What do you mean by richest? And it'd still be an EXTREMELY subjective question. But if you're asking for opinion, I'd say Chinese Mandarin :D. Because of all the history we've got and our characters have so much depth in them.
Really though, all languages are beautiful.
I speak Chinese Mandarin, Japanese, a good bit of Uyghur (Chinese dialect that uses Arabic script and sounds like Turkish), English, and I'm in the midst of learning Arabic.
2006-12-29 00:02:24
answer #1
answered by ? 3
It is not clear what you mean by rich. If you talk about vocabulary, I think English can be called the richest. I speak 8 languages fluenttly and understand in easy conversation 8 others besides those. But I think English have more synonyms than any other languages, because it adopt many words from other languages.
If you talk about richness of expression in just a few words, then Chinese Language should be given the medal.
Take this for example. In Chinese when the teacher ask the students whether what he said is clear enough, he only uses 3 syllables: "Ming bai ma?'" æç½å? Ming æ is a combination of the simple drawing of the sun and the moon put side by side.
That is both a pictograph and an idiograph, The word ming actually means "bright", the idea is if you combine the light of the sun and the moon, the it becomes very bright. And the word "bai" meaning "white" is actually a drawing of "a ray" in the form of a short line coming out of the top of the "sun". The idea is, the ray of the sun is "white" in colour. And if I put the two syllables together, "Ming" and "bai", it means "Very bright and clear or plain just like the colour "white". In any other language it will take a lot of words to convey that idea.
Look at the word "love" or "ai". It is written as ç± [pronounced as the word "I' or "eye" in English. It is written as "line" at the top, indicating "heaven", and then "three lines" standing up, or coming down from heaven, and then followed by a "roof", and finally "two hands holding each other" In other words, "Love" originated in heaven, it should be primarily nurtured under the roof, in a family, and should be express with "actions" or shown in the holding of "hands" and not only "lip service".
Another good example is the pronouns "I/me", "you" and "he"
which are written as:æ (wo=I/me) ä½ (ni=you) and ä»(ta=he). The word "wo" for "I/me" is actually a drawijng of "hand"(shou) and "ge" (spear), so I/me(ego) is a powerful person. But "ni"(you) is "person" beside a "balancing scale), in other words, "you' are also a "person" equal with me. And "he"(ta) consists of "person" + "also"(ye), thus "he" is "also" a person, just like you and me. In short, we are all human beings, equally made from one blood.
I think those beautiful meaning can only be found in the Chinese language. All other words in any other language, cannot give such beautiful and rich expressions or meanings.
2006-12-27 04:01:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I can speak 4 languages (English, Tamil, Malayalam and a bit of Telugu)
My wife can speak 5 languages (English, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi and bit of french)
Most of Indians knows 3 are more languages.
Other Laguage informations:
Greek, Latin and Tamil are considered oldest languages in the world
Sanskrit with Iranian and Mandarin (Chinese) languages have contributed a lot to Asian region in creating several other languages
If I'm not sure, India is the country which has most number of (23 are official and several other) languages. To name few of them Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarathi, Assamese, Oriya, Bengali, Congan, Urudhu(among Islamic people), Punjabi, Sindhi, Sinhala, Manipuri and Bojpuri
Arabic language has been accepted as Islamic language as the Holy Quran scripted in this language
English is widely accepted as world's common language
German, French, Russian and Japanese languages are strictly followed as primary communication language in their respective countries
Apart from human languages, now among Information Technology people there is a war on languages with various programming languages :-)
2006-12-26 23:28:38
answer #3
answered by siva_kum 3
That is difficult to answer precisely.
I understand that linguistic experts have determined what would constitute the "perfect language". The criteria they list narrow the long list down to two languages that come closest to being that "perfect" language.
Interestingly those two are the same ones that were in common use 2000 years ago and were the two predominant languages from which The Bible was translated; Hebrew and Greek!
2006-12-26 23:24:16
answer #4
answered by tmboracles 2
i think the richest language with so many letters and alphabets is Chinese... but grammatically Arabic is the richest language!
I speak english, Arabic and working on Spanish
2006-12-27 09:47:05
answer #5
answered by Leah 2
I don't know what is the richest language, it's hard to say.
I speak French, Dutch, English. I know a little bit of German and Spanish.
2006-12-27 04:09:57
answer #6
answered by Nathalie D 4
1) For descriptive richness, Russian. For precision, English.
2) 3.
2006-12-26 23:12:51
answer #7
answered by silver.graph 4
2 languages
2006-12-26 23:11:59
answer #8
answered by 2K 4
2006-12-27 00:39:17
answer #9
answered by Un!qUe sTyLe 2
i dont speak full Arabic but i think its the richest because it has been around for long time......... i speak 2 language English, and bangladeshi language called bangla......
2006-12-27 00:22:06
answer #10
answered by mgt 2