Credit cards are extremely useful for simply consolidating and managing payments. If you simply pay off the balance each month you will incur no finance charges or debt. You can also accrue rewards like cash back, airline miles, etc. for doing so. Of course if you lack the discipline to not charge more than you can pay each month, then there are certainly drawbacks. Kind of depends on your makeup -- as does much of life.
2006-12-27 01:23:12
answer #1
answered by SDD 7
It only makes sense to avoid credit cards. Saving for a purchase takes more will power though and you don't get instant gratification, which is shoved in our faces all day long in all forms of media. However, avoiding the credit card loop and all its attendant hassles ends up giving you more money. People just need to learn to stop and think rather than demand everything now.
I haven't had a credit card in about 25 years and don't miss them at all.
2006-12-27 01:29:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You are not the first person to ask this question here. But remember, not everyone is perfect. I had problems years ago for my own reasons, I have since recovered from it without filing for bankruptcy. I think it's really unfair of you to criticize others when you really don't know their situations. Can't you find something better to do? If you want to criticize questions...start with all those 'am I pregnant ones', move on to the 'does he like me ones' and from there advance to all the racist asshole ones, or even better how about the health emergency ones???
2006-12-27 01:26:43
answer #3
answered by Sunidaze 7
stupidity comes in all shapes and sizes. The thing is most of the poepl asking these questions are young and never realized what a credit card is or does. I went through that as a young man. I got them all paid off and got rid of them. credit card companies are evil with how they work and the targets they choose.
2006-12-27 01:20:04
answer #4
answered by Biker 6
People want instant gratification. They don't want to wait to get the latest thing that will make their life just perfect. It's why this country as a whole is in a huge financial mess.I'm with you on the savings.
2006-12-27 01:24:20
answer #5
answered by Ella727 4
Because lord knows that would make too much sense! People have that I want it now mentality and it gets them in trouble every time!!
2006-12-27 01:19:58
answer #6
answered by GAgirl 4
In a perfect world that would happen your dealing with reality were not perfect.
2006-12-27 01:19:08
answer #7
answered by prizelady88 4
People are still learning...and keep learning for their entire lives.
2006-12-27 17:27:18
answer #8
answered by aalen a 2
dont criticise people like that, yahoo answers are meant to solve problems not criticize people...its allowed to have more than one same question. and thanks for your advice, we'll heed to that
2006-12-27 01:19:18
answer #9
answered by ceaser 2