I would not want to spend any part of life worrying like this.
I would just put it out of my mind by going to a movie or doing something myself so I am not sitting around worrying about my girlfriend. Don't focus on what she might be doing without you. You can never know for sure and even if she does do something so what? Who cares? You shouldn't. Just stay busy, too busy to worry or think about what she is doing.
2006-12-26 18:16:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
well...she is honest. Shouldn't punish her for that...but allowed to give her sufficient rantings and ravings. She must care about your relationship to let you know. But, curious - Are you invited to the mall outing? Is this 'friend' the guy she kissed? If so, if I were you, I'd be offended. And if it bothers you so much, talk it out. Maybe she told you because she wants to be able to tell you everything so that you will trust her...even when she's been bad and may want the same from you. It's hard to know without talking to her. Don't guess or over worry. Because it cannot be helped. What is ...is. What will be...will be. So, go find out.
2006-12-26 18:24:29
answer #2
answered by Ladeeda 2
Why aren't you invited and just because she told you she is a cheater doesn't mean you should now trust her.
I wonder how she would feel if you slipped up and then spilt your guts to her.I know two wrongs don't make a right but I would dump her.
You always have the right to worry and follow your gut instincts Good luck
2006-12-26 18:35:24
answer #3
answered by deb m 4
Ask yourself what you want. If you want to be with someone you feel you can trust, then leave her, for obviously the feeling can not be present with her actions.
Everyone has patterns in life, wether she will continue hers with kissing others or more , remains, it is present now, even if its her "first time", patterns begin somewhere.
If you feel you will trust her for now on, then stay with her.
Yet also question yourself. what have you done that could cause others to question you? and what can u do to change your own pattern of life , if you see one .
The currents of change are constantly flowing around us with new ideas and opportunities. Wether you decide to take it and change, is upon you always.
Yet to change from being with her or not, is dependant upon what you want and how you feel.
If the trust issue remains, no matter how hard you try for it not to , then this is life telling you to move on. And when you dont see the signs and move on early, usually life shows harder signs in the future, ones that hurt more for us to be shocked enough out of the picture to look more and see what to do.
learn the easy way or hard way.
life doesnt have to be hard, yet not everyone believes that.
2006-12-26 18:33:36
answer #4
answered by stuart_slider 3
Considering shes done things before you definitely have the right to be worried.
I know I'd be.
But you shouldnt let it become a big part of your life.
If you find yourself worrying about what she'll do every time she goes out you really need to re-think your relationship.
2006-12-26 18:21:23
answer #5
answered by Emily Strange 1
sure, you have the right to worry! she cheated on you once and she'll do it again too. she'll be a cheater forever. how could she not mean to kiss somebody else? that's bs right there. as far as not trusting her, i wouldn't either. once the trust is broken, you can never get it back. don't fall for her sh@#! get somebody that will treat you right and make you happy.
2006-12-26 18:22:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Grow a pair of balls and dump her. You're being a doormat and she walking all over you. Unless an open relationship is what you want.
2006-12-26 18:33:50
answer #7
answered by Radio Diva 4
man, if she was doing stuff like that behind your back even though she confronted you i would still be worried about what she was doing while you wasnt around.
2006-12-26 18:16:14
answer #8
answered by Zackery L 1
dude, dump her and move on, plenty of fish in the sea
2006-12-26 18:14:27
answer #9
answered by FearDragons 3