I recently dyed my hair a purple colour that came out dark, so then I decided to go over it with a blonde colour which lightened it making it more noticeable, but now I don't like it. All this time, I've been thinking to myself I wanted to be redder, that that was the person I wanted to be because red is racy and using all kinds of dyes that werent exactly red and went around it. All this time I have been trying to find my true colour, something that suits me... Black doesn't and just makes me more pale, most colours won't show because my hair is too dark so it just doesn't give, but now I finally tried something a little racy and I do not like it and keep looking in the mirror. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place, feeling unhappy with the way I look and not knowing what to try that I might be happy with colour wise. Any suggestions?
10 answers
asked by
Sophia H
Beauty & Style
➔ Hair
try keepin your natural colour otherwise your eyebrows stick out and you look fake, and maybe wait a bit b4 colouring again your going to damage your hair
2006-12-26 14:58:04
answer #1
answered by betty_uh 2
Things like this can all be answered by a proffesional stylist. Go for the natural look, because something like purple or red will make your dark eyebrows stick out. Have you thought of going back to your original hair color?
2006-12-26 23:03:58
answer #2
answered by Make a wish 2
Seems like you need to rid yourself of a high contrast between hair, eyebrows and skin. Doing this will make all 3 more noticable. So think about what colors your pale skin has in it. Blues? Reds Oranges, yellows or pinks? And if it is a cool color (blue, purple, hopefully not green) then it is best to do a complementary color, one that looks good with that color. Preferably not a warm color, although not using one will down the contrast.
If you see many warm colors in your face (red, orange, yellow, pink, a pinker purple) then try to think of a complementary color that is also a secondary color (made out of multiple colors, including one of the colors in your face- that way, your hi-lites will be hi-er and your low-lites will be lower. So for red- go with rich browny purples or reds, with yellows- go with a greeny brown or a redy brown.
You can figure it out. If not, search for 'free online makeovers', upload a picture of yourself, and try out different hair colors
2006-12-26 23:04:11
answer #3
answered by jen 4
Purple looks fine. If you dyed it deeper into an eggplant purple, that would look great. The red would be nice over it if they were streaked. Certainly that would be different.
Bring your head over to the hair dresser so she can tell you her professional opinion because you can only see your hair from the mirror, and she can see from the top of your head and all around you.
You may have fried your hair already with the different colors.
2006-12-26 23:05:58
answer #4
answered by QuiteNewHere 7
How about a deep auburn with firey red highlights.
That would look amazing, but go to a salon to get it done.
2006-12-26 22:59:50
answer #5
answered by Megan 2
go with a medium auburn if you want red or a chestnut if you don't. go to Sally's and try sparkling sherry by Clairol. its a medium auburn but the red is bright and fun.
2006-12-26 23:01:24
answer #6
answered by Miss Lab Rat 2
i have dark eyebrows and i am very pale,irish skin.i am a natural brunette.i dye my hair revlon colorsilk medium auburn and everybody loves it.
2006-12-26 23:03:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Go to a beautition! And get them to stip the color out of your hair and get them to help you find a color! They ARE PROFFESIONALS!
2006-12-26 22:59:26
answer #8
answered by amd730 4
You should match the curtains to the rug
2006-12-26 23:03:58
answer #9
answered by inastateofshock 2
natural color is best. Nature seems to do the best job in choosing the right color.
2006-12-26 22:57:44
answer #10
answered by ioana 3