You said the guys was your "future perhaps boyfriend" and that you "can't go out with the guy until later"...
I would suggest you not stand in the way of your best friend who you said could go out with the guy.
I would say to both of them, "hey, sorry I've been acting weird about this. I can't date now, you guys can, I like you both a lot and I want you both to be happy, so if you want to date each other don't feel like you need to keep it from me. Hey when I can date I'll find myself a Mr. Right or two".
2006-12-26 05:18:16
answer #1
answered by ScubaGuy 3
Well here is my conclusion. He is going to do what he wants to do and respect what he chooses, because after all he will probably do what makes him happy. WHY WORRY ABOUT SOMETHING YOU CANNOT CONTROL. Know that your a kick *** girl, and any guy in his right mind wouldn't pass you up. Stay confident. If he falls for your friend, its his loss, and not yours. Having this attitude should eliminate a lot of the jealosy issues. The world is so big and there are so many guys out there just dieing to meet a girl like you... keep that in mind! And gives someone a good peice of mind! :-)
2006-12-26 05:26:55
answer #2
answered by Royce 3
Seems like your best friend is your best nightmare.
It is best that u move forward and dont even dwell on this guy,
He sounds "whatever" self conceited.
U deserve better, dont let either get u down or your power.
Move on and find a decent guy that dont play emotions with your brain.
2006-12-26 05:21:42
answer #3
answered by sunflare63 7
a question to you, "Do you like Him", if specific then make a pass, If the respond is "No" then basically because of the fact his pals tease him and your persons tease you and he stares at you or takes down your email handle, doesnt propose you ought to start liking him, or pass out with him or preserve it. particularly considering that he has no longer yet spoken approximately it to you. this is my say with regard to the placement. reason he doesnt do something is he could be shy, he could be reading his very own thoughts for you, or another reason. In the two techniques provide him time. till at last he makes a pass you communicate approximately what you should be doing, have relaxing :). adult adult males have one hundred issues of their techniques, so if he doesnt pop out with it, then this is his subject. Dont attempt to make his subject yours
2016-11-23 18:01:24
answer #4
answered by ? 4
see if you know what is the worse that can happen then get ready and deal with the reality do not assume so think before you take any step and think of all the worse case scanearios that can occur i do not want to mention them here but if you want to know more e-mail me at
2006-12-26 05:23:06
answer #5
answered by khanaliimran 3
okay okay okay relax take a deep breath and think, they both stopped talking to you right, he is treating you different...... come now put it all together they are dating, im really sorry to say but let him go hes let you go and doesnt even care......why would you want to waste your time with someone who is like that? go out there and find yourself someone real.
2006-12-26 05:23:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
it depends on how long you've known the guy, have you guys agree to start seeing each other, even talked about it??
if not, i don't think there's a reason for you to be doubting him at all cuz he's not yours to keep for now, i know it hurts to hear....
but if you truly care for him , talk to him about it, and see what's happening, he should be honest enough to talk to you
good luck
2006-12-26 05:22:55
answer #7
answered by tele t 2
it seems to me that u really like this guy so i suggest that you talk to your best friend and ask her if she likes him if she is really your best friend she will tell you the truth .then ask him what he thinks about her and how he view's her. this is my opion so if you think this is not the right way dont try it.
2006-12-26 05:27:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
There's not much you can do but wait it out. Heartbreaks are part of growing up,so learn from them.
2006-12-26 05:37:05
answer #9
answered by papa G 6
2006-12-26 05:23:26
answer #10
answered by The Isht! 2