Sweetie..life is hard..that's just part of it..
Don't ever let go of your dreams...don't let yourself fall...YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG AND PUSH YOURSELF...it will all fall into place if you just believe...
If you need someone to talk to I am very glad to help..lil_blond_babygurl@prodigy.net
A doctor does not always help..you just need someone to give you a boost of confidence...Try talking to a parent/guardian about this or TALK TO ME..
ALWAYS TRY..never give up..
Love YaH
2006-12-26 14:39:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I know the feeling, but here are the things I do and suggest to people.
Stop watching the News/reading newspapers...Look up the weather online, because the other 90% of the stuff on the news just isn't worth hearing about.
Talk aloud how you feel and cry about it. Sometimes it just helps to get stuff out in the open even if no one else is around to hear you. I know you'll feel uncomfortable doing it but it really does help, at least for me.
Get an obession...normally this is a bad thing but it can help. Get a series of books, or a show, or even arts and crafts. A hobby will get your mind off of things if you really like it. I play video games, write stories/scripts/peoms, watch movies and read.
Get a pet. A cat, a fish...a turle...snake, hampster, a snail...whatever...animals can comfort you and you can watch them to help you take your mind off of whatever's bothering you.
If you don't mind being religious...Chruch can help too...Not only will they probably not judge you, you can also meet some new people.
If you don't like that idea join a local group of some kind. The local artists, the role playing people, anime club...whatever you like....
Also find out why you're stressed? Is it family? Is it school? Is it friends? If it's your family spend less time with them and the same goes for friends. Just tell them you need some space and why. If they really love you, they'll understand.
If it's school (college) try dropping out. Four year University wasn't for me so I switched to a Tech college and it's so easy...nice and stressless. I'm really close with my classmates and my teachers.
If it's High School...we all went through this stage...it's part of being a teen. You'll get over it. Cry about it, yell, scream, write, be alone...or with friends.
2006-12-26 14:57:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Depression is something that's hard to deal with, and sometimes the best choice is to see a doctor or a therapist but if you don't want to take that road I must ask, how long have you been depressed for? It is normal to have a period of a few days in which you feel depressed especially if there is a trigger of some kind. There is also something called seasonal depression which many people get around this time of a year.
The best thing to do when you're depressed is to figure out what makes you happy and make sure those things have more of an effect in your life. By that I mean, if you love music then put on a favorite CD and dance around the house. Take care of yourself. Take a nice bath, treat yourself to some ice cream. Take some time to look at your life and see what is both good and bad with it. Than figure out how to balance the good and the bad.
Of course there are many things wrong with the world, but you can't take care of the world until you first take care of yourself.
2006-12-26 14:38:38
answer #3
answered by Tasha 2
I would say that I think you have mild depression. I would try to talk to your parents if you have a good relationship with them. If not, try a teacher at school at you really trust and gel with. Or maybe the nurse at your school or guidance counselor. If you don't feel comfortable with any of these people, try an advisor (maybe like 4-H, boyscouts, girl scouts, FFA, etc). You maybe your pastor, or an adult at your place of worship that you feel close to. Whatever you do, please don't give up. You have already accomplished the 1st step which is searching for help. Find something you can do that really makes you feel good. This summer i went to Mississippi to help with the Katrina disaster, and I felt so good afterwards. That really helped me. Also, I am clinically depressed, so I know how you feel. Be brave, and keep looking for help. Message me back if I can help you at all. Good luck and take care.
2006-12-26 14:39:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First, please know you aren't alone in that. Many of us at one time or another have felt despair and intense loneliness. Sometimes it seems like it will never get better, but hold on, for it will get better.
I've struggled with melancholy feelings a lot in my life, and have found a few things really seem to help. Here's some of them....I've been helped by them, but am only suggesting them as ideas. You may not feel like using any of them....
1. Know that it's okay to cry or spend some time alone. It's okay to admit that you feel crappy, or whatever you are feeling. It's even okay to journal about it, getting as intensely specific as you need. (Sometimes I'd set the timer for 15 minutes, and just write "my guts out". I didn't worry about my language, penmanship, or if anyone would see it. I just needed a safe place to vent, and a piece of paper and pen offered that.)
2. When I was in high school, I actually opened up to my English teacher about what I was feeling. She not only listened, but she gave me a lot of grace on a term paper I was struggling to finish (because I had NO motivation), and she agreed to meet with me during lunch for extra help and encouragement.
3. Tim Hansel's book, You Gotta Keep Dancin', has encouraged me more times than I can count. So has Larry Crabb's book, Shattered Dreams.
4. Finding out about Jesus Christ, and discovering that He loves me and wants a relationship with me for always kept me going. Even when I was ready to call it quits and drive off a bridge or something, knowing that I belonged to Jesus gave me hope and the courage to keep on living. There was this chapter in the Bible in the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 54) that really helped me at one of my lowest points.
I don't know if any of these help or not, but know that I'm hoping and praying that you'll find some peace and true joy that lasts even during tough circumstances.
2006-12-26 14:43:18
answer #5
answered by Inkling 2
I know its hard, trust me, especially around the Holidays. The times you feel like this, think about the people in your life you care most about; the people who rely on you and look up to you; those who admire you. If you don't think you have anyone in your life like that, chances are that you do, but if you want to change this outlook, begin helping others. Volunteer your time to a cause you feel passionate about. People who live their lives with passion have no room for such thoughts. If this doesn't help, you may HAVE to see a doctor for depression. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed if you are depressed either. It happens to the best of us sometimes.
Hang in there and fight the good fight. You will feel better.
2006-12-26 14:39:44
answer #6
answered by volkgal 4
Talk to anyone, your parents if you can.
Try to find things you enjoy doing, do them each day or week.
Try to stay in school, and keep working at it.
Chances are giving up now will only make things harder for you in the future.
Join a club or a team, have fun.
Get up the same time everyday and run, or do some exercise, this releases endorphins that improves you mood.
2006-12-26 14:38:37
answer #7
answered by not so straight chick 3
i feel there and i've been there - my thought is that you may be suffering from depression. feeling "sensitive and overwhelmer" are just a few of the syptoms associated with depression, along with loss of appitite, lower sex drive, feelings of hopelessness/helplessness, crying spells, anger/impatience, poor sleep, tiredness...you obviously don't have to have all of those, but even a few over more than 2weeks may mean you are suffering depression...obviously seeing a doctor and getting medication may be helpful, but some of the other things that may help (and may seem like the last things that you want to do - funy how your body works against you!!) is exercise, healthy eating (including lots of iron and B12), getting into the sunshine and possibly B vitamin complex...i hear you, feel for you and hope you realize that although it may feel like the world is falling apart...when depression ends one is able to put things in perspective and find ways to help the world (even just one person at a time)...good luck!
2006-12-26 14:45:12
answer #8
answered by Gugie 3
I had chronic depression....sounds like that's where your headed- I was prescribed Zoloft- but before I started to take it, my older sister suggested I try two weeks of cold showers. Sounds stupid, but a freezing cold shower in dead of winter....not only gave me a cold, but got the adrenaline going and helped level out the chemical imbalances and from there, help me face my problems-I kept it up for a month; that was 6 years ago, and i haven't had a relapse....
But the best thing about going to the doctor was that he detailed exactly what I had; I was able to decide from there what to do next.
Remember that there are lots of people that you can talk to if you need help...me, for one; email if you like- But don't be afraid to talk to your parents either. After I found out I had depression, Mum told me how she'd had it as a teen, and that she had also suffered thru post-natal depression when I was born. It helps to know someone knows what your going thru.
2006-12-26 14:42:36
answer #9
answered by chikensnsausages 3
i know how you feel, but you have got your life ahead of you. If you stop and think about it our world is in pretty bad same but if you go on to school and get good grades who knows you might be the one that could turn it around. Get involved with a group that will help you with your loneliness and stress. Talk to a counselor, or someone that you trust.
2006-12-26 14:38:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Please dont give up! I know what it feels like,But your a very important person in your familys life ,whether you feel like it or not, Be strong and things will get better! Feel free to contact me by email if support is needed. Wow just reading through here you have alot of support from your computer friends,that can help alot also..
2006-12-26 14:36:12
answer #11
answered by mike g 2