certified vet tech here , use a warm compress on the eye like a wash rag and then take her to the vet . but i would first try cleaning it and see how it is in the morning . if she has ever had this before and you have a topical for it use that as well. more then likely they will give a topical to put on the eye . if you have this topical already 1/4 strip on infected twice daily for 3 to 7 days. try it on both just incase
2006-12-26 15:36:45
answer #1
answered by robin_reed15 2
This happens to my cat from time to time and always goes away. The vet says that most likey it is somethin in her eye or that she scratched her eye a little when scratching her face with her hind leg. Cats can make it worse by obsessively cleaning the eye trying to make it better so it could last a few days but it will eventually stop.
2006-12-27 01:03:08
answer #2
answered by kkay1517 1
It could be allergies or dry eyes since either can happen at anytime and very suddenly.
i know sometimes i get dry eyes and there is nothing strange about it happending "suddenly" since there are no warning symptoms for this sort of thing. And when i do get dry eyes, it's instinctual to try to keep them closed since them being exposed to air is irritating.
Do take your cat to the vet if you can. If can't for whatever reason, try a Visine type solution made for cats and see if that helps. Worst case scenario could be that her normal tear ducts are blocked. My mom had badly tearing eyes and when she went to the doctor, they told her that her tear ducts were blocked, despite her eyes being watery in spite of it. She told me they would have to "poke" the blocked holes to let it freely and properly moisturize the eyes.
Best of luck to you and your cat !
2006-12-26 23:39:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It could just be foreign matter in the eye, but if it's not better in the morning it's best to take her to the vet in case it's an infection. My cats often get fur, dust, grass seeds and other things in their eyes, but that usually works its way out. If not, they let me take it out, but they think I'm their mom and don't mind.
2006-12-26 23:33:57
answer #4
answered by kcpaull 5
It has either gotten something in it's eye or has a cold in it. Use a warm wet cloth and rub its eye, to keep it from getting worse, if you don't it may close up and when you open it pus will come out, I know sounds gross...lol
2006-12-26 23:35:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
it could be that your cat has allergies. my cat duncan has that problem. if you keep your cat in the house, do try to get rid of dust. and don't used too much air fresheners(sprays) carpet powders on your rug. do go to the vet. they do have meds for them as well.
i hope this helps.
2006-12-26 23:34:40
answer #6
answered by teddibear31 2
my cat gets that once in a while, it has been because of allergies, and because something got in his eye, he had very weepy eyes for a few days but it got much better
2006-12-26 23:21:43
answer #7
answered by Kendra S 2