Wait a few yrs at your age all you'll cause is trouble for both of you.
2006-12-26 16:50:24
answer #1
answered by rdyjoe 4
huge problem with age difference. sorry but 13 and 16? 3 years is fine later on but when it means 8th grader vs. high school junior i'd have to say wait this one out a few years before u give it a go. till then stay friends but no more.
2006-12-27 00:44:26
answer #2
answered by J 3
Well here there actually isnt a problem since you know the guy and are obviously really close. since you 2 can talk about everything and know each other so well there shouldnt be a problem about getting to notice you like him more as a boyfriend.
2006-12-27 00:45:35
answer #3
answered by SunshineShortie 2
so your an 8th grader and hes a jur in high school.
you two talk everyday about everything...
and you dont know if he likes you back??
well that could defintaly be a problem!
if you two are best friends then he probably wont see you as his girlfriend. i mean hes in high school where there are a lot of single girls that are more towards his age andeverything.
i wouldn't get into any high school drama UNTiL you are in high school.
as far as age goes, for me thats a little too young. sorry!
2006-12-27 00:44:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well! I am glad you are not couple yet. You are only 13, and have long a way to go to be couple with a 16 years old.
2006-12-27 00:45:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, there is a problem with the age difference. At your age. At my age (37) it wouldn't be. Stay friends with him. If you really love eachother, the love will still be there when you're both over 18.
2006-12-27 00:45:10
answer #6
answered by Gabby_Gabby_Purrsalot 7
I was in EXACTLY the same boat as you as year ago. I was in love with my best female friend, but I didn't know if she loved me or not. Finally, I just decided to get it off my chest. I told her, and guess what? She loved me, too. Now, we are a happy couple with an almost storybook relationship. Just tell him how you feel. You never know what could happen.
2006-12-27 00:43:49
answer #7
answered by ? 4
well the age difference is no problem that really doesn't matter and probably he dose like you but hes embarrassed to tell you he likes you and hes also scared that you wont tell him back...
the question that your asking right now i asked that and believe me he likes you allot the same thing that is happening to you happened to me and guess what were still together me and best friend i mean boyfriend
just follow your ⥠like i did!!!
good luck!!!
i hope everything goes well
2006-12-27 00:49:23
answer #8
answered by ♥cRazY♥ 2
theres no problem being 3 years apart, but thats if ur like 19 and 22 (something along those lines)..... if ur 13 and hes 16, he should feel a little weird
2006-12-27 00:43:31
answer #9
answered by BM33 3
If you talk about nearly everything.....get him to talk about what he looks for in a girlfriend. Ask him if he has ever had one. If he was looking for one. The conversation just might zero in on what you are looking for.....confirmation that he sees a possible relationship with you.
Good Luck!
2006-12-27 00:44:31
answer #10
answered by Crispy_Frog 4