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How do I get started with the Memorex Travel Drive 8 gig. I want to transfer musics from my computer to this Travel Drive but don't know the steps to do it. How do I activate the drive so I can begin the process on how to use this travel drive?

2006-12-26 04:40:05 · 3 answers · asked by Techno Clueless 1 in Computers & Internet Software

3 answers

Did you install the Travel Drive?

After it is installed, open My Computer. Look for the Travel Guide. Right-cl on it and select "create shortcut." If the shortcut goes to the bottom of the list, cut/paste to the desktop for quick access.

Now, open the folder with the music and the Travel Guide.
Resize windows.
Drag over.

2006-12-26 05:24:08 · answer #1 · answered by TheHumbleOne 7 · 0 0

plug it in your machine through USB, a windows will popup and click explore to open up the directory of the drive. Drag all your files in there or remember the drive letter assigned to the drive and save the files you want to that drive letter..

2006-12-26 04:45:01 · answer #2 · answered by keith s 5 · 0 0

If it opened in winzip, severe-easy each and all the archives and click the "Extract" button. A container will pop up asking you the place to place those archives. click the down arrow on the container and chosen "own laptop" and click ok. this could positioned the archives on your own laptop so which you will deploy the drivers.

2016-10-28 09:51:34 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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