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I want to get a puppy from a pet store but I am only aware of 2 pet stores near me. They are called the Pet Company one is in Crossgates and the other is in Colonie Center. Anything around there that sells puppies would be a great help. I know some people are against getting puppies from pet stores, but I'm not (anymore), so please leave any comments about pet stores and how they supposedly treat dogs, or how it's bad to get them from there, please leave out of your answers. Thank You. - Val

2006-12-26 07:35:23 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Pets Dogs

I know pet stores are bad.

2006-12-26 07:42:47 · update #1

I got my first 2 dogs from very reputable breeders, but I don't feel as if I rescued them, and I dont' want to go to a rescue because you can't find purebred puppies there. I've tried.

2006-12-26 08:24:18 · update #2

5 answers

Go to the pet store and get a hermit-crab. It's about the only pet you should consider buying from a pet store!

If you know about puppy-mills, why would you ever consider getting a puppy-mill puppy from a pet store? The only way to stop puppy mills is for no one to buy puppies from pet stores - No buyers, no mill-breeders!

Buy from a reputible breeder or adopt an unwanted dog from a shelter.

2006-12-26 07:52:06 · answer #1 · answered by Yo LO! 6 · 1 0

You know pet stores are bad, yet you still want to purchase from them. If you want to rescue a dog or puppy go to the local shelter, you can probably get one for a minimal fee that covers spay/neuter costs!

Pet stores buy their puppies from Puppy Mills and Back Yard Breeders that produce puppies in such high volume, and don't care what happens to their puppies. At the stores they are kept in wire cages or glass cubicles and are usually sick by the time someone buys them. Buying a puppy from a pet store helps keep the Puppy Mills and Back Yard Breeder in business lining their pockets with poor quality pups.

Do a little homework on the breed you are interested in, and ask your vet and other vets in your area if they have client with that breed. you can go to www.akc.org to check for breeders that might be near by. If rescue is what your intentions are, look up a local (breed specific) rescue group. You'll have to fill out an application to make sure you and your home qualify, but....

2006-12-26 10:45:04 · answer #2 · answered by Pam 6 · 1 0

I find it odd that you can't get a "purebred" dog from rescue. If you are looking to help an abused, neglected or abandoned dog but want to a particular breed because you have done your research and found a breed that matches your lifestyle, try akc.org. The AKC has an active list of the National Parent clubs for certain breeds along with the associated rescue organizations.

If you are looking for an unusual or scarce breed, it might be a while before one comes into rescue that fits your family. But most of the popular breeds have lots of great dogs looking for forever homes.

Good luck!! and please, don't buy from a pet store. Go to a reputable purebred rescue or breeder.

2006-12-26 09:25:40 · answer #3 · answered by horsenhound 3 · 2 0

pet Stores are bad... I now from personal experience. My aunt bought a chow chow from a pet store and it had every genetic disease that the breed could get. They buy from puppy mills that are only interested in making a profit. Good breeders want to know what homes their puppies are going to. Please find a reputable breeder or even better check out an Animal Shelter. They sometimes have pure breeds, or just as good mixed breeds. My best dog came from a shelter.

2006-12-26 07:40:25 · answer #4 · answered by S C 3 · 1 0

Well, by buying from a pet store, you might feel you are "rescuing"...but what you are doing is making the puppy mills breed MORE puppies that will need to be rescued. Guess that will be GREAT news for the other puppies born!!

2006-12-26 08:57:01 · answer #5 · answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7 · 2 0

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