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i go a brendal pitbull puppy and i have no idea what to do

2006-12-26 07:38:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

12 answers

Congratulations on your new puppy! First, I would get him some puppy chow, then make sure he has water. I would by him lots of chew toys, and a small house kennel. When you leave, or go to bed train him to stay in the kennel, at least until he is house broken. I train my dog like this and now he is the best puppy ever. I also put some toys in the kennel with him to play with if he wakes and gets bored.
Make sure you keep him up to date on shots, and rabies vaccines.
Good luck! And don't listen to people that put you down, everyone has to make mistakes to learn anything.

2006-12-26 07:59:09 · answer #1 · answered by woman_luvshorses 1 · 1 0

Good god. You have gotten a pitbull and have no idea how to tend to a puppy?
Not to be judgemental, but you SHOULD NOT have gotten a puppy, especially a breed that is already misrepresented.

I got my first pitbull when I have freshly moved out of my parents house and WHAT A TERROR.
Puppies are extremelly active and clingy. They can get bored very quickly and be extremelly destructive. My pitbull had to be crated during the day when I was gone. Pitbulls are especially high maintenance dogs. My pitbull is full grown and still climbs onto the counters and chews on things she shouldn't be.

What you need to do is turn that poor puppy into a rescue society where they can find a suitable home that is ready for a puppy that needs that much maintenance, and next time you get a pitbull, do the breed a favor and research and know your prepared before you make such rash decisions.

Puppies are like babies. They're not a quick minute decision.

2006-12-26 15:45:22 · answer #2 · answered by Kristin B © 6 · 3 0

Ok y buy a puppy in the first place if you have no idea what to do with it. Give the dog to someone who acctually knows what they are doing for now to take care of it as you look it up!! Call the vet ask them!! read a book!! If you dont give the right care and attention to a pitbull it could turn out dangerous. So do it now b4 you have to give it away. And then there will be little chance of it living. so get on it.

2006-12-26 17:20:42 · answer #3 · answered by Jess 2 · 1 0

why did u buy a puppy without doing ANY research? A dog needs almost as much care as a child! Go out buy puppy food a crate and then make an appointment with the vet. Start housetraining and basic obedience. Also sign up for a puppy obedience class, that not only helps with the simple sit,stay come, but also socialization.

2006-12-26 15:42:50 · answer #4 · answered by S C 3 · 3 0

I will not be harsh with you about getting a dog without knowing how to tend to its needs but i will say that the person you got this poor pit puppy from is what we call a BYB. Meaning a good breeder does not sell or give a dog to some one with no knowledge. that being said. 1 you need to call your vet and set up a puppy physical, this includes shots worming and general health check.
2 you need to buy a good puppy food i use pedigree puppy.
3 buy a crate it will save you some headaches.
4 buy lots of toys different textures and shapes to prevent boredom.
5 in roll in a puppy class especially with owning a pit puppy for the first time. OUR BREED HAS ENOUGH TROUBLE WITH OUT ADDING ANOTHER DUMB OWNER TO THE MIX!!!!!!!!!!!
6 and when all else fails and you realize you may have gotten in to deep call your local pit bull rescue they can help in more ways than one

2006-12-26 16:42:02 · answer #5 · answered by Bluies101 2 · 0 0

It is totally irresponsible of anyone to "get" a puppy and have no idea what to do. Get yourself to the nearest library and take out books on raising a dog. Better yet, give the puppy back.

Pet ownership is a huge responsibility and NOT to be taken lightly. Pit bulls are very smart but very stubborn and tough. They become impervious to pain. You need to know exactly how to train it so that it is a well behaved member of society. It is totally your responsibility to make that happen. When you accept an animal into your life you accept responsibility for it for it's life. They cannot be discarded when they are no longer cute or become uncontrollable. They need regular medical care. They need love and attention. They are like raising a child. Are you willing to take that on?

2006-12-26 15:55:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well you need to buy puppy food. Make sure your puppy has water. Start training your dog to go outside. So after every feeding, waking and playing you want to bring your pup outside. Bring him/her for walks. Get some toys. You might want to make an appointment with a vet and get vaccinations, vet check up.

2006-12-26 15:47:58 · answer #7 · answered by undertowrottie 2 · 0 0

After it has been given all of its shots and checked over by a vet you need to SOCIALIZE it!!!!!!! This is huge!!! I had a pit but the only socialization she got was with my great dane-notice both BIG dogs. When I moved I was unable to take her with me-obviously many places refuse to allow pits because of their reputations. I gave her to a neighbor because he also had a pit and I thought they would keep eachother company. Unfortunately one day while they were on a walk (stupidly WITHOUT a leash!) my pit saw another dog-a smaller dog (a weiner dog I believe)-and she wanted to "play". However because she was unfamiliar with how to play with small dogs she ended up killing the other dog. Socialization is so important for puppies, make sure your dog is able to interact (supervised) with other dogs-small and big, old and young, etc.-as well as with children...again supervised!

2006-12-26 15:47:35 · answer #8 · answered by photoenhance 3 · 0 0

Your best resource would be your vet! Take your pup in for an initial check up to make sure it's in good health and ask the vet for information. They will often give you brochures and booklets on how to care for a dog throughout the stages of its life!

Congrats on your new pup!

2006-12-26 15:43:11 · answer #9 · answered by Shannon 6 · 2 0

Good for you .
Be gentle but firm with your little bully . You will find out why they call the pit bull the bully breed . LoL . You are gonna love him or her . They are outstanding dogs .
Most of the others have done a good job answering your question so I will just say congratulations !!!

2006-12-26 22:53:59 · answer #10 · answered by Eric 2 · 1 0

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