Of course have her checked by a vet. I have a 5 y.o. female yorkie who has red mange and also a bacterial skin yeast infection. I ordered from this web site www.nustock.com a paste that you put on their skin every 3 days. It has sulfur, mineral oil, and pine oil as some of the ingredients. It's not expensive and it's a pretty large jar of ointment. It is guraranteed to stop the itching immediately as well as grow the hair back. It is guaranteed to work or you get your money back. they have several testimonials on their site; the shipping was fast. I I ordered it, used it, and it is working. My dog also scratched and whined because of the excessive itching. I am also using this ointment with medicated shampoo that I got from the vet. I tend to believe that it is the ointment that is working and growing the hair back because the shampoo alone was not completely effective in stopping the itching. I gave some of the ointment to a co-worker who has a shih tzu who has the same problem. She stated her dog would wake her up scratching. She tried it and states it's working for her also.
2006-12-26 08:09:43
answer #1
answered by drfoxiediva 1
There are so many things it can be, From fleas, food allergies, seasonal allergies, mites, mange, hot spots, yeast, worms and other parasites. It is past time to take her to the vet..do so asap. Could be serious, and cause other problems or it could be just a change in diet. But a vet should make that diagnosis. Would you wait until a child is itching that much and and cries excessively and don't know what the cause is?? I would think not. Don't wait on your dog either. Benedryl will relieve the itching, but it is NOT a cure. She wines because she is uncomfortable and probably has some pain. So do the right thing and take her to a vet.
2006-12-26 18:18:40
answer #2
answered by just me 6
Of course, take her to the Vet. I would suggest taking her to a Vet which will also consider homeopathic methods as opposed to the typical steroid doses.
Also, check her food. I highly suggest switching her to an all natural diet that is supplemented for a dog with allergies and skin problems. The go-to source for starting this method is Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Cats and Dogs.
2006-12-26 17:07:03
answer #3
answered by SGTCharity 2
A Benadryl tablet in a fold of baloney for the short term will fix the problem. But it will probably make her sleepy, so don't freak.
Go get a bottle of fish oil tablets at Wal-Mart or pretty much anywhere that sells vitamins and give her 1 of those a day. The oils will help her skin and after a week or so she should be fine.
2006-12-26 15:52:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Previous response is absolutely right, no one can diagnose over the internet. However, sounds like she may have a skin allergy, or skin parasites causing her to itch.
A vet can do a skin scrape and find out what is ailing her. In the meantime, I would get cold cloths and set them on her itchy spots. Maybe bathe her in shampoo that is soothing for very sensitive skin (dog shampoo... human shampoo can be VERY drying)
2006-12-26 15:56:52
answer #5
answered by Kristin B © 6
The vet is the best place to go. My dog suffers from food allergies. When they flare up she scratches her fur off, and always rubs herself on the furniture. If your dog has allergies, conditioners won't help.
2006-12-26 16:17:15
answer #6
answered by lickitysplit 2
my dog has suffered with this for most of her life we have tried allergy food but this hasn't worked. she constantly scratches a few months ago we got some steriods of the vet they work but she might have to take them for the rest of her life and she is only 1 year. even if she is a bit late taking it the itching starts up again
2006-12-26 15:52:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
My dog had fur problems too so I went to the vet and he loaded me up with expensive shampoos, etc.. Finally figured we were feeding her wrong as my husband cooked stew beef, etc. every night for her, but once we put her on real dog food, she cleared up. She didn't like it but at least she had some fur.
2006-12-26 16:01:37
answer #8
answered by Lauren W 1
First check with your vet. It could be anything from Mange (very bad) to dry skin. Rule out the worst first and then treat what you have. If you have other pets and it is mange, they may need treatment also.
2006-12-26 15:51:41
answer #9
answered by dracomullet 4
My suggestion is to go see a vet. They will tell you what exactly is wrong with your dog and give you something for the itch. Obviously its bothering her.
2006-12-26 15:53:50
answer #10
answered by undertowrottie 2