maybe u just need to find the right man to worm u up in bed at night. an in the summer time if i had to see u walking around in lingerie i would be sporting wood all day, cool
2006-12-26 15:52:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First of all, if a guy is lucky enough to get to share your bed, he sholdn't be bitching about the fact that you wear a sweatsuit to bed! He should just be happy to be there!
It's your body, and if you can't wear lingere in the winter cause it's too cold, and you have to wear sweats to keep warm, that's your business! If a guy has a problem with it, tell him he can leave your house and go sleep in the backyard with the squirrels!
2006-12-26 15:47:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
try taking iron. it drive me crazy during pregnancy because during the winter time i am the only one sweating (iron pills during pregnancy) i hate being cold too. if the guys don't like it.....he needs to do a better job of keeping me warm himself.
2006-12-26 15:47:55
answer #3
answered by Bella 5
no its not bad I have a friend the same way its just during the summer she sleeps in the nude, you cant help that your cold natured and no it would not make me be done with you. you probably have a low iron count get that checked to be for sure,
2006-12-26 15:49:15
answer #4
answered by colvin0594 3
Hey, ya wanna be warm? Then wear thermal underwear, flannel nighties, whatever.
If a guy really wants to be with you, then you wearing a suit of armor won't shut him down.
2006-12-26 15:48:24
answer #5
answered by lyoskowitz 4
There is nothing wrong with being comfortable. I am happy that you are adult enough to wear what is warm rather than dress for other people. Don't talk to others about what you wear - and just be happy with yourself. Dress for yourself, not others and it doesn't matter what they think.
2006-12-26 15:47:38
answer #6
answered by sweetpicker 4
if a guy breaks up with you because you want to keep yourself warm in the winter then he's retarted, a jerk, and not for you
2006-12-26 15:47:54
answer #7
answered by liz 1
get a guy that can keep you warm in the winter
2006-12-26 15:49:10
answer #8
answered by zether 6
Kill urself, best solution. And if u hate cold just use boiling water.
2015-08-10 20:42:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Don't worry about it....My fiance is the same way and i love it....If the guy you are with doesn't get it.....Thats his problem...
2006-12-26 15:46:45
answer #10
answered by Steven A 2