My girlfriend and i had been dating for about 6 months. She dumped me on my birthday and said she had never liked me and was still in love with her ex. About a week later she comes back and says she wants to get back together. Eventhough that whole week she was ignoring me and saying how much she hates me. So we're back together now, but in her porfile its all about her ex syaing things like, " I guess we never really moved on" and " Don't you miss the way we were". Her ex always treated her like **** and she knows that. She also knows that i treat her far better than he did. Yet Shes still inlove with him. so WHY did she come back to me?
18 answers
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Her ex is still in love with her also. Sorry i left that out. thats kinda big.
03:50:26 ·
update #1
Because you're a tool she can use to get at her real boyfriend.
Pick yourself up,dust yourself off,and dump her. It'll be good for
your self-respect.
2006-12-26 03:42:08
answer #1
answered by Alion 7
Have you ever thought about the possibility that when she dumped you on your BIRTHDAY that she tried to get him back and he didn't want her? So she new like a puppy that you would be right there? Do you know how dumb it sounds when you say that she is still in love with him but why did she come back to you? GET A CLUE! Dump this girl, get some self respect andnever take her back again. If you are a nice guy you won't be when she is done with you. You will be more attractive to other girls when you get a backbone to go along with your nice guy person that you are.
2006-12-26 03:46:42
answer #2
answered by *queenfairy1*Antioch California 7
I agree w/ the first answerer.
The real question here is why did you LET her come back?
'Aint that much love in the world'
Sounds like she IS still in love w/ her ex.. has feelings for him to say the least.
Let her go.. tell her she needs time to heal/move on/ get over him.. whatever.
She just needs to do it AWAY from you. you cant let her tear you down as she tries to build herself back up. Who knows that the next time she starts REALLY missing him, she wont take it out on you?
OH.. and to answer your REAL question.. she came back b/c you let her. she came back b/c you're a better man than her ex.. even though he treats her like $h!t..... she still cares for him.. she may know in her MIND that you're the better man.. but her heart has her going different directions..
Let her find her way on her own... you're not mapquest and can't give her the type of direction she needs.
Good luck .
2006-12-26 03:46:49
answer #3
answered by sa_hollingsworth 2
Why did she come back? Your the best one to answer the question, since you know her best. You know better than people answering the question. But based on my own life experience. There is a type of person that needs to be with someone, and if they can't be with whom they want they'll take second or third best. Someone who's easy to hook up with until something better comes along. It's also true some women for some reason, like guys who treat them bad. So use her, keep your heart, she may be gone at any moment, and don't try so hard to please her she'll like you better.
2006-12-26 04:01:05
answer #4
answered by Roy 3
Its obvious that she really loves her ex. Honestly i think she is coming back because you ll take her back no matter what. I know i did the same to another guy. I was so in love with another guy but would stick to him because no matter what he was gonna be there and he was gonna give me the attention the other guy wasn't doing. The best advice i can give is blow her off and let her be alone. There are many girls looking for good guys. As a matter of fact how old are you????? LOL
2006-12-26 03:52:42
answer #5
answered by love 2
Run fast. This girl is no good for you. She only came back because her ex didn't want her. She is using you because she knows that she can. Dump her fast. She dump you on your birthday. What kind of person is she? Don't waste your time on her she'll hurt you again. Move on and find a girl that really likes you.
2006-12-26 03:43:04
answer #6
answered by Inez 3
ASK HER! A relationship, no matter how shallow it is, is about communicating. There is no way anyone can answer for her. Personally, it sounds like she has issues that she hasn't resolved about her ex-boyfriend. She needs to dump the "garbage" before she can make a new relationship, whether it be with you or not. She is bringing the issues she had with her ex into the relationship she has with you. I think you are wasting your time with her. She needs to get help to move on, and you need to get help to move on before you two destroy each other.
2006-12-26 03:43:37
answer #7
answered by Ikeg 3
Dump her sorry but! She's just using you to get back with her x. Man it up and dump her and tell her exactly why. Then, move on. Good luck.
2006-12-26 03:50:56
answer #8
answered by [><] Rebel 3
sounds like she came back cuz her ex didn't want her. you shouldn't have taken her back if she said she hated you and never wanted to be with you... sorry bud, your getting used. dump this chick before she has the chance to do it to you AGAIN. she is probably just waiting for her ex to come back around. i don't think she wants to be alone. leave her before she has the chance to do this to you all over again, and move on. don't listen to her crap. leave her and leave her alone.
2006-12-26 03:43:08
answer #9
answered by ~karma~ 2
Daniel Garcia said it best. Dump her. You deserve to be treated bettter than that.
2006-12-26 03:43:45
answer #10
answered by sweetness 3