Im 12,and I think Im fat.People says that Im toooo skinny.Im 90 lbs. and 5"4I wear size 12.My mom thinks I have a eating problem.When I was 10 & 11 I was 98,but then I became really sick but then I got better.After I got better I seem to be shrinking.
25 answers
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➔ Diet & Fitness
Im 12,and I think Im fat.People says that Im toooo skinny.Im 90 lbs. and 5"4I wear size 12(childrens).My mom thinks I have a eating problem.When I was 10 & 11 I was 98,but then I became really sick but then I got better.After I got better I seem to be shrinking. And if you say im to young to be worrinying about this stuff then you should noe that teenage girls are do worry bout stuff like this.
04:17:12 ·
update #1
Eat well, exercise in the correct proportion,drink enough water. Feel good about yourself and go be happy and 12!!
2006-12-26 13:53:48
answer #1
answered by thirsty mind 6
if you eat healthy and get a good amount of exercise (not obsessive) and you're not binging or purging...and you feel comfortable in your skin then you're good. At 12 you shouldn't be worried about your weight unless you're obese...or puking your guts out to lose weight. Why would your mom think you have an eating disorder? does she think you're too skinny? or does she think you're too fat? Why do you think you're fat? 90lbs is small, even for 5'4" I'm 5'6" and weight around 125 all thru highschool and was considered thin. The bottom line is being right & stay active....and don't obsess about your're too young to worry about that stuff. Your body will change a lot over the next few years. There will be so many things to worry about as you get older, don't make your weight you're primary stress!
2006-12-26 21:58:05
answer #2
answered by Madikam 2
i think we are too preoccupied about that. things are changing for us and it feels like our weight is the only thing we can control. last year i was kind of worried about my weight but then i read stuff on the Internet and check my body mass index (BMI) and found out i was perfectly healthy. you are quite small for your size and i would be worried. try to get some help. you have to realize, no matter how hard it is, that you are way too thin and you need help. get some one to talk to trust me people will care about you. i know this must sound very overwhelming but as a person who has a friend in a similar situation i just worry.
2006-12-26 21:59:19
answer #3
answered by linkielock 4
You're 12, you shouldn't be worrying about your weight. Be happy that you're healthy. Eat what you want and make sure to exercise. Go ride your bike or walk around the neighborhood with your friends. At 12 you should be energetic enough and be involved in enough physical activites to keep you in shape. As long as you're eating right and taking care of yourself, you're fine! Who cares what people think? Remember, it's what's inside that counts.
2006-12-26 21:54:07
answer #4
answered by forever.devoted 2
If people say you do then you most likely do. Why don't you go to the doctor and see what he/she says. It just might be you to be thin; metabolism or frame. If you're too skinny then he/she will help you get over your issues and gain weight. Professional opinions are what matters. But 90lbs at 12 y/o doesn't sound right.
2006-12-26 21:56:26
answer #5
answered by stephyrose87 3
its all to do with diet hun
youve got to eat well, and at proper times. Do you like eggs? because they have lots of good protein in. Meat, fish, milk, dairy, all that stuff. But sometimes people just take alittle bit longer to fill out thats all.
Maybe you could get your mum to work out your weight and height exactly then check on the internet for recommended body weights
2006-12-26 21:54:55
answer #6
answered by Sarah W 2
5'4 and 90lb is way too skinny. I think the average weight for a someone who is 5'4 is around 120lbs. You can search for a height/weight chart to see how much you should weigh. Plus, you're only 12, you're still growing. That's not healthy.
2006-12-26 21:52:59
answer #7
answered by contender569 4
No, you're still very young. I was about that much and trust me, the kids made fun of me all the time and said I was anorexic but I grew into my own. Though, I'm still quite skinny , it's mostly just gene's because I do eat. I'm 5'9" and 124.
2006-12-26 21:53:45
answer #8
answered by *Ms Manners* 2
you are far from fat, quite thin actually. Just focus on eating healthy and getting moderate exericise in most days of the week and you wont have to worry about that ever!!
2006-12-26 21:53:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I can only assume you mean size 12 in childrens?
You do seem to be a little too thin... ask your family doctor.
2006-12-26 21:52:39
answer #10
answered by Tiff 5