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Is it better to have many exercises that work the same muscles, or is it better to just have a few exercises to work a muscle and do more sets?

For example, is it better to have 5 exercises for your biceps, 12 reps each, or is it better to have 1-3 exercises for biceps and do 2 sets of the reps?

Right now, I'm doing about 11 exercises for upper-body, but when I'm done, I always feel EXAUSTED, I actually have to lay down and take a little nap before I go on...what should I do?

2006-12-26 09:55:27 · 3 answers · asked by Hank Ferris 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

3 answers

its best to keep the body confused. never do the same exercise or exercises each workout. stick to the basics obviously, i.e. bench, squat, dead lift, but try to do different exercises after core movements. keep your workouts short and sweet, 45 to 60 minutes, tops! i really hope your training lower body as well. stay symmetrical, if you dont train legs then have fun wearing jeans when its 100 degrees cause your embarrassed of them..lol.. stagger your sets. one day do super sets, next time drop sets, then maybe 3 sets of 6. its all about mixing it up.....never do the same workout twice! if your that tired after your workouts, make sure your giving your body AT LEAST 72 hours of down time for muscles to recoup!

2006-12-26 10:03:15 · answer #1 · answered by chuck j 2 · 0 0

There is nothing wrong if you do your workout step by step not at once. You cannot start running today and do the marathon. It takes will and discipline. Specially if you just stared working out and building your body. It is important once you get worm up to do exercises for 20 minutes with the right pulse.

2006-12-26 10:03:19 · answer #2 · answered by pikapoka 2 · 0 0

A few exercises that work a muscle or group is better than many because too much of anything will strain the muscle and their groups.


2006-12-26 09:57:37 · answer #3 · answered by dunric 1 · 0 0

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