There could be any number of reasons. It could be an allergic reaction, or mange, or dietary deficiency, or any one of a hundred other reasons.
The important thing is to get your dog to the vet to be diagnosed properly. Most of these conditions are easily treated if caught early but the if the hair loss is the result of a more severe medical issue, the sooner it is seen by a vet, the better chance you have of treating your dog successfully.
2006-12-26 08:43:58
answer #1
answered by Ravanne_1 5
I'm no veterinarian, but it could very well be mange. Mange is a parasitical skin disease (mites) that causes hair loss in patches. If left untreated, the dog could lose all hair and become very ill. I would suggest bringing your dog to a vet and having a skin scrape done to check it out.
2006-12-26 07:33:05
answer #2
answered by Kristin B © 6
Off hand, I would say it was a thyroid problem but this isn't always the case. You didn't say how old your dog was or if it was male or female. If a female and not spayed, sometimes this can correct the situation. There are a number of dermatological problems in dogs including flea dermatitis, etc.
Your dog needs to be checked by a vet to be sure...
2006-12-26 07:33:07
answer #3
answered by Incognito 6
It may be either skin allergies, this breed can be prone to them.. Or it may be a type of mange. If it becomes more of a problem, I would have a vet check it out. Try using a dog shampoo for sensitive skin as well.
2006-12-26 07:31:41
answer #4
answered by nik<3 2
I had a lab who started to lose hair on her legs. I rushed her to the vet thinking it was mange - turns out she had a bad case of fleas and was allergic. The allergy was making her hair fall out. But since mange is always a possibility when you notice hair lose on your dog - you need to have a vet check him out.
2006-12-26 07:34:13
answer #5
answered by Camirra 3
it must be allergies. Did you call the vet lower back? How usually do you provide her a shower? She is in basic terms a toddler and somewhat shouldn't choose for a shower lots yet. it must be her foodstuff or perhaps what you have been bathing her with. it may additionally be she replaced into taken from her mom too quickly if she is in basic terms 11 weeks previous and that has under pressure her out. i could call the vet lower back and ask what else it must be. She is in basic terms toddler so please do no longer enable it bypass. good luck together with her.
2016-10-19 00:21:31
answer #6
answered by kigar 4
Allergies, time to go to the vet. Ask about using Benadryl if you want to try that first but it is important to get a dose of course.
2006-12-26 07:33:17
answer #7
answered by ? 2
It's most likely allergies, take them to the vet to make sure. All they'll need is a shot once a year and they'll be good as new♥
2006-12-26 07:31:28
answer #8
answered by ♥USMCwife♥ 5
She may be allergic to something or may have a parasite called scabies. Take her to the Vet so that they can check her out.
2006-12-26 09:43:17
answer #9
answered by IDesign_2 1
If you've ruled out fleas and other parasites, it is most likely an allergy or diet.
2006-12-26 07:31:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous