actually there is something in dark chocolate that could kill a dog, its caffine and theobromine.. that can cause your dogs heart to beat erratic and cause a heartattack.. no joke ,google it
2006-12-26 09:09:04
answer #1
answered by diva 6
Depends on the size of the dog and the amount of the chocolate. I've also had German Shepherds who ate chocolate with no ill effects, but I've seen much smaller dogs have to be rushed to the vet after raiding a kid's Easter basket. The theobromine is toxic to a dog, but we as humans also consume things that would be considered toxic and are fatal in larger quantiites, such as those who die from alcohol poisoning.
2006-12-26 09:28:38
answer #2
answered by cruztacean1964 5
It depends on HOW much they eat. Chocolate kills dogs because their bodies cannot process it and it builds up and causes convulsions, seizures, fever, all kinds of horrible things. Sometimes vets can counter act the poison in the dogs system and keep them from dying, but yes, chocolate CAN kill your dog. It may be that your dog hasn't eaten enough to shut her system down yet. If its only a hershey kiss here and there is doesn't suprise me. I bet if she were to get in to and eat a couple of pounds of chocolate it would make her sick! It also depends on how much of the chocolate is real chocolate. A lot of what we eat is mostly sugar, but if your dog were to eat some of that all natural organic, pure cacoa stuff, it'd probably hurt her more.
On the other hand, some dogs can tolerate it. Just because they can...hard telling not knowing, but I'd never take the chance. Some dogs are SO sensitive, a friend of mine had a corgi puppy who LICKED a chocolate chip cookie, honest to GOD! And went into severe convulsions and seizure. Over $2000 afterwards, he come out of it fine, but would you want to risk it?
2006-12-26 09:18:32
answer #3
answered by Erica S 2
It's the theobromine in the chocolate that is the concern.
Dark chocolate (baker's chocolate) is the most dangerous because it has the most theobromine. Milk chocolate is the least dangerous because it has the least.
At 85 pounds, it would require a lot of chocolate to be harmful to your dog. My 13 pound Jack Russell could probably be killed by an ounce of dark chocolate, though.
2006-12-26 09:11:27
answer #4
answered by magsgundah 3
An 85 pound dog would have to eat quite a bit of chocolate to die. However, it could happen if your dog ate enough chocolate.
2006-12-26 09:14:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A small amount of chocolate is not going to kill the dog. Large amounts of dark or bakers chocolate could, but the dog has to consume 1/3 it's body weight in order for it to be dangerous.
2006-12-26 09:10:54
answer #6
answered by Yo LO! 6
No, it can make them really sick if they eat a lot of it...depends on the size of the dog. My friend had a 100lb Rott-Lab mix who ate chocolate Godiva bon-bons and drank merlot every weekend....that darn dog lived to be 14..which is rare for a big dog. The rule is usually the smaller the dog the longer they live so 14 is amazing for a "big -dog" My husband had a cockerspaniel who ate 3lbs of m&m's one christmas and aside from the "hershey squirts" that dog lived to 16.....hummmm...maybe its more of a preservative than a health hazard.
No but in all seriousness it is not ideal for them to eat it, but hell, live a little.
I have a 22yr old cockatiel who likes wine coolers.....I figure hell, she's legal and who am I to judge, she's made it this long.... let her have what ever she wants!
2006-12-26 09:21:22
answer #7
answered by Tanya N (thesingingbeaner) 3
I ad a dogdie from eating chocolate. Gotin my nephew and ate all the chocolate. You must give byour large dog a small amonut. But it is not a good idea. Go head and beleive all of those saying no it dose not hurt a dog. I know better. It is a sad thing towake up and find your dog dead.
2006-12-26 09:34:36
answer #8
answered by raven blackwing 6
Yes, It is very hard on the Dog's system. Make every effort to keep chocolate away from you Dog! Worm your Dog regularly for good health--it is the least used needed treatment!
2006-12-26 09:36:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, chocolate can become toxic to dogs in large amounts. Chocolate contains theobromine, which dogs can't metabolize like humans can. Eventually the theobromine will build up and lead to various health problems, the most serious of which is cardiac arrest.
2006-12-26 09:11:18
answer #10
answered by Digital Haruspex 5
Depends how much they injest and the dog's weight. Chocolate is poison to dogs in quantity as described above. (weight and how much consumed). I would not give a dog chocolate. Animals do not digest things the way we humans do. Things build up in their system and can result in tragic results over time.
2006-12-26 09:16:39
answer #11
answered by Anonymous