just if ou straighhtener its a ceramic one... but best if you put a straightening cream when wet and then wait till it dries, then you ion straighten it
2006-12-26 07:40:02
answer #1
answered by frog 4
No you cant with a straightner.. Thats kind of dangerous to use a flat iron straightner when your hair is wet. For best results blow or air dry your hair first and then straighten. Think of it this way, would you use an iron on your wet clothes.. No its not very productive..
2006-12-26 15:39:38
answer #2
answered by Grace 4
With the right straightener you can. My Wet2Straight by Remington doesn't damage my hair at all and I just towel dry before use. It only costs about $20!
2006-12-26 15:59:06
answer #3
answered by Tess 4
Some straighteners let you Most Conairs and Remington wet2straights can it all depends on what kind you have if their are holes in the straightening part then it can straighten when its wet.
If it doesn't then its not good for your hair if you straighten it when its wet.
2006-12-26 15:44:00
answer #4
answered by softbal094 2
Yeahh. It might not be so good for your hair, but straightening is bad for your hair period. If you're already ruining your hair by straightening it...well, i doubt your hair being wet will make it much worse.
2006-12-26 15:41:42
answer #5
answered by Remy 5
not with a regular straightener, it like burns your hair and damages it. you have to buy a certain kind specifically for straighting wet hair
2006-12-26 15:40:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Electricity and water don't go good together!!!It won't stay staightned very long.I've done it before and it frizzed up big time.So grab a hairdryer and dry before you straighten, it's the best way
2006-12-26 15:46:34
answer #7
answered by ◊junior c/o '11◊ 2
yes you can but you have to buy this $200 straitener but i have tried it and it works well
2006-12-26 15:45:33
answer #8
answered by Lexi L 1
I tried straighthening my hair one time when its wet, and no it sizzled and sounded bad. i never tried doing it again but yeah, some certain straighter says it can. but the point is it will DAMAGE your hair. (=
2006-12-26 15:47:34
answer #9
answered by krissy 1
yes with a certain straightner i have it but i dont use it when its wet. Its called Wet to straight by remmington.
2006-12-26 16:56:49
answer #10
answered by he is all i want...♥ 2