
answer #6
answered by kherome 5
By Detoxing and Rejuvenating your Mind, Body and Spirit,
1. You allow yourself to heal from any toxins that have been held inside your body,
2. You allow your Mind to release any harsh feelings or Sad emotions,
3. You allow your Spirit to become open and free. Once you ahve Detoxified and Rejuvenated your Mind Body and Spirit,
4. You can finally Allow yourself to enjoy real Homeostasis.
(Homeostasis: Optimal Well being, Optimal Health, At a point in your life when all is ok, and righht with you Physically, Mentally, Emotionall, and Spiritually.)
Stress can make any disorder worse. May it be Mental Emotional or physical. Stress is when you worry way too much about things that can be fix with a little effort on your own personal part.
Stress has been proven to cause serious health risks, such as heart disease, Endurance Problems, Fatigue, Emotional Imbalances, etc.
There are options to dealing stress and weight loss. Such as Detox plans and rejuvenation Plans, as the one I have enclosed.
I definitely stress that you consult your physician, about anything new or changes in your daily regimine. As this plan will affect other areas of your Daily living and Medications.
Please feel free to Copy and Print this to your own Blank Text and save it and print it out when you go to your DR again.
One month detox and rejuvenation plan
STEP ONE: Detox: (week one)
a), Drink lots of water
b) lay off the sodas, beer, tea, coffee, etc
c) Basically go on a water fast(drink water only and no food), for 7days consecutively.
d)for even more detoxifying effects, maybe sit in a Sauna for about 20-30 minutes, twice during your 7day detox(once when during day two and once during day four), allowing your pores to open up and allow the toxins to come out.
STEP TWO: Rejuvenate (Goes hand in hand with step one, done during the entire month and future days) (If you are under the age of 18 with a proper ID, You have to be accompanied by a parent to any Spa or Massage Clinic.)
a) Go to a spa, and enjoy a nice warm Mud Bath or a Bodywrap, Then a two hour Massage, starting with ROM Assessment/Joint therapy, to relieve any joint stress or tension,
b) Then a Little Myofascial Stretching to give the skin and muscle a nice warming stretch,
c) Then a slightly Vigorus Swedish to relax the muscles,
d) Then a Little acupressure to relieve any trigger points,
e) Then ending a soft Swedish to really relax those muscles.
f) Then maybe get a nice salt scrub to really open your pores, and soften the skin.
g) Then take a nice warm shower, rinse away any toxin that may have come to the surface, and excess oils from the salt scrub.
h) Then rinse with cold water to tighten the pores and waken the bodys energies and chakras.
i) Find a reiki practioner and get a session to help restart your chakras as you may have a few that need a boost.
STEP THREE: Exercise, (can be done during step one and two, and is incorporated into our lives forever til we die)
Try a Tai chi Class, Yoga, Pilates, Aerobics, or Jazzercise, Maybe take up swimming, or Ballrom Dancing.
STEP FOUR: Eat Proper ( this starts during week two and continues into our everyday lives) (with fewer/healthier meals/snacks for thinner people), and (Smaller portions But more often/healthier meals/snacks with heavier people)
STEP FIVE:Plan yourself a Healthy But tasty diet plan including and starting with: (this is just a recommended plan Not set in stone if you know what I mean.)
Minimum of 8oz glass of water at room temp each morning,
Followed by a 8oz glass of Freshly juiced Organic Fruit juice, 3 Apples, 2 slices of pineapple, 1 pear, and four carrots, this will give your body a Natural energetic boost.
Then followed by a warm bowl of Whole oat cereal.
No refined sugars, If you need sweet use honey, or maple syrup.
SNACKS include:
light leafy salads, Natural Nuts, Organic anything.
eat a Nice veggie salad with vinegar and Oil dressing, Not Italian or any thing with dairy. Follow it with a warm Turkey or Chicken breast sandwich (skinless, and as little fat as possible if any all. Try to avoid any heavy meats Like beef or pork during the early moring or lunch times. Follow the sandwich with some watermelon or strawberries, or some kind of fresh fruit salad if you are a still hungry or just want a nice desert. Watermelon or any type of Melon will help to fill you up faster.
Drink water at a couple of degrees cooler than room tempurature.
start with a nice small Garden salad with tomatoes, leafy lettuce, radishes, carrot slivers, Almonds, Sunflower seed Kernals, and Spinach, again with a vinegarette, instead of salad dressing. Followed by Either a baked or broiled Poultry or Fish Dinner fresh of course, no frozen crap. No Fried, Minimal If you want Butter try to get Organic or some sort of spread that has low carb and transfat count., Or just stay away from Butter all together, But use lemon at your own choosing, fresh pepper(s), No salt, fresh Green beans , Organic Whole wheat bread, Whole grain Pastas if you prefer. Organic Rice.
Anything and everything Organic
Stay away from Refined sugars(candy, or anything non organic
If anything at all try to eat as organic as you can possibly eat. IF you read a lables Ingrediants list, and you can't pronounce the words then it is toxic for your Body, and Mind, and Spi
2006-12-27 06:06:48
answer #7
answered by orchid2800 2
2006-12-27 06:09:29
answer #8
answered by dianasgiron 3