2 days ago, there was a murder case in US. The detective on the case was John Holmes. He worked on the case for hours trying to solve it. All evidence pointed to a suspect named Mark.
So John the detective went to see the suspect and asked him "there was a murder 2 days ago, do you know anything about it?"
Mark said "no, I wasn't in the US 2 days ago"
The detective asked "so where were you 2 days ago".
The suspect said "oh, I was at the north pole!! Oh my, it was cold but what a great trip!, I just got back this morning!"
Detective asked "what did you do there?"
The suspect said "oh not much, just took some pictures! Boy, the penguins were beautiful, they were the cutest things I saw!"
At that instant, the detective said "I know you were responsible for the murder! You are under arrest!"
Question: How did the detective know the suspect was lying??
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