Spread chocolate all over his weiner so you will enjoy it 300X more!
2006-12-26 05:19:09
answer #1
answered by tombomber27 3
I'm not trying to be mean and please dont take this the wrong way. Instead of asking us, ask him. We cant tell you how to please him. Only he can tell you what makes him feel good and what feels good to him. Just before you start, ask him how he prefer it to be done. What motion makes him squirm and which one turns him off. Dont be afraid. If you love him and he's still with, obviously just giving him head or a "hang job" isnt the only reason he's with you. If it was, and you still havent done it to him, he would not be with you.
2006-12-26 05:24:21
answer #2
answered by nina 3
ok, i'm not gonna lie to you, but you shouldn't if you're not comfortable with it!!!
my ex has the same problem, but i cared enough to tell her that she can take as much time as she wants until she feels comfortable.
i know you want to make him feel good, but if it's really uncomfortable for you, you will eventually be disgusted by it. so just hang in there, tell him the truth, if he doesn't understand may be he's not right for you afterall....
sorry to say but good luck alright?
2006-12-26 05:20:11
answer #3
answered by tele t 2
hey fren u say that u feel that u r doin somethin wrong and its not exciting...then why to do so????
believe me fren...plz dont think that i m tryin to brk ur relatonship wid ur guy...but wat i think is that if he doesnt have any prob in fingerin u then it means that he had and may be also has many girls (may b u r among many of his gf.s) whom he had such close relationships......i m not tryin to hurt u but u really need to think over it....its like if u loves u so much he wud have understood that u were uncomfortable wid him and then he wudnt have asked u to do that........i dont knw whether u r understanding what i m saying...but still my dear fren this world isnt the way we want.....so think...but faster. if u need any help frm me jus mail me at - pyaree_coolmini@yahoo.co.in
2006-12-26 05:25:20
answer #4
answered by pyaree 1
All I can say to this is practise,practise,practise. It all takes practice if you haven't really experienced it much,ask him how it feels and if he says it feels great then you're doing just fine. He will let you know if it doesn't feel good,he should if he's a real man.
2006-12-26 05:21:10
answer #5
answered by ? 3
Let Matt be your guide and believe me its rare to do anything wrong when you are playing with a guys twangy thangy. ha ha..Just relax.
2006-12-26 05:20:50
answer #6
answered by Mean Carleen 7
There's ALMOST no such thing as bad head. Just keep your teeth away and I promise he'll be happy.
2006-12-26 05:22:32
answer #7
answered by s v 2
first of all as a guy let me tell you you CANT do it wrong just go slow and let him tell you what feels good the more you practice the easier it will get and your confidence will build just do it its all good
2006-12-26 05:19:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If he complains then you know that your arent doing it right but i suspect you are and you are just afraid of not pleasing him. Practice makes perfection..
2006-12-26 05:19:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Get u some olive oil which is natural stuff and use it on him , plus u can eat it.
2006-12-26 05:18:28
answer #10
answered by sunflare63 7
2006-12-26 05:18:32
answer #11
answered by Anonymous