It could mean he feels comfortable around you. If it makes you feel weird, tell him. Or call him big pappa :)
2006-12-26 05:38:49
answer #1
answered by JAD 4
Its most likely just force of habit from hearing his father say it all of the time to his mom from an impressionable age or having to say it to his mom from an impressionable age. Its a respectful thing. If it bothers you, you can break the habit by coming up with nicknames for eachother.
2006-12-26 13:40:48
answer #2
answered by JAMI E 5
Maybe he thinks you are demanding like some mothers are. Or maybe he is just weird like that ask him and find out why he calls you that. strange, but maybe he has mother issues. Who knows. Ask him, only he can tell you why.
2006-12-26 13:40:04
answer #3
answered by george 4
Maybe he thinks of you as more of a mother than a girlfriend? That's weird that he would call you that.
2006-12-26 13:42:10
answer #4
answered by Tee 3
It s a term of endearment like sweetie, honey, baby. Some people just address people with terms of endearment. I wouldn't read too much into it.
2006-12-26 13:49:39
answer #5
answered by heyitsmedarra 3
He is weird. What else can it mean when a guy does something to freak his dates like that??
2006-12-26 13:36:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
How does he say it? are you telling him to do something and he goes " Yes Mother" or something like that? If so, he is just being sarcastic to your bossy ways... If he is just calling you mommy or mother as a pet name, then run... far, far away... as fast as you can... run now... seriously... run.
2006-12-26 13:43:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ewwww, it means he has issues. I would be confused too, but more turned off. I wouldn't give it much more thought, you know you need to dump him.
2006-12-26 13:41:25
answer #8
answered by Bingo's Mommy 5
I think that he's subtley hinting that his sexual fantasy with you is that he wants to dress up as a baby, suck on your boobs, and then you spank him.
Just kidding. I think that it means that he thinks that you are kinda babying him a bit too much or something.
2006-12-26 13:40:03
answer #9
answered by Jake 2
it may be freaky at first, but its just a way to show you he loves you and/or that he cares, my boyfriend (ex) used to say that too, it was sweet and made me feel loved. im a latin and calling girls mami is sexy also
2006-12-26 14:11:44
answer #10
answered by nadie entendia mi nick asi que lo cambie 5