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she has been throwing up everytime we feed her with slight blood in it for the past two days and now she is just throwing up clear liquid any suggestions? oh and her food had this weird smell to it can dog food go bad we can't find an expiration date she is 8 months

2006-12-26 08:20:40 · 10 answers · asked by lalala876 2 in Pets Dogs

10 answers

If there is blood in the vomit she needs to go to the vet. It can be a sign of a stomach ulcer or a more serious condition. The fact that she is now vomiting clear liquid is probably that her stomach is empty and she's puking stomach acid -- when it happens to humans it's called dry heaves.

The vet will probably have you feed her boiled chicken and white rice and very small amounts until her stomach is settled.

I hope she's feeling better soon.

2006-12-26 08:34:50 · answer #1 · answered by magsgundah 3 · 1 0

Dog food can go bad, or if the can had a dent in it, it could have spoiled the food if the dent caused a crack in the can.

Call the vet. If she has blood in her vomit, she could have an irritated stomach, she could have eaten something (other than her food) that caused her stomach to be upset. He might tell you to withhold food for 24 hours and give her pepto. He will tell you the dosage, it's by the weight of the dog.

Be sure to give him any other symptoms (lethargy, diarrhea, anything out of the ordinary).

2006-12-26 16:24:54 · answer #2 · answered by BVC_asst 5 · 1 0

Please call a vet right away! There are a thousand things that can be wrong with your young dog. give her nothing but water until you take her in to the vet. If your baby was throwing up her food with blood would you be asking strangers on a web site what to do?

2006-12-26 16:26:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Take her to the vet. If her food smells bad don't give it to her... btw, dry dog food is better for their teeth, and there isn't much of a reason to feed wet, save for special occasions, or to supplement the food every now and then. TAKE HER TO THE VET, no one on yahoo answers is going to be able to exray her tummy and check for ulcers or foriegn objects, your pup needs professional care two days ago when you first spotted blood. I know vet trips are expensive, but if you can't afford to take her when she needs to go, then you prolly should rethink having a dog right now. I don't mean to be harsh, but that's the truth of it.

2006-12-26 16:29:12 · answer #4 · answered by timesdragonfly 3 · 1 0

Call your vet and make an appointment. The food could have been bad or she may have eaten something that she is not suppose to. She may also have something blocking her stomach. Call the vet.

2006-12-26 17:37:37 · answer #5 · answered by IDesign_2 1 · 0 0

I have two dogs too, and my jack russel has recently been sick, and throwing up too. If you have grass, let them eat it because it soothes there stomach. If your dog has rotten food, eating candy,chocolate is poison to their systems. He/She could've gotten into something around the house. Its pratically normal. Like i said let them eat grass. (And incase your wondering where i got this information, my mom was a vet for 36 years,and my dad for 24)

2006-12-26 16:39:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get off the computer and run to the vet

2006-12-26 22:49:26 · answer #7 · answered by Scooter 3 · 0 0

First check if she's been eating chocolate or raisins or if she got into any medication. Either way I would contact your vet ASAP

2006-12-26 16:25:36 · answer #8 · answered by palendrome_7 1 · 1 0

Vet time!

2006-12-26 16:25:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

heres a sugestion VET VET VET VET VET VET VET VET VET VET.........................VET

2006-12-26 16:24:42 · answer #10 · answered by luckydo6 3 · 0 0

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